If you're not playing a video game right now...

if you're not playing a video game right now. you have exactly twenty seconds to post why you're not playing a video game right now.

I'm kinda tired.
Also trying to decide if i should buy X-com 2 or something else.

Does AFKing in Runescape count

I fucking hate video games.

I'm doing homework.
Also studying.
Fucking college.

I'm taking a shit

I'm at work.

I'm taking a shit and browsing Sup Forums at the same time.

I'm posting in this thread

I'm killing like 5 minutes before lunch with my dad. Then I'm gonna nap, then I'm gonna go to my shitty job for a few hours.

Then I'll get home and play some gta 5.

I'll tell you in 21 seconds.

You could be AFKing in Runescape

In your case you could be AFKing in Runescape AND playing a phone game

Happy shitting, fellow shitposter.

browing Sup Forums, have game alt-tabbed.

I just woke up

I've played every good game released to date.

Just woke up.

I'm waiting on Fedex and don't want to start something just to put it down.

just finished fapping on /hm/ and suddenly felt an urge to lurk Sup Forums

But I am playing a video game. I browse/post in between matches.

I'm studying.
Yeah, while occasionaly browsing Sup Forums. You can guess how well that's going for me, right?

I feel ya, man.
Watcha studying for?

Because I'm at "work" doing "nothing".

Taking a shit. Am slightly drunk and kinda stoned. Gf is having her friends over so im about to flee the scene.

I'm playing the game called life. Unfortunately my version is single player has bugs and I always lose.

In this moment, two people on this planet is simultaneously shitting and posting about it in the same thread on a Mongolian Herding forum.

The could be neighbours. They could be completely opposite of each other on the planet. They will never know, but in that moment they were one.

Truly beautiful.

I'm at college.

In a lecture hall, doing a horrible job at multitasking

The RNG is bugged to shit. Also Chad needs to get nerfed.

I'm at work where I don't have vidya?

top tier taste my man
also this

Why Sakura looks disgusted?

>On a friday afternoon of all times
Fucking nerds holy shit.

I work in a few hours and I don't like to play games before I have to go to work. I prefer to play when I have time to play for however long I want.

gonna watch JoJo


Im listening to the Viewtiful Joe OST

Just got done being pissed off with TQAE and about to change machines to go play GER.

This, Keela Kuween gets rocked in the jaw today

I'm taking a break.

just got off some overwatch "comp" matches, about to go to the pool and play some human interaction 2: resurrection.

Drinking coffee and eating poptarts, then once I'm done I'll have to decide if I want to videogame or if I want to be productive and get some cleaning done.

And if I decide videogame I have to decide what videogame. Soma? Renowned Explorers? Curious Expedition? Could even do something drastic like pick up Mordheim or Battlefleet Gothic during the sale.

i don't know which bideo games to play

I'm watching die hard with a vengance .

I'm at work.

Some online classes for the lawyer admission exam required in my country. That's not how it's called, but I think it's a close enough translation.

Nigga if I fail this exam it's almost 1 grand down the drain. Not to mention having to do it again next year.
Responsibility is a bitch man.

because i just got home from work ( 8.00-21.00 ) and when its lifting heavy shit all day you dont feel like gaming after that ur too tired for that shit

i got time to eat, listen to couple songs, read social media and to get my shit together for tomorrow.
Maybe i´ll game in sunday but oh man do i feel like a barbie snapped in half

bideo hu eggos

>started a game of civ last night
>finished the game and thought I could finally go to bed
>it was noon

>Finishing a game of civ in under 100 hours

Civ V was a mistake.