Your appointment with FEMA should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the Senator.
Your appointment with FEMA should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the Senator
Other urls found in this thread:
I take it he wa agreeable?
These threads are repeated so much that it's almost desperate.
It's just kinda sad now, like when you drive by an abandoned amusement park you loved as a kid, but now it's rotting and full of homeless people doing heroin.
Anyone play the new Deus ex?
kind of agree. i only participate in one per day tyvm
lol I love memes
Stop it. We just had a really good DX thread. Let the dust settle.
literally the third thread today
what's your endgame, fool?
You've got ten seconds to beat it before I add you to the list of NSF casualties.
He didn't really have a choice
Goddamn Terrorist
Did enemies also go one at a time to investigate noises even though they all heard it back in Human Revolution, too?
*puckers lips*
*drops watermellon*
Heads up JC
Now that the dust has settled, what went so right? who was in the wrong here? What did he mean by this? Why contain it?
Have you heard of questions?
This is about as forced as green lex luthor days. Fuck off.
The death screams of Deus Ex are pretty brutal. Sounds a little exaggerated but also quite haunting.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Riot prods when?
Hubs in France and Russia when?
Turning Delara when?
Meeting Paul when?
Killswitch when?
Your turn
>2 more games with Jensen
So is Square Enyx turning their series into a bi-annual affair or what? From chopping MD into pieces, Hitman being split into episodes, it seems like it.
I need a MD dlc's. Just gimme those 20 min quests already REEEEE
>square enix
>funding more DX games after MD bombed
it didn't bomb
>No underwear
Deus Ex mod called 2027 had a Moscow hub. There was another mod with Tokyo hub, but it wasn't good as far as I remember
Why are you locked in the bathroom?
What's the mod that lets you play as Paul?
Deus Ex Zodiac. It's fine, but the mod's last act silliness puts the original Deus Ex to shame
>why Crunchain it
You talking to me?
Maybe you should try getting a job
These threads, the posting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.
What's the Revision mod like? Does it improve or spoil the game?
>reposting day after day classics
why contain it?
Why contain it? Let the posts spill over the boards, let the JC Denton memes pile up in the servers. In the end they'll beg us to gift them a copy of Deus Ex.
Okay, where?
FEMA. Your appointment there should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the Senator.
fucking gay son of a whore faggot jihadi
Maybe you should join Majestic 12... In a body bag.
Maybe you should join FEMA... I take it you're agreeable.
I've received reports of shitpost attacks on unrelated threads, there's not enough bans to go around, and the Sup Forumsirgins are starting to get desperate.
Of course they're desperate, they can smell our memes and the sound they'll make attempting to have discussion about video games will serve as a warning to the rest.
Dr. Reyes, I'm UNATCO.
>finally get the quest for the Dragon Tooth meme everyone keeps talking about
>go to Chow's place
>her story doesn't make any sense
>knock out the cleaning lady, look around and accidentally into a hidden MJ12 room
Jesus christ this escalated quickly.
Will I be missing anything important if I get the meme sword before checking the police evidence?
Hey Sup Forums new to the game I'm currently ln liberty island, what should I do? Help Gunther and kill all of the NSF troopers or just go to the NSF commander on the top of the statue? Oh and by the way, what points should I invest with? I am trying to do a neutral run, killing main enemies but sparing some people
Hmmm... I hope you're not underestimating the problem. The others may not go as quietly as you think. Intelligence indicates they're behind the problems in the Bethesda threads.
Not really.
A bunch of pretentious underage playing at running the board, but Todd left them behind long ago. WE WUZ the future.
Help Gunther but don't give him a weapon. Go nonlethal and confront the commander after you let Gunther out. You'll get a pat on the back by your brother and others. Feels good man.
We have other problems...
What the fuck? What happened to the snacklish site?
>an MD bug is actually a reference to the original Dude Sex
How can one dev team be this based?
nice Ubisoft tier UI
what else would you do to her with [E]? Stealth kill? shit
Of course they're desperate, they can smell their meme becoming stale
put him down onna woof
>no answers to Jensen's augmentations in the current game
DLC has ruined gaming
Was it art?
Maggie Chow was pretty hot for a low poly year 2000 character model
Anyone have the cap of when Adam mentions the bomb in Mankind Divided?
In the original Deus Ex you had one button for picking up/putting down an item, as well as holstering your weapon.
Then she opens her mouth.
Jensen was picked up by Lucius's people, taken to some blacksite and got experimented on - that's when Orlov installed the new augs.
This is in the game.
Just bought the game today because, well, it's one of the most beloved games talked about and I wanted to see what's it's all about:
>Terrorist attack in New York
>Secret organization made specifically to attack terrorism
>Government prioritizes safety over freedom
>Media talks about terrorism 24/7
>Newspaper article about how you can't even make a joke about making a bomb without getting arrested
>Other constantly referenced terror attack that ain't New York is France
>Also mentions how amount of people AIDS and STD's are through the roof as well as other diseases and plagues
>Made 1 year before 2001
So are the game developers time travelers?
The whole [E] Talk thing is unnecessary, Deus Ex had a good UI. What else would you do to the woman? At least you can turn that shit off.
I would say they drank from books that go into possible authoritarian futures like Brave New World, 1984 and so on.
Also there's a bit of truth to a lot of the shit that goes on, UN projects and more.
I actually like having the controls shown on the screen for the first ~10 hours or so since it helps you remember what button does what
much better than having to look into the keyboard bindings menu to find the specific key you need
Oh yes, FEMA-posting
I think I need to replay it again, was Lucius even mentioned before the ending? I think I recall in the VR meeting. Bearing in mine I was intoxicated a lot of the time
Why does the assault rifle in the original Deus Ex suck so much? Why are the pistols so overpowered?
>Manderley answers directly to Page in DXMD
>in DX, he is Simons's little bitch
>and Simons literally bullies him before he gets JC'd
Did he shit the bed at some point or was he never that big of a deal?
There's a lot of hints in emails and such of what happened to Adam.
Get PILLS! against my orders. Get moving!
Not Lucius, but Beth DuClare is all over emails related to Adam's new augs and events after Panchaea. She's as deep in it as him, I'm guessing.
I'm starting to think most people were, judging by all the complaints.
Revision is an objective improvement over vanilla until the GMDX mod comes out which will be even better.
Guess I should spent more time reading shit
GMDX is out though???
You really should. There's a silly amount of information hidden in emails /pocket secretaries.
Should I wait for GMDX 9.0 until December or is 8.0 good enough?
Goodnight guys
See you in the next FEMA thread