Overwatch free weekend

what should i know before playing for the first time?

You should try getting good with Zarya if you want to guarantee a win.

Main 1 hero on each class.

Get a mic.

Ignore this guy , every team needs a Hanzo.


>on consoles
please don't

Just have fun man. That's what the game was about the first week it launched. Just enjoy yourself.

It's really good. Enjoy user. Just got to master rank on ps4.

>not having to deal with the toxic community
Yes please.

Use your skills to benefit the players around you, and not just yourself.
This goes without saying for healers and supports, but it's applicable to a good number of characters.

Play weekly arcade or quick play for lower stakes, and change heroes often until you find something that works out for you OR your team.

>free trial
>don't you dare

You guys sound like a good time.

You need to go back.

This is horrible advice

Better advice is don't play it on consoles at all

Not everyone can run overwatch on PC.

please tell how PC isn't the worst fanbase and elitist all the time


They're the most elitist but not the worst, that title goes to Sony fanboys.

And make sure you queue solo with him and demand a healer

get really to get bored really fast.

I mean, I'm not going to deny either of those claims, but still, I much prefer the freedom of control you have using keyboard+mouse to that of a gamepad. Also, my 160fps says "hi."

True, but you can't type on PS4 so at least you can pretend they're not calling you a filthy nigger constantly

I want to get it for my pc but I don't know if I'll like it or not. Since it's free for a bit on console and I have a ps4 I'm gonna play it . Fuck you

the best way to come out to your parents as youre obviously a huge faggot

Most games let you hide chat.

Quickplay is for enjoying the game

Ranked is for tryhard faggots

this though

pcucks are dicks but sonyniggers are straight up retarded

Comp is actually fun though. You end up with nothing but retards, quitters and hero stacking in quickplay, it's complete cancer.

>hero stacking

Fuck, I stopped playing quickplay because of that shit. There's 20+ heroes, whoever allowed stacking should be fired, there's no reason for it.

Do you need PS+?
Do you earn trophies?

you don't need PS+ for it.
you don't earn trophies, but your in game levels and items will be transferred for the full game

Unless they are doing borring shit like double Winston double Reaper double Lucio you need to take a chill pill. If they are 5x stacking or whatever either go with the flow and join the shit fest or pick a counter and enjoy your gold damage medals.

Man its 1pm, when this shit gonna start

I just keep getting the purchase option

>download demo off PSN
>demo downloaded and installed
>start game
>game installing progress bar pops up
>almost as slow as the download

I wish it were on PC too so I could see how it runs on my shitty old laptop.

Scroll down and you'll see the trial version.


I'd rather play competitive

Wish there were some kind of gamemode with comp rules, but without getting deranked by brainded teammates or quitters

not gonna play this shit i fucking hate forced teamgames

this free trial play wont add the games trophy list will it?

if i was willing to play it this weekend i dont want the trophy list on my account if i decide the game is shit

you can't even get trophies from it, so it doesn't add it to the list

I came to this thread to post this , fucking hell the free play has been open for two hours and i'm still at 60% of the installation

I wish I could try. But I don't have ps plus

it doesn't require PS+

Wat ? Isn't this game online maltiplayer?

it is.
but the free weekend trial doesn't require PS+.
same thing happened with BF1

Nice. I'll try out tracer then. See what's the waifu fuzz is all about
