I'm going to be placed under house arrest for a month soon

I'm going to be placed under house arrest for a month soon.

What are some good, time consuming games for anal-retentive people with nothing better to do?

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Mount and Blade Warband

this + DLC

From The Depths

Thank you. Going to check them out. Appreciate it.


House arrest is timeout for adults who do silly things. I sure hope you're joshing me.

Yeah I'm pretty sure we know who the underage B& is here haha

So user, what are ya in for?

Disgaea series
Neptunia series
Mugen souls series (my favorite)

EYE Divine Cybermancy maybe?

DUI. Got a concussion and couldn't remember anything for about five days afterward. Blacked out at the wheel and veered off the road and into a rock.

I know I'm a numb cunt for what I did. There's no excuse for it, never will be. Somebody else could have gotten hurt or killed because of that. Thankful to have only fucked up a rock on the side of the road.

Only heard of Neptunia, gonna check the rest out, too. Thank you.

Always been curious about that. Heard that the learning curve is daunting for some people. Still always looked cool.

That sucks OP, I find pic related to be a good game in those "stranded on a island" type deal. Its good if youre into SRPGS

If you're not afraid of steep learning curves, check out Dwarf fortress. Will you have internet while under house arrest?

Yeah I'm glad only you and a rock got fucked up. Could've been a lot worse.

At least you get to play more vidya now!

can't go wrong with these Sup Forums classics either

>Thankful to have only fucked up a rock


Witcher 3 has a surprising amount of content if that sort of game is your jam.

Already like the premise. Is it a turn-based game?

Now that's a game that I'd really have to have a full understanding of to enjoy on any level. I'll still have internet access, though. What's it about?


Actually just started Shadow of Chernobyl. Only tweaks I used were ZRP and a modded fov. Is Clear Sky as bad as people make it out to be?

I piss in sand all of the time. Don't care about little rock babies.

That's the one game I keep hearing good things about but have never gotten around to playing, same with the books. I just don't know where to start.

>What's it about?
It's a real-time (with pause) simulation of a fortress ran by dwarves. A bit like city building simulators, think Anno or Simcity series, but much, much more detailed, down to every dwarf's finger. Check dwarffortresswiki.org/ to get started.

The learning curve for EYE isn't bad. It's the story that's confusing. You can shoot your way through a playthrough without much issue. It's figuring out all the upgrades and really cool shit that gives a person trouble.

They house arrest for this? Strip you of a licence, mandatory counseling, and probation sure, but looking you down with an ankle monitor for hitting a rock?

Kingdoms of Amalur is pretty long but painfully generic whole way through
Warcraft 3 still has occasional players but you should use hosting sites to find games
Space Engine if you want to take pretty pictures
Kamidori is pretty easy but fun SRPG with three different routes

I don't get it. What caused the black out ? You should be more worried by that than the house arrest.

>Actually just started Shadow of Chernobyl. Only tweaks I used were ZRP and a modded fov. Is Clear Sky as bad as people make it out to be?

No, but it is slightly different that SoC. More challenging and a bit boring too, but that is just how it is made. Good game nonetheless

Hes either underage or a repeat offender. This being Sup Forums, dudes probably 16-19

You got some splaining to do OP

The more I read into this, the more interested and overwhelmed I am. Thank you.

The trouble would be worth it. I used to have trouble getting into even games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. But, a few hours later, everything made sense and I had a much better understanding of the mechanics of the game.

I'm ass with anything resembling role-playing and leveling up, though. Always indecisive about where to invest skill points and what I might be missing out on if I do one thing instead of another.

Second DUI, that's what got me the house arrest. The officers and court officials I dealt with this time around were actually decent people. The first time, I'd sped through a red light at an intersection, and got arrested by an officer who was quite literally more than 30 feet away from me saying in his report "he was speeding right at the squad car." I got put in a holding cell, and they refused to take my cuffs off while I spent 6 hours there. Would come in and yell at me not to fall asleep every 15 minutes and I wound up getting nerve damage in my thumbs and index fingers from the cuffs. That officer wasn't a good person.

I made my bed, now I have to lie in it. Still, I know it sounds bad, but I hope that officer gets testicular cancer. Nothing deadly, just something that'd be a great inconvenience to him.

Added to the list, thanks.

Had kind of given up on life for a bit. Just took a bunch of muscle relaxers, pain pills, benzos, and drank before going out. I'm not a religious person, but I'm thanking my fucking lucky stars that no one else got hurt. It was a rock on church property, at the top of a hill, that is usually packed with traffic.

Thanks, was more or less what I'd ascertained from the gameplay vids. Will get around to getting it on GOG eventually.

Repeat offender. I'm 25, wouldn't wish this shit on anyone. Getting my life together bit by bit now.

Being house arrested would be fine. It's not like I do anything anyway.

See, now I felt that way about it, too. Then I started comparing it to how it felt when the electric'd go out during a storm.

