Sold on promise alone

>no battery life on controller
>no quality control on controller
>no interest in silent hardware
>no network reliability
>no dl speeds over 1mb
>no digital audio
>no 4k bluray player
>no hdmi 2.0 for true HDR on standard PS4s/slim
>no native 4K gaming
>no permanent game unlocks for joining ps plus
>no backcompat
>no mods
>no solid release dates
>no games

Hey at least they got good VR games right?

Other urls found in this thread:

Are we seeing Sony at their worst?

Sony fanboys will defend this

What gets me is the lack of UHD-BD support. The premium product from Sony lacks what the cheaper XB1 Slim supports.

>implying Sony got better

>Hey at least they got good VR games right?
They literally have the ONLY VR games worth playing. The rest is true. Piece of shit device.

>low framerate
>$60 to play online
>console itself is overpriced

Even shills are in tears

>no battery life on controller
>no network reliability
>no dl speeds over 1mb
>no digital audio
>no solid release dates
>no games

>no interest in silent hardware
wait what?

Is he 'Our guy'?

Forgot to add
>paid patches

>no battery life and no games

>no interest in silent hardware

This does kind of bother me but so far I've put enough hours into my ps4 I feel my purchase is justified

>what gets me is a completely irrelevant feature that has nothing to do with video games

Stay strong Xcuck, Ms may release a game that isn´t shit in the next decade (haha no they won´t)

How utterly fucked would Sony be right now if Microsoft hadn't gone full retard in 2012?

And we're back to blatantly lying to gain those sweet sweet (you)s. I hope no one actually falls for this desperate nintendrone nonsense.


I'm a sony fanboy and i'm unable to defend them, this is a fucking disaster.


>Stay strong Xcuck

It was abundantly clear that PS4 was gonna sell on flash and spectacle from the start. MS and Nintendo fucked up so hard that Sony didn't really have to try. What a time to live in, I guess.

What is he thinking about?

Is he our guy?

I feel that sonys biggest fuck up with the pro is no 4k player, this is going to bite them in the ass the hardest. This would mean no larger bluray disc support, max 50 gig. Games today are already moving beyond 50 especially now with the dawn of 4k games. Its going to be like 360 and dvd's. Mark my words.

>Lego Remastered just announced for PS4
>Spider-Man 4K just shown
I know who you fucking work for, PotterandMatrixfan.

What is it about this console that pisses off Sup Forums so much.

Is it success ?

Daily reminder not a single second of Spider Man gameplay was shown

It's fanbase is cancer and it's fun when they get BTFO'd

Agreed but why not flame a facebook page like I do?

Majority of them don't even exist on Sup Forums



>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but teh DROOOOOOOOOOONEZ!!!!!!111111