
State your shit taste, and I will defend you!

I dont like your games

I think Bioshock Infinite is the best in the series

I think Apollo is the better attorney.

Brawl is my favorite smash game

I think almost every game is worth playing and that you shouldn't limit yourself to certain games.

I prefer CoH2 to the original :(

Brawl is a good game overall.
It's fun and plenty of content. It's worth your time and your attention, so you're not guilty of shit taste.

I don't Isabelle is Waifu material.

i play dota 2


I like Fable 3.
I'm not sure why though.
I just... enjoy it for reasons I cannot fathom.

I agree.

Are you a winter lover by any chance?

But I don't have shit taste Phoenix it's k.

Ok, I like FF8.

Matt Engarde did nothing wrong.
Maya is a slut and deserved everything done to her.

I still enjoy playing Payday 2, despite all of the bullshit surrounding it!

Literally indefensible



This is a hard one!

Hum... let me think!

Wright, once again you have no proof. You can't just state a game is fun as that is merely a buzzword.

I don't blame you.

I'd lock myself up for it as well.

Devil May Cry 4 is one of the worst games I ever paid for and is inferior in every way to both Bayonettas and DMC3.

This person is obviously guilty your Honor... Let's stop this mascarade

A.. a buzzword?

The Phantom Pain is the best MGS game ever released.

It's masquerade, you hack!

Phoenix a shit.

Edgeworth a best.

Allow me to present my first witness

My client is very receptive to the art direction of this game.

Therefore, he is enjoying his time with this piece of work. And that's the point of vidya.

There is no guilt in any shape wahtsoever with my client!

The Last of Us has better gameplay than Team Fortress 2.

Mighty No. 9 is better than any Megaman game.

Roadhog is cooler than Reinhardt.

I like the Vita's exclusives more than the 3DS' exclusives.

Bloodborne was better than Dark Souls 3.

Kratos is more bad-ass than Asura.

I like anime and japanese culture.

I pay $60 to play online on a console.

Liam is better than Woolie.

Metal Gear Solid is better than Thief.

Bioshock 2 was way better than System Shock.

Uncharted 3 is better than Uncharted 4.

Blazblue is way better than Guilty Gear.

Donte is better than Dante because he actually had character development and isn't a Gary Stu.

Kenny was right.

Yukari Takeba is the best girl in Persona 3.

Marie is the best girl in Persona 4.

Futaba is the best girl in Persona 5.

Birdie is the best Street Fighter character.

Cats are better pets than dogs.

No Man's Sky is game of the year.

Interracial porn with black guys and white girls is the best kind of porn.

(this is bad...)

How the fuck do you get "immersed" in a video game? Am I too autistic for this?


I rule you for contempt of court. Now get this young man out of the court.


Yes, I live in Canada if that explains it

Come on...

You must have better than that in your sleeve to accuse my client!

Ever played a game, or read a book or watched a movie for that matter, and forgot about reality? That shouldn't really be that hard unless you only play multiplayer games.


I enjoy anime dubs. I even prefer Neptunia's English dub over the Japanese voices. I also like Date a Live a little.

I think Joyful was a good expansion.

stop falling for the bait you guys ;_;

Here it is!

The defendant has actual solid reasons to like thsi game other its predecessor.

Your Honor, someone can;t be guilty just for the place he's born and raised!

Pillars of Eternity is one of the best RPGs ever made

supreme commander is the best RTS ever made

I enjoyed Wii Music

Mr Wright!

Metal Slug 3 is thee most superior shoot-em-up beating prior entries and beats Contra!

I'm also probably the only one online now in UMVC3 that mains you unlike every 100 Dr. Doom and Sentinel users

That's not a shit taste

Fuck off Lythero

That's not even close to shit taste...

This is ridiculous!

Diana Allers was a good addition to the Mass Effect Universe!

30 seconds is the time it will take to end this.

(crowd noises)

There is literally nothing wrong with Street Fighter 5

Hard Mode: Show no bias, Capcom

Hold it!

How can you claim for sure fun is irrelevant when we talk about vidya?

Witcher 1 is the best one of trilogy in every aspect except combat.

Obviously total immersion is impossible without some form of fully body VR as some part of you will always be in contact with the real world, but with media you can gain varying degrees of immersion when you start to treat parts of a game as if they are real is usually what happens. Like when you avoid dark areas in a horror game because you are scared as opposed to avoiding them just because its annoying.


Jeez okay...

I think...
Dark Souls 2 was very enjoyable and does not deserve the hate it gets

I don't care that Nintendo is shilling for the phone market, and I'm fine with amiibos.

She did have dem breasts

Yes it does.

What is going on in this court?

I enjoyed Other M.

At least you're right about Bloodborne

Phoenix Wright anime isn't shit.

That show was so underrated.

I played Federation Force and I liked it.


I like Poison.
When she doesn't have a dick.

Electric chair, please

And what if she does ?

>The Last of Us has better gameplay than Team Fortress 2.
I didn't know these games were even remotely similar

Crash Bandicoot Warped is better than Crash 2

for a thread with such high potential this is a really shit thread


I like pirate games specifically because of parrots.
Don't cross examine it please.

I don't like futa.

>Athena dies
>Killed by Maya channeling the victim (who was the killer)

Not only do I think that 7 and x-2 are the best main final fantasy games, but they're the only ones that hold up

Komachi is my favorite Touhou

I actually enjoy Call of Duty and I really want to buy Black Ops 3 cuz of that camo creator

Nah dude a video game isn't good unless you literally think you're in the game bro

Hopefully a better attorney will turn up later

I like to play Every Ass Creed game even when my favorite games are 1 ,2 & 4, I just enjoy playing those games every year.

Super Paper Mario was a good game.

Dark Souls 2 was a better game than Dark Souls 3 and it took trying to play through the games a second time to realize it.

If some prosecutor would pull his fingers out his ass to make it work...

I love this kind of roleplaying thread, where some posters react to posts with things coming directly from games.

I like Street Fighter V

How can you say that when you clearly don't know what futa it means?

Konami is my favorite developer.

I actually really like MMORPGs. Even though I know they are just a time-/money sink.

I love Golden Sun and hated Planescape: Torment

Legend of Korra is a good game

Dirge of Cerberus was a pretty good game.

My favorite Battle Network game is 4 Blue Moon.

Drakengard's gameplay wasn't shit.

For all we know, user could have lived there since his very birth, and thus being forced into his residency. He is merely accustomed to the cold and any opinions on the state of temperature in question are negated. His state of residence is therefore irrelevant to his shit taste.

assassins creed 3 is the best AC game

that's because it actually is

Undertale is one of the greatest games ever made