>Bioware will never return to this level of storytelling
>cursed to be dumpster shit with bad animations
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That scene is a joke though - for the fans.
This, it was pure wankfest
the mass effect series did have some high points yes. Like most of the first one, and many parts in the second. But once ME3 came out, seems like that storytelling was substituted for more effort on gameplay. And this is giving bioware the benefit of doubt which they dont deserve
Citadel and some of the Inquisition DLC are basically fanfiction tier with memes and stuff that tries so hard to be funny it's just painful
>you will never drink some krogans under the table
why do I even have a liver?
Is Andromeda's story really going to be about chasing alien artifacts across the galaxy before the big bad can use them against you?
Because that's really weak.
Bioware hasn't been good since Neverwinter Nights
That was a joke, though.
Also, the energetic party is better.
Since Jade Empire, the most underrated Bioware game.
Neverwinter Nights campaign sucked ass though, Undrentide and HotU were the good ones.
Was meant for
Jade Empire was shit. It was just KotOR in China right down to the ebin plot twist.
It's fucking awful though. Even though it's a joke, it's just horribly painful to watch. Or I'm just autistic.
>KotOR in China
I fail to see a problem
I'm playing through the whole trilogy again because I never got around to playing 3 and wanted the saves and I forgot how fucking awkward it is to control the mako. Like it makes me think it controls like a Halo warthog but it fucking doesn't and it's frustrating. They made some real weird design choices
>Jade Empire was shit.
I will find you and I will kill you.
Well, aside from being a rehash, the gameplay was just awful. Also, there were no weapons/armor, you couldn't modify your character's appearance, which really pisses me off in an RPG.
I will give them credit for allowing an incest threesome, though. That would never happen in a modern Bioware game.
>Wrex in Mass Effect 3
What Bioware did to his character was a crime.
That they allowed him some happiness?