Would you Sup Forums ?

would you Sup Forums ?

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Bet your ass.

As well as best girl (pic related).

No. She'll kill me.

I'll consider it


i'd rather get the most painful handjob ever than than a broken pelvis


>want to play shadowrun with frends
>remeber i don't have friends

it sucks chummer

I am attracted to her but she's kind of a cunt so Im not sure

how do those teeth work

Shadowrun sucks in pen and paper, don't do it unless you have hardcore RPG friends able to quickly grasp and remember the complex rules.

Of course.

/tg/ should make a beginner's guide

The current edition is much simpler. If you can grasp the mechanics of a decently complex RPG video game, you can play Shadowrun.



Gonna guess it's ak6.


Fucking up Glory's sidequest still fucking bothers me. It's one of my only vidya regrets.

You CANT climb it

How did you fuck it up

>Not just playing Shadowrun using D20 Modern with associated splatbooks

D20 Modern still exists, right? It isn't kill? I liked it.

I chose to kill the cultist dude, thinking I would only kill some of the children and not all of them. Also, Glory going full Yandere in the ending.

i want to climb that mountain while playing skyrim holo mountain climbing simulator

It was dead on arrival user

I liked XCOM AND XCOM 2 despite not being exceedingly good at it. Would I enjoy Shadowrun?

I know they were different, but I really enjoyed the Shadowrun FPS.

The new Shadowrun games actually play a lot like an expanded XCOM, but 'looser': cover is based on line of sight rather than just wall hugging, and of course the lethality is turned way down.

Its basically xcom combat wise so yeah. Dont bother returns, just play dragonfall and then hongkong.

I highly recommend a cybertroll rip and tear build for hongkong

And dont skimp on charisma you ninny

Gameplay-wise fuck no. I played Shadowrun first, then XCOM and then Shadowrun again and holy shit is it bad! You play it for the theme and story. If you want to get past the XCOM-esque bad combat, just make an Assault Rifle build.

how does a tabletop game die

Shadowrun rules aren't that bad, if you just want to play future shootbangs with cybernetics and robots and shit. The rules really get weird when you're introducing deckers and riggers and mages in, and everyone has their own unique rules they're operating under and you're trying to remember how they all interact across lines.

I've heard that generally speaking 4th and 5th are also much easier than older editions. I really liked the timeline and setting of 3rd the most but I can understand why you'd want to avoid it ruleswise.



On a whim I looked at the prices of some D20M books just now, makes me wish I bought more of the fuckers. For example the paperback D20M Future Tech splatbook I've got is going for $30-50 now.

Bought up a lot of cheap D20 shit when 4th edition came out and everyone was dumping books, should've grabbed more though. Shit always goes back up in price. Doesn't really matter since I haven't played tabletop in years now anyway I guess, but still.

Companies stop printing books for it. There's nothing stopping you from buying used copies, but oddball books that didn't get large printings tend to get expensive as shit when that happens.

there is a torrent with a compilation of books for d20 modern

Try a used bookstore, you'll be surprised what you find sometimes

>tfw got an entire set of all 1st edition L5R books for under 30$

thank, I already verified it

>D20 modern












>Reading RPG books on a computer/tablet
>Even worse, trying to play a tabletop RPG with the books on a computer/tablet

user, no.

Jesus, that's pretty amazing. Definitely better luck than I've had at used bookstores. The 2 outcomes I get are either no RPG books at all or they look them up online so they're all expensive as hell.

Last cheap find was pic related and that was years ago.

You made the right choice. If he escaped, he would have brainwashed more kids in a new cult.

>user, no.

I did it with Riddle of Steel, considering the books are out of print, and even a used one is 80$+

Just print out select pages, etc. Its not hard

>not reading from a tablet
>having the entire collection to quick check the rules
>having an app for checking hit points
>having dice apps for rolling
>using background music for improving the game

it's not the 80s, grandpa

>using background music for improving the game

Im surprised there are GM's that don't do this.

Is that dio

>Urban Arcana
>Crazy elf princess leading an extremist eco terrorist group
>manipulative drow queen being a CEO of Apple
>SWAT team having elfs, orcs, dorfs and humans as operators, doing daily missions in a magical shitty getho
>Gansta Orcs
>ultra feminist nymphs

Yes, she could use her magnificent Orcish ladybenis on me every night.

>Trying to manage a tabletop game while flipping through physical books trying to find stuff on the fly
You're crazy man, computer is way easier. Hell, I put PDFs on my phone to review if I know I'm going to be waiting a while someplace.

Of course not. I could never cheat on Qiu!

>used to do music and effects for our computer rpgs
>greatly enhanced the mood and fun factor
>mfw im in a pen and paper online and the gm doesnt do this

What's in Dragonfall stays in Dragonfall.

id rather fuck the dog. its not crippled by emotional baggage and implants


All that sounds slow as shit. Looking stuff up in books is really fast just thumbing through it, especially if you don't remember the name of what you're looking for and can't just use find in a file. And apps for dice rolling? That's an abomination.

HP app sounds fine, though I would miss having scratch paper for keeping track of HP and doodling on it during downtime.

D20 Modern is the greatest. On a somewhat related note, I'm kinda sad I never picked up the D20 CoC or D20 Gamma World. I heard D20 Gamma World was kinda shitty but I've got fond memories of playing AD&D Gamma World so I would've liked to have thumbed through it anyway.

Is book use some arcane skill now or something? You people are weird.

Lemme get my climbing equipment.

I'd rather fuck Is0bel.

said nobody ever

I've played with GM;s who don't

If they put on music, I do. If they get pissed, fuck 'em

If they Don't*

>You will never cum inside Isobel's body while her mind is in cyberspace
>You will never stumble into Gobbet's room after, sweating and covered in bodily fluids and collapse in her stink-pile


You don't even need to ask.

>the way she slowly warms to you
Glory's cool, but Eiger is best Shadowfu

don't post this image

would I have a choice? maybe in Troll society the females just go "you Human, I choose you as my mate" and you have to go along with it or else

Troll society is just poor person society. It's not like they have unique history or customs.

So that's what Jewel Staite is up to after Firefly.

>Is book use some arcane skill now or something? You people are weird.
I guess don't mistake me as a book hater, but I think of my books as something I use when I have time and want to settle in with a book. I'll sit down or lay in bed and flip through books for ideas or to make sure of rules when I'm working on something. When I'm at the table I just find PDFs on my computer to be much faster and easier. I can have books and word documents at my fingertips that with a few clicks on bookmarks or find functions will get me to anything I want in seconds.

It's certainly true you can have more books immediately on hand with ebooks, but I dunno user. I can't really think of any situations where 5+ were needed at hand during a play session. I guess if you were running a lot of class splatbooks and such it grows a bit but usually the players just use the PHB and occasionally DMG and splatbooks, and the DM would be PHB, DMG, MM, and maybe a module if you're playing a canned adventure. Maybe a setting book, but those would tend to be more for the DM and the players would only really use it during character creation or if they're using setting specific classes or whatever.

Could also depend on the people playing I guess. When I DM I usually do stuff off the cuff and expand on it between sessions, and when I would play the other DM tended to do the same. We all also were more rollplayers than roleplayers. Only had one munchkin in the group but the rest of us mostly just liked playing it like a tactics game with whatever goofy-ass characters. My last D&D character was an ogre fighter who found religion and started taking levels in cleric, even though he was really fucking bad at it. Pretty much every encounter devolved into making grapple checks on the biggest threat and pinning it until someone else dealt with it, and wasting all of his money dumping it into an arena/temple to his god.

Fuck. Now I miss playing tabletop.
