These are the only good Sonic characters

These are the only good Sonic characters.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Robotnik nowhere to be found
You left out the best character

What is the deal with Sonic and autism?
Why do autisms like Sonic so much?


Because only autists like you keep asking about it


Excuse me but you're forgetting someone.

>No Amy
>No Cream



Where the fuck is my Robot piloted by a Bird? Where the fuck is Beta?

>no eggman
>jet and silver instead of Amy and Omega
shit taste bro

Who is this sexy creature?

Snively Robotnik, one of the few good things to come out of SatAM and Archie

>no Eggman

>meme bird from some side game
>iblis twigga's buddy
True hallmarks of character design

oh fuck off

get back in the capsule Snively

I'm sorry, these are actually the best Sonic characters, from stories that don't suck.

90's Archie Sonic was God-Tier

Literally only the CD cast should be allowed to stay

Why is Classic Amy's design so good?

I'm talking about the "Sonic" design.

Clearly Eggman is the best Villian.


Cream a shit.

Fuck off boco

>no Nicole

Cream shits in your mother's cunt

>the things Amy does to my dick

>backtracks to 'design'
Didn't even post the most styling version of Sonic.

OVA Sonic should honestly be the default design for Sonic. That shit looks so good.



>we could have gotten this as default instead of cewl edgehog


>no Eggman

Oh fuck off... the only good sonic characters are


Any other newer character is complete shit and you know it. If anything they should bring back the chaotix characters and bean,nack and bark as villains/antiheroes

Sonic's characters were never the problems with the games.

Not Boco. I only like classic Amy. Modern Amy is a slut.

The cutest


opinion trashed

what about coldsteel?

Excuse you Amy is perfect in any form.

Coldsteel is shit, make way for the best Sonic character

_ _____ ____ ____ ________

wtf is this dude??


Use your words son.

Is it bad that I prefer some of the concept designs for Sonic?

>No emerl
>No Omega or gamma

Not canon. Go back to /sthg/ aka your comic safe space, Archiefag.

>All Sonic characters have to be in "Sonic" design

Jet's only flaw is his voice

Silver is a perfectly fine rival.

>fuck traps
I'd like to order a guy who kills you.

>no robotnik


>stupid gay guys like the cat and bird and silver


>no eggman.
>no Orbot

I'm not saying that.

fixed that shit.
Get amy in there.
Shadow can stay just because his hsoes are cool af

>Jet's only flaw is his voice
He's basically the Waluigi of the series and he all he does is bitch about Sonic being better than him.

>Silver is a perfectly fine rival.
Explain how.

Silver was a lot better in Generations.

>guy is savvy enough to defeat Super Sonic
>gets no respect

>No liking Blaze
Go fuck yourself.

>excluding the undisputed best character in the franchise


Thread theme:

this, Froggy is underrated

after you boring furbait apologist

yiff in Hell with your shit mary sue


>Mary Sue
She's a canon autistic, fuck off

Sounds like something out of One Piece.

>mary sue
You obviously don't know what that word means.

I'm sorry you're triggered by superior characters, and are stuck with game characters who give one or two corny lines of support to Sonic as he beats the final boss.



You people are always forgetting about the greatest Sonic character to ever deign to exist in this mortal coil.

>gets her own emeralds
>her own super form
>XD I'm so close to sonic!...
>underspoken and shy
no, she's a shit mary sue for autists like you

Picking these shit characters proves your an underage nintenbabby furfag whose first sonic game was SA2B on the gamecube

You're forgetting someone

>Comparing comics to games.
Nice job displaying your retardation. Go talk about your OCs back at /vg/. No need to ruin this thread.

Hey, I'm not a furfag.

Sally has such a great design

Froggy and Snively were already posted


>No Bartleby

It's pretty unfair, since the Archie comics are obviously superior story and character wise.

But a video game could easily beat out a comic in terms of story if it tried and was good.

Sadly the games have been full of crap plots and cringey dialogue for over a decade.

Lets be honest, even Sonic Boom has better 'characters' than normal game Sonic.

>literally who the bird
>recolor from Sonic 06
>edgy recolor
>only one of the Chaotix


Why is comics Sonic so much better than vidya Sonic?

I really hate that hedgehog

>Had parents who tried their hardest to be parents to him.
>Had a cool Japanese butler. A cool maid. A cool speedracing uncle. And a cool genius Grandpa.
>Had friends at school.
>But the show insisted that he's lonely and has no friends and only Sonic was the closets thing he ever had to a friend.


Here is Sonic v Knuckles from the Sonic X anime:

I don't care what Sup Forums says, Sonic X was a great show.

Literally all you need.

his name is Chris

not him, but if we're talking about the games only then you may as well remove every character in the OP other than Sonic and Tails, and even then the current writers are determined to make them as annoying as possible as well


>No more of this artstyle on the box art

The slick designs and shading was god tier


Who is Nichole?

I think you meant to post this.

No thanks necessary.

Espio is probably my favorite Sonic character. He seriously needs more love.

>remove the 3 on the left
>remove sonic recolours
>put in amy and robotnick

>It's a "faggots pretending they don't enjoy the comics" thread

You know you're going to red them eventually.

fuck Chris