Once the lights are out, all I could think of was "oh shit now I don't have an excuse not to read a book by candlelight." If it was during the day, I would just sit out on the porch with some Ovaltine and read Captain Underpants books.

Last time that happened I tried reading Infinite Jest and wanted to walk out into the pasture and wait for the lightning to hit me because of how verbose David Foster Wallace is.

I don't know, it's like, when your options are definitively limited, your freedom restricted, doing what you can with what you have becomes so much more rewarding.

It's why I loved parts of games when you lost all of your equipment permanently and had to scavenge supplies and ammo off of your enemies.

>>It's why I loved parts of games when you lost all of your equipment permanently and had to scavenge supplies and ammo off of your enemies.

Nah m8 you've just got brain problems. Nobody likes that shit.

There are some helpful infographs out there for EYE. I think I went through my first two playthroughs basically blind though and had a great time.


>read a book by candlelight
God doing this is a bitch

Come on man there has to be someone else out there that likes it. I don't want to be the only one.

Are they on the wiki or should I just look around online until they come up? If the general consensus about on a game amounts to reading up on how to play it right without mods, then I'll just spend an ungodly amount of time reading all of the in-game information on how to play and level up. Thanks again man.

Is that the one with the plague doctor looking monsters? Isn't there a remaster coming out for that?

Made me think of pic related.

Myst series.
>Realmyst Masterpiece
>Pirate Myst 3 and 4
>Myst 5
You can pirate them all if you want, but you can buy 1,2, and 5.

Throw all your booze in the trash

Then play Arma 3

God damnit I have half of a pint left.

Fuck you for being a decent person.

How do I find people to play Arma with?

well you look up arma 3 videos on youtube, find a person who plays with fun people then look at how to join their community, if you think you'd like it.

guys like Dslyecxi or SovietWomble come to mind

Was a chucklefuck for asking, thanks for not treating me like one. Usually nervous as all hell about things like that, but fuck it. I'll watch some of their videos now. Thanks

Games like that I'd just buy on principle if the money goes to the devs.

>That's the one game I keep hearing good things about but have never gotten around to playing, same with the books. I just don't know where to start.
Honestly you can just jump right into Witcher 3 if you want to. The only other Witcher game I've played before was 2, and I only got a few minutes into it because it didn't really hook me enough for me to want to keep playing.

There are, of course, references to other things that let you get more out of it if you're more familiar with the world, but I never really felt overly alienated by my lack of exposure to the other stories. In fact, playing Witcher 3 got me to start reading the books (only finished the first one so far).

But yeah, if the only thing holding you back is that you haven't read the books or played the other games, I don't think jumping straight into 3 is a terrible idea.

Educate yourself you fucking waste of space.

As an addendum to this post, you can read up or find videos that cover the events of the first two games if you'd like. I ended up doing that after I already sunk a considerable chunk of time into 3, primarily because the game was piquing my interest in the lore.


Fucking kill yourself you disgusting faggot.


Are you telling me there are people on this board who don't just sit around all day being a waste of oxygen?

Thank fuck, that's what I was hoping getting into the series would more or less have been like. I spent 6 hours reading up on WH40K lore and am still probably never going to get around to playing the games.

It's cool that you say that, the Metro games got me interested in the book series alongside Roadside Picnic. I'll get 3 this month, thanks for the insight, seriously man, addendum and all.

You'd be surprised, sometimes I go outside just to piss off of the balcony while I check my stocks. There are people from all walks of life here.

Guys tell it to me straight

I'm a faggot who didn't read the manga, does my boy Okuyasu ever do anything substantial? I really like his character and Stand, but so far he's done literally nothing.

This. Don't waste your time playing vidya. Download some e-textbooks and educate yourself on math, physics, etc

Just get a PS2. It's got the best library ever and you won't even go through the best in a month.

Also love that image.

Attorney here. Sounds like you had some shit representation, OP. Did you go with a Pub (scrub) Defender?

So, say I'm interested in how shipwrecks are preserved in the Baltic Sea. Would learning about how different materials are preserved under different sunlight/salinity conditions be cool?

Download the entirety of the Might and Magic and Heroes of Might and Magic series off the general on /vr/ and have fun.

Nah, I bit the bullet on it. I know what I did, my attorney kept talking about how I could argue that certain things could get me an easy out if I kept arguing but I just wanted to put the time in and leave it behind. There was a new precedent set by the supreme court about 6 weeks prior to my court date that got every single one of my offense punishments reduced, so I was happy enough with that.

Gonna do exactly fucking that. Thank you.

Yes - if you can find any texts that highlight this subject, post them here, it's a weirdly intruiging prospect

Might and Magic 6 is a good starting point if you have no experience/patience with step based RPGs but you should at least go back and play World of Xeen for the funky setting. And of course you have HoMM3 for tons of turn based strategy fun times.

You sound like an honorable guy, but man, that dui record sticks to your teeth until you're 6 feet under user. ):