Grim Dawn or Titan Quest?

Grim Dawn or Titan Quest?

Titan Quest

Path of exile

No multiplayer shit, please.

Diablo 3 is more fun that those two

Than probably titan quest.
Or maybe diablo 2 with mods.

play solo self found :)

>playing an arpg with shit drop rates because "muh economy"
go fuck yourself

Titan Quest, unfortunately.

Bump for more answers

Similar enough games, make a choice based upon aesthetics and if you'd rather play solo or online.

Diablo 3

Grim Dawn without a doubt.

I wasn't a fan of Titan Quest, it felt too bland and I didn't care for the classes.

Grim dawn. It's more polished. Both are great games though and if you like one, you'll like the other.

Which one for online?


Hack & Slash is a cancerous, plebeian genre that needs to die already

Whichever one your friends are playing.

Playing through Titan Quest with a friend, we both never played the game and just took a break after reaching level 10. We're close to Delhi I think. I've chosen Nature dude for wolves and heals and Dream because I saw he could summon another dude and also offered auras for party effects.
I feel my damage is lacking though, is this combo shit?


>grim dawn
>titans quest
>Hack & Slash


Kill yourself my man

Grim Dawn

Titan Quest has better aesthetics and better co op, it is also a much older game so dont be surprised if it seems a bit clunky

Grim Dawn is more mechanically sound and there's a lot more that you can do with builds

Nature doesn't really offer any damage based skills, mostly just pets and support. Dream does have a summon, but apart from the Lich and the Outrider it's all anti undead and vitality damage magic shit.

Titan quest anniversary edition.

Its funny how much of a difference game speed does.
Thought it was shit years ago, bumped the new version up to fast and it was actually pretty enjoyable.

Soulvizier update when?

>it's on Wikipedia it must be right

>devil may cry and titans quest are totally the same genre

kys my man


>surprised by titty quest anniversary edition getting released the other day
>thread with niggas hyping it up
>is just $5 might as well try it out
>no fucking auto attacking

tfw no lewd armor

What fucking arpg let's you auto attack?

>auto attacking
>in an diablo-cone

what does this even mean?

may I suggest Victor Vran for your ARPG needs

>Le ebin I can't counter it so I'm gonna question the source when it fits me maymay :-))

Kill yourselves, cancerous twats :D

Is that official art?
Lmao going into war with a small breastplate and panties.

It means he's underage and has never played a game like this before.

Torchlight 2.
Why wouldn't an arpg have auto attack? Having to press the mouse button for every fucking attack sucks massive dick.

I think he's an ASSFAGGOTS shitter who saw this game has a top down view and a character you control and thinks right click should make you auto attack a target as you sit down and watch.

I liked Grim Dawn's world but prefer Titan Quest's character builds

you mean
>lmao women going to war in roman times

OR you can just hold down the mouse button. Amazing, I know.


>diablo 2 with mods

This nigga knows what is up.

>titans quest NOT listed as a hack and slash
>grim dawn NOT listed as a hack and slash
>official developer website for grim dawn
>grim dawn NOT listed as a hack and slash

There's your counter you colossal faggot :D

Personally I'm the other way around. Greek mythology is cool as shit, but between the constellation system as well as skills gained from gear and augments, there's so much more you can do with Grim Dawn to the point where it's overwhelming at first.

I started grim dawn yesterday, got to lvl 19 and I'm getting a bit frustrated with my second class. What is really the point? Putting more points in your main one seems far more beneficial than mixing in another with damage types that are different from what you have on gear and devotions. Soldier/Occultist, I've got a lot of +physical damage from nice blues, why would I want to throw that out and get chaos and vitality for a meh attack buff or a spells which surely will not even replace the damage I lose on my soldier skills? And then I'd have to get spirit to boost that damage, when I need physique and cunning for Soldier. The whole idea is great but it seems very impractical. Splitting fire and burn, ice and frostburn etc into 2 types feels particularly idiotic.

>dat bar



you need to max out skills in this game for them to become powerful


Median XL Sigma when it comes out, spoiler never.

Titan quest has better setting and classes but Grim dawn has more customization and skill options.

Late game farming system in Grim Dawn is absolute horseshit though and was enough to make me stop playing the game.

Path of Exile faggot

That one isn't even that terrible, because at least it is readable. This health bar takes the cake for absolute worst for reasons that probably aren't immediately obvious until you suddenly die even though you thought your health was full.

>median xl

Ignore everyone. Get Throne of Darkness. You won't be disapointed.


I want to suck her dick.