War game has multiple countries

>war game has multiple countries
>Germany is one of the strongest

Other urls found in this thread:


>One of the strongest
Let me fix that for you.
"One of the strongest, as compared to a soldier ant to the rest of the colony."
The actual strongest are a powergap of a boot squishing said soldier ant.

>germany are the bad guys
>everyone is blindly believing soviet propaganda

>It's a 'Soviets are the heroes that did nothing wrong' episode

>soviets had actually death camps
>nobody gives a shit
>soviets invent german death camps
>no actual evidence

If it wasn't for all this garbage, we could have actually told the refugees to fuck off.

But the British made death camps during the Boer War? Are people this historically illiterate?

History is written by the victor. See everyone loves to talk about muh 6 million when they seem to forget other atrocities. Everyone loves to forget the American concentration camps for Japanese American citizens during WW2.

nobodys forgotten it, its just downplayed

Anyways Japs are basically considered white people according to SJWs



Yes people have forgotten about it. I can't hear anything involving Jews and muh 6 million coming up. Ask the average person and I highly doubt they know about it.

>Italy is one of the strongest

>It's a 'The US won ww2 singlehandedly' episode.

>Germany starts with better gear
>America starts with extra units
>Russia starts with extra gear
>Britain starts with extra intelligence

>Germany starts with better gear
Pretty much true

>America starts with extra units

>Russia starts with extra gear

>Britain starts with extra intelligence
Pretty much true if you assume radar technology = intelligence

Think you got America and Russia mixed up.

I realised this after I hit the Post button.

But that's historically accurate.

They also had Engima which was pretty cool

>extra gear
>extra units

Maybe because the Japs weren't being being exterminated just imprisoned. And you are retarded if you think people have forgotten/don't regard it as a dark part of the U.S.' history

you mean they cracked the german enigma?

Why are the nazi's so, memorable i guess? is it the uniforms? to be fair they had great style.

you ever wear Hugo Boss?

Holy shit.
>hugo boss:aryan scents

In what game can I kill Communists as Germans?

>then devs and playerbase proceed to nerf germans to the ground and make onesided maps

Aka Darkest Hour devs and his own community

Red Orchestra 2

Because it was literally yesterday by historical standards and we haven't had a proper war since then.
Same reason the Napoleonic wars used to be the centre of attention up to ww1.

In small scale, RO2 and the Men of War series, and a bunch of other shitties games.
In mass scale where you could easily envelop in excess of 1 million soviet troops games like Hearts of Iron 3 (preferably with mods for maximum historical immersion) and HoI2/DH

>germany got cucked by a gay utermensch
Can't make this shit up.

Pretty strong face for a 16 year old, also pretty memorable

Which mods?

>Its a "what rapes?" episode

>will never get a Liberator simulator: 1917-2290

in space no one can hear you scream

BlackIce if you like tons and tons of depth.
Or Historical Plausibility Project (?) if you want a more or less vanilla experience + lots of better events

Well, Germany WAS the strongest.

>sobiet civilians and POW in labor camps are treated well we swear! Hey Red Cross, check this one out! See? All good.
>Those rumors are just rumors, we SWEAR! We, for one, signed Geneva convention, unlike dem gommies!

It's not rape when it's a ruski, amirite natseebro?

(beeps in russian)

>Game made by Russian developer
>Soviet faction ridiculously powerful
>german faction useless

war thunder

>hey ivan ou see that?
>no what is ?
>nothing doesnt matter. where you put satalite
>i put it over there.
>it was here a minute ago
>i put camouflage on it
>but where is camouflage?
>tune in next wee to see Boris eat bread for the first time in his life!


by the end of WWII every single german spy had not only been discovered but also turned into a double-spy by the british intelligences

meanwhile they got their spies into hitler's inner circle

I think you mean every game made by Wargaming

>Hey Boris
>what is this mean?
>says (you)
>it means you
>but what is you?
>what am I?
>no, what is you
>I am boris
>so the (you) is Boris?
>no the (you) means YOU
>what you?
>ok, so every (you) is Boris?
>yes, I am Boris
>Next on Communist Party: hot german female(male) gets libertated by Ivan, but he is not knowing of this! Is twist

No, because it was a very large and pretty shitty war, and Nazis are a clear villain everyone can hate instead of WWI where there is still debate over who actually started the war.

Also WWII had a side that clearly crushed the other side, whereas WWI was just a fucking disaster of unforseen proportions. Nobody enjoyed WWI.


Like a music to my ears.

>Play CoH 1 and 2
>Germans are by far the coolest and most popular armies
Why are Nazis so popular in video games?


They're stylish.

>why do "evil" guys get all the cool gear

they just oozed style

Oswald Mosely and King Edward VIII? 2 British ones?

I wish I had a Hugo Boss™ uniform.

Yes, by the end when everything was obviously lost. The post I replied to said 'starts'.
The UK didn't start off ww2 with every german spy being discovered, they didn't start off with the enigma code broken etc.
They only started off with a better fleet, a better strategic position across the sea and radar technology.

call in a specialized order from them, some people have done it as well as the companies that made the mp40s i think? someone did get a specialized order from an old german manufacturer

>no actual evidence

They also had better allies