Are you scared of the ocean, user?

Are you scared of the ocean, user?

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Fuck yes I am. Every time I had to sale around Skellige in TW3 I would take my headphones off and sometimes even close my eyes.

My heart was pounding during the quest where Triss gives you unlimited water breathing and have to dive to the ocean floor.

No, i'm scared of drowning and other things in the ocean.

Can't wait for Subnautica to stop being an unpolished piece of shit.


water in video games terrifies the piss out of me, because you never know what the fuck the devs have thrown in there to fuck with you


These pictures are fucking retarded normie bait and miss the fucking point. What's horrifying is if they don't even acknowledge the tiny thing at all because they are that insignificant.

What game is this?

Nah, the ocean has ceased being the great unknown. It's all about the infinite darkness of outer space now.

Mario & Sonic at the Rio Olympic Games

No. I've gone night diving a couple of times.

It's been a while
Post some deep sea dudes


You hangin in the club when this guy slaps your gf's ass, what do?

Feed him hotdogs and hope he doesn't snap my fingers in half.

There's still plenty of unmapped ocean floor though

fucking terrified, dude.
not as much as I'm scared of lakes, though.
lakes scare me because I'm floridian and I know that literally, the water can be 2 feet deep but if it's dark enough you don't even know if an alligator or a snapping tutle is gonna come and eat your fuckin leg off

What the fuck is that?

Swim deeper

ur mom

subnautica i think


Inhale deeply,

>family trip to Hawaii
>tfw panic attack when going prone in the water for snorkeling
>tfw missed out on seeing beautiful island sea life
I think it's the lack of physical control/ feeling out of my element that causes that anxiety

Underrated post

No, sea creatures can be easily defeated like anything else

are you serious dude? like, 90% of the ocean is unmapped, we have better maps and images of Pluto and Jupiter than we have of the ocean floor.

not to mention the fact that we KNOW there's shit down there that wants to eat us and/or crawl up our urethra

and theres also the crushing pressure and darkness. What makes the ocean scary is that we know SOMETHING is in the darkness, waiting for us.
In space, we still have to find something thats alive

>Beloved Triss
>Making you do anything
Pick fucking one, Yencuck.


Why don't we just NUKE the oceans?

>Crushing pressure

Space has that, too

fuck yes
I'm fucking terrified of the deep ocean and deep sea creature. the fact that abominations like these exist is proof enough for me that God does not exist

Space engine black holes

Don't try and start Deep Sea threads on Sup Forums anymore.

We've been flooded by reddit and Neofags who have a stick up their ass about forum rules, and go crying to moderators.

Jesus Christ that CGI is awful
Where is that from?

space doesnt have unholy abominations of creatures just waiting for you to slip up so they can eat you

I know its in the filename...but what the FUCK is that?

The shallows

this is the big ending sequence. the rest of the movie is top notch tension

Doesn't get worse than this

I find it funny how this is basically the ending to Jaws, but for the millenial generation.

>the rest of the movie is top notch tension
Somehow I doubt that.

A hatchetfish. just one of many horrors of the deep

heres another abomination we didnt even know existed until the deepwater horizon spill


Good point. The Ocean is inhospitable, but just inhospitable enough to host monsters. Space has basically no life at all.

You can have stuff like pic related in sci-fi though. Either works, really.


If by top notch tension you mean watching a girl monologue and talk with her seagull friend

>you will never be fully eaten by a giant shark
Also that was supposed to be viewed in 3D

No no no keep that fucking shit AWAY

It's just weird and ugly looking. It can't do shit to a human.


le Sup Forums culture

Jesus christ!!!

>tfw the aliens in our folklore are just some abyss weird shit


Jesus, even a damn simulation gets my spine shivering. If I ever looked down into the abyss for real, my head would probably explode.

>Manages to get past the teeth without getting bit.
>Still dies

What the hell killed him? Some extremely powerful stomach acid?

On the topic of video games, what games really capture the scariness of the ocean? or what kinda game would do it best?


