Would you?


Hate Survivors

>stronk womyn
>destroys technological marvels of "evil patriarchy"
>white leftist with dreadlocks

No, I'd let her go fuck Tyrone, have one of his half nigglets, then get beaten by him and left to suffer as a single mother with a future convict.

These Europeans need to unfuck themselves before their continent really does turn into a caliphate.

She looks blend of anime-fantasy. Maybe shes the pinnacle of attractiveness in that universe.

What the fuck happened to that game? No one ever talks about it, holy shit.


Why would anyone discuss a ps4 exclusive seriously on Sup Forums? Its just for shitposting.

What was I wrong about? She's a typical leftist stronk womyn stereotype. SHE is running around destroying the evil machines left by the previous civilization and leftists are always bitching about how women aren't allowed into the tech industry. She is a white character with dreadlocks.

Sorry reality triggers you so hard, maybe you should stop getting your political world views from professional clowns on Comedy Central.

Wow, you don't sound brainwashed or bandwagon-hopping in any way at all.




Yes Kaz, I'm already one.

This isn't funny, why am I posting this?

Only if I tape her mouth shut.

I stopped reading after green text but I do agree

But everyone talks about Bloodborne, even if 90% of the time is just shitposting.

This vanished into obscurity.

So I wonder, was it good?

I would. I have a thing for bow wielding redheads.

There isn't much to discuss user.

I only ever saw talk of bb in witcher 3 threads where people mention it to shitpost with skyrim.
Its a shitposting meme game.

Whoa, totally refuted all my points, you must be a Young Turks fan!

Gameplay looks pretty bad and the weird avatar like bonding/hunting is off putting. Also yeah could never play as someone with dreads. Fucking filthy feminist fricks

It's not out yet.

Is it out yet?

>projecting your fetishes

>So I wonder, was it good?
Hard to tell, it's PS4 exclusive. And I'm not going to buy console just to check single game that looked interesting, but didn't show any substance in previews.

No you don't understand

Your points have to make sense first

YT was good once and then rapidly spiraled into something horrible. Kinda shame but thats the way it goes in merica I guess.

You mean your ir-themed erotic fanfic for an unreleased game over there had some point to make?

I'm cautiously optimistic about it. I don't care how little sense it appears to make, the west needs to make more outlandish stuff like this.


If we're looking seriously at the game, it looks interesting, but discussion on Sup Forums will never happen about it.
Everyone gets too triggered by the female lead because everyone here tries so hard to fit in with the "GOTTA HATE ANY WOMEN PUT INTO VIDEOGAMES. MUH SJW BOGEYMAN" board culture that GG and Sup Forums have successfully created.

I honestly believe that if Beyond Good and Evil came out right now it'd get shitposted into the ground.

>mirror's edge 2, another financial flop from ea

>ghostbusters game studio shuts down 1 day after release

>dx:md a flop

>mafia 3: we wuz donz an shit setting up for a flop

>battlefield 1: we wuz brits an germans an shit setting up for another hardline-tier flop

>dishonored 2 getting ready to be doa flop

>zero dawn no hype soon to be flop

>mfw living to see the death of leftism in games


Those aren't dreadlocks, stupid whiteboi

How about this one?

>YT was good once

Found the underage b&

She's probably a robot.

Mate, who needs Beyond Good and Evil, when people were triggered by FUCKING LARA CROFT of all people.
Granted, after two reboots the series barely shares title and name of protag with the old franchise, but people were actually triggered on Sup Forums because of "female Nathan Drake rip-off tha SJWs were trying to push".
This is not even funny anymore.

>Dishonored 2 getting ready to be a flop


A game about a vampiric pig goblin yeah no thanks.

She's fucking ugly, so no.


And due to hours, you can't just pretend English is not your native language.

At this point I just hope Devs see that whatever you do you will have angry SJWs or stormfags or even both at once and just use 100% of their artistic freedom.

looks like a decent enough filler material between game titles for me to play

>BF1 is going to flop because a bunch of neckbeards on Sup Forums are angry at niggers

You're making us look bad. You're pretty much like the left because you're not coming with facts and logic. When you start talking like them you become them. You can shut them down without saying muh and stronk. Get it together instead of raging after watching one milo or Gavin video

So I take it was shit.

I'm not surprised kek.

At least people talk about it.

Holy fuck I swear I thought it came out. I'm shifting dimensions I guess.

Well I can say it looks interesting, we'll see.

Don't talk to me about that, I hate that fucking shit.


>Sup Forums still thinks they are relevant



Nobody talked here about Uncharted 4, yet it made mad cash.

You think what happens in Sup Forums is representation of what happens in the industry?

This picture has been relevant for 5 years.

Man that's sad.

I'm more scared the entire industry will get complaisant and trying to appeal to everyone at once with single game, aka making current trend of bland games aimed at nobody even worse.

>these lists only get made because either 99% of video games are leftish propaganda or Sup Forums thinks they are leftish propaganda
Makes your brain cell work really really efficiently.

Sup Forums couldn't find anything to shitpost about it.

Or maybe 99% people here didnt play it because its ps4 exclusive.


I wanted to read opinions on it.

i'd do any female human desu

When the truth causes butthurt JUST right.

Not the other user, but here is a clue:
Sup Forums is for shitposting, not opinions or discussions. And it's like this for AT LEAST past 6 years.

I wish the game had real dinosaurs. Dinobots are completely uninteresting and don't tense me up nearly as much as the real deal.

It's literally the only thing I don't like about the game so far. Also the fact that it will probably have an ubishit open world checklist.

You think it wasn't? I could watch streams of TV shows before that shit got corporate as all fuck. Same with Google Video before they bought out YouTube. It was the wild west of video streaming services between 2006-2008.

What truth, you mentioned games that trigger you will flop.
BF1, for example, everyone outside Sup Forums is really hyped for it.

Sup Forums's opinion has always been irrelevant, even less Sup Forums's, who can't even influence a videogame board.

Not sure why you included me? I'm trying to actually help you out because you can't debate worth crap. Good job being a leftist though. Instead of actually arguing you just give up with a snarky lol nice try butthurt. I hate leftists too but you make us look retarded which might be your goal.

Sad desu.

Go talk with your parents. Enjoy life. Go out and interact with society. It's not healthy to sit inside and brew all this misled hatred.


I was excited but every gameplay video I've seen has her nonstop chattering to herself and everything outside of the combat just seems bland and boring.

Hey Sup Forums, your wife's son needs help with his homework.

>says the guy supporting cuck games

>Sup Forums is this desperate

Nothing better than seeing political radicals in an impotent state.

So they're going for the jap VN audience?

Says the guy who thinks anyone shares his opinion outside of his neatly furnished echo chamber.

>Good job being a leftist though. Instead of actually arguing you just give up with a snarky lol nice try butthurt. I hate leftists too but you make us look retarded which might be your goal.

>this leftist who i'm helping is making people who hate leftists (like me) look bad

>says the guy who probably supports israel-by-proxy, Donald Trump.

BF1 isn't gonna flop, franchise is always going downhill but skin color isn't going to make it flop.

Now, Dishonored I don't know how people love that shit so much, I bought the first game and never finished it. The story is good but I just couldn't get entertained enough


Dishonored is one of those games that either clicks for you from the very start, or you end up in situation where you can recognise the quality of it, but you are actively forcing yourself to keep playing.
So your reaction is perfectly normal.

Seeing as these threads usually devolve into pol/lefty-pol shittery, I'm just going to assume it's a bad game and move on.

>one person points out that leftist games are always financial disasters
>leftists all get butthurt and start crying about Sup Forums boogeymen

Dishonored has a problem being a stealth game where you are supposed to be stealthy and not kill people but 90% of your abilities are stuff used to kill people and cause explosions.


>all financial disasters
>most of them aren't out

>talking about yourself

Good job, user, if EA keeps failing, they'll fail themselves right back to being a huge powerful company again.

No wonder people are tired of you SJW whiners.


You do understand that moderates, AKA most of humanity, hate all of you, right?

No one likes political radicals, they are all unlikeable people who's purpose in life is complaining.

>this game is going to flop because I said so
>it's a huge franchise, it'll sell on name alone

>implying stormfags are people

We're "crying" about Sup Forums because all you do is turn a normal discussion about a video game into a political discussion. If you want to talk about politics, stay in your own fucking board you shitty mongoloid.

Yeah, just like the blockbuster success stories of Battlefield 4 and Hardline.

>No wonder people are tired of you SJW whiners.
You've misspelled "stormniggers"

I agree with this comrade, only speech that agrees with our view is considered appropriate speech!

I know my niggah, I've been here since 2004.

But I guess nothing will change if we keep bringing that shit. We need to forget those ebin maymays (like the stupid >>>reddit shitposting) and, at least, try to contribute with discussions and opinions.

Holy shit, we used to have fun fighting each other over which console was better. Now people take it too much seriously.

>BF4 isn't a success
You can't possibly be this delusional.

And Hardline flopped because the marketing campaign was awful and no one was hyped.

Everyone is hyped for BF1 though.

Not him, but both of those games made mad dought, so at least check your facts before trying to bait.
Bait should be fresh and of highest possible quality. Otherwise nobody is going to catch on it.

Political discussions have no place on Sup Forums. Left or Right. This is a video games board.

Yeah, how dare he talk about videogames instead of political discussion that will have no effect on anything.


>all this fags defending politics being push in games
get the fuck out

What politics are there in Horizon.

video games have become political. get a new hobbie if you can't handle 1 user posting his opinion kek.