>video games
get the fuck out of here

>Look down
>See nothing but a black abyss waiting for you

Jesus christ. I was absolutely terrified he'd look down and see something rising up to meet him. Like a shark, or worse.

Deep Sea Engine

Space Engine, but in the sea. Maybe not even in Earth's sea. Maybe Europa or something, that might be creepier.

How much would they need to pay you to do this job? That pressure chamber malfunctions and you're dead.

The sad thing is that most of the time, like in Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, it tends to be fucking nothing. I was so hoping for some kind of sea monster easter egg, but all we got was a mediocre giant squid cutscene.

I think Endless Ocean is the only thing that ever did it right. Something big and unknowable, far off in the distance, something you can never approach but only observe from afar.


somebody link this nigga to a hellstar remina dump

>believing mr. skellington's lies

>Gunbuster's Space Monsters that act as the universes immune system against the virus that is humanity

I'm a tomboy who is scared of the ocean and thunderstorms.


>not to mention the fact that we KNOW there's shit down there that wants to eat us and/or crawl up our urethra
No there isn't. Nothing under the water has evolved to give a shit about man. We're neither its prey nor its predator, so as far as its evolution is concerned, we don't exist. Not even sharks want to eat us. If you want true horror, consider the fact that NOTHING in the darkness cares or even knows that we exist. We populate the land, but that only takes up a fraction of this Earth and the bigger portion of our own planet wouldn't care if we lived or died. Now think that everything outside of the planet as well feels that same animosity.

And besides, if you're that far down beneath the ocean's surface, with your cock hanging out, you deserve to have something crawl up your urethra.


>+1 entry to isaf

fucking retard

t. Deep Sea Dickbiter

Not a single mention of Endless Ocean so far. Come on, Sup Forums.

was on vacation in cape cod when I checked out a place called "crystal lake". it was called such because the water, for the most part was crystal clear. you can see the ground and your feet just fine, but there's a pretty sudden drop off after the shoulder-length water, and your entire body gets incredibly cold and if you look down you see nothing but black abyss. that and Creepshow 2 made me really afraid of lakes, meanwhile my friends were fucking swimming straight past it and just hanging out in the middle of the lake, wondering why I wasn't going past it. I hope to get over my fear someday, though.

It's actually not bad. It's the only shark movie in years that isn't syfy channel tier trash.

nice try mr seamonster man

>Not a single mention of Endless Ocean so far

My apologies. If that was your post you have great taste. The EO games were some of my favorites from last gen.

>Casually pets a 25 foot shark
You can't even die in endless ocean

Why is shark bullying allowed
They are absolutely peaceful creatures that would never hurt you unless they mistake you for a sea, they possess no malice at all

The ocean can be spooky...

I hear you, guys. There's nothing I'm more afraid of than creeps from the deep.


>mistake you for a sea

I would actually recommend that game as a sort of therapy for people with a severe fear of the ocean. Just don't play the sequel.

Space is only 1 bar pressure difference compared to normal human living conditions. You get that at 10m depth which is nothing. At the bottom of Mariana trench it's more than thousand times that.

Was it blood, Sup Forums?

>Be 10
>Scared of the ocean
>Mom buys a shower curtain similar to pic related
>Try to avoid looking at it when taking showers or my heartbeat rises

no u

>Tfw you're a kid in the swimming pool and you get the horrifying feeling there's a shark waiting for you in the deep end.


Ocean is the bed of life, humans are just too cowardly to understand it

what the fuck zimbabwe

>Maybe Europa or something, that might be creepier.
Sounds like Barotrauma then. Game is clunky and buggy as fuck, but otherwise does a good job of being about creepy undersea adventures with deep water nightmares.

Ever since i was little. Fuck the ocean man, theres a reason we came OUT of there so early in our evolutionary road, One fucking look and you know its nope town.

>let me just live in that mostly pitch black insanely alien high pressured enviorment where gravity hardly matters
>oh hey is that a mouth literally 4 times my si-

Ffffuuccckk that.

cool image, what is it?

A deformed moray eel

>tfw you still get this same feeling as an old fart but on the beach despite the fact there are literally zero sharks where I live

glad I'm not the only one who's felt that