You lied to me. This game is pretty good.
You lied to me. This game is pretty good
Looks like you're the only one who thinks so.
Damn shame
If it wasn't a full priced game I might've cared
We didn't lie to you.
You are lying to yourself.
Looks like I'm the only one who actually played it before shitposting.
The game might be good, but it isn't Metroid.
Care to post a pic with your copies + timestamp? Just to make sure you guys have solid opinions after actually playing it.
Don't reply, this FFfag's third thread today.
Sage goes in the options field.
>no exploration beyond retarded easy to find powerups
>bosses are all casual trash designed to be fought by children
>final boss is not only a disgrace to Samus, but to video game bosses in general
>music is generic stock that you could probably find on Geocities
>mission based, which means no interconnected worlds allowed
>enemies have single digit AI
>singleplayer doesn't even scale for one person to play, and relies on crutches like mod chips which don't even fully fix the experience
>multiplayer being in there at all
This game is objectively bad. And I will not be convinced otherwise.
Not him but I pirated it and it's pretty fun
Nice, care to detail which bosses are actually trash?
What are your favorite mods out of all the shitty ones you found?
How about enemies with shitty AI?
Seems like you played it long enough.
The time it would take me to properly detail all of the problems with the game, in detail, would likely break post limit, but since I'm feeling type-ish today, I'll break down the problems that you mention specifically. Just give me a bit to type out my massive rant.
It could've been okay on its own, but screwing over the franchise's fans like this was uncalled for.
I didn't find anything in FF that wasn't already like that in prior Prime titles. Specially when it comes to boss fights. They work exactly the same here, with tight weak spots, huge HP bars and challenging difficulty.
Space Pirates have the same behavior.
Ice Titans, Hoppers, Geemers, Metroids, they all behave the same and have a very similar AI.
Please point out how they worked better in Primes 1-3 and we're done here.
Please take off the nostalgia glasses before doing so.
>Nice, care to detail which bosses are actually trash?
All of them. Bosses like the Sawken, for example, move extremely slow, fire almost no attacks at you (I'm assuming they do fire at you some point, unless my game was bugged, in which case that's even more pathetic), and their movement patterns don't even match up with bosses like the Chykka larva or Amorbis, who moved a minimum of 2 times faster, AND in addition those bosses had hazardois environments you had to deal with. Sawken? Nothing. It would be too "Videogamey" to actually challenge you, so they gotta casualize it. This isn't even getting into how long the battle takes. I think the first time I went through it, it took 10 minutes because they have too much HP. And it wouldnt be a problem if they weren't boring as hell.
Next up would be Cyranon. Another casualized boss where you shoot at an orb for 5 minutes. Then you go into a boring phase were robot worms come out of magma and shoot extremely slow projectiles. You basically never have to move from your initial spot. I'm sorry, isn't the Metroid series known for havign bosses that are better designed than just ORBS? It's pathetic.
Every boss afterward is just a repeat of those problems, but in greater magnititude. An AAA developer like Nintendo shouldn't have even allowed this garbage through beta testing. They should've fired Next Level Games and blacklisted them from ever touching Nintendo consoles after this trash heap.
>What are your favorite mods out of all the shitty ones you found?
I don't like a single. since I hate multiplayer with a fiery passion, I chose to go it alone, but there's a problem. If I do go it alone, I basically have to use the lone wolf mod, which makes the game even more casual because it reduces damage. If those idiots at NLG were smart, they would've made it so you took MORE damage, as a risk/reward chip instead of it being 100% casual reward with no effort put in.
>the game is bad because fans don't like it
wow, 10/10 argument I'll stop posting now
Nobody lied. You're just straight-up fucking retarded. Like, "how does he even dress himself" retarded.
OP mfin REKT
No you won't. Fuck off already, kid. Mom said dinner's ready.
>How about enemies with shitty AI?
Again, you couldn't find an enemy that wasn't a blithering idiot in this game. And as I went into detail above, the bosses aren't immune either. Now, granted, you could make the argument that Metroid games weren't all that difficult, but anytime the games didn't prove to have difficulty, that wasn't a positive selling point. That was a flaw. NLG should've learned how to fix that with a proper hard mode that actually makes the game more difficult, instead of it being superficial junk like most hard modes nowadays. Do I even need to remind you of Samus herself, and how her fight is essentially you shooting a ball for 10 minutes? Boy, they couldn't even go 1 game without rehashing a boss, aka Cyranon. "b-but it rolls around this time". Yeah, and that's pretty much the only difference. At least other Metroid games saved rehashed bosses for OTHER installments, instead of running out of ideas half way through.
>Please point out how they worked better in Primes 1-3 and we're done here.
Maybe the fact that the games were much faster, and more enemies could be on screen at once. And not to mention bosses could actually hit you and you could actually die. Compare that with Fed Force, where the first three bosses can beaten without even moving from your starting position.
In summation, this game is garbage. Even if you took the Metroid name out, it is a terrible shooter that relied on, and essentially pandered to, multiplayer instead of focusing on a good singleplayer experience. It is the definition of forced pandering and missing the point of Metroid. As many other metroidvanias could point out, Samus isn't the point of the game. You could've removed her entirely, as long as the gameplay was goo.d. And that's the problem here. The gameplay ISN'T good. It's buggy, it's flawed, it's slow, it's casual, but worst of all, it hides behind a shield of "you're just all haters" as if it was phil fish.
I completely forgot about that game. It gave me the need to play a real Prime game so I'm replaying Prime 1 on hard.
Literally the first boss in the game, more like a tutorial boss than anything. The same can be said about Prime 1's bettle and the wasps then? (forgot their names)
>If I go alone, I basically have to use the lone wolf mod
The solo missions actually reward you for NOT using this cheap mod and relying either on your regular mods or nothing. It's a huge ass bonus ranging from 6000 to 15000 depending on the mission and it usually is enough to earn you the 3 medals if you dare to try this. Git gud.
>casualized bosses
Yeah, good luck beating that pirate ship alone. Good luck with Samus and Master Brain on Hard mode. Even the fucking Sawken is a pain on Hard if you're aiming for a non-lone wolf run.
>Literally the first boss in the game, more like a tutorial boss than anything
Not an argument. The wasps can actually kill you, and require you locking onto an enemy who actually moves fast.
Maybe I should bring up Super Metroid's first boss, the infamous Torizo who moves fast, strikes fast, and attacks you when you only have 1 health tank? Plus he actually requires you to jump occasionally, unlike Fed Force, where you don't even have to move.
>The solo missions actually reward you for NOT using this cheap mod and relying either on your regular mods or nothing.
And what reward do I get? Points? Gamescore awards? Medals that do nothing but possibly unlock a third mod chip slot down the line, assuming I even want to replay the game after this? That's not an incentive, it's filler. Nevermind that the game is extremely boring without it, because enemies with higher HP take way too long to kill, but they're still not difficult because their attack patterns are choreographed so obviously that I'd have to put the 3DS down and wait for them to actually hit me.
>Yeah, good luck beating that pirate ship alone
Son, I've played twitch shooters like Unreal, I've played RTS's online with koreans. I've indulged in Dwarf Fortress. I know difficulty more than any Nintendo game could even BEGIN to offer.
So if you think FF is difficult, allow me to give you some advice: GET. GUD.
>NLG should've learned how to fix that with a proper hard mode that actually makes the game more difficult
Hard mode on Prime 1 and 3 (not sure about Echoes, can't remember if it had a hard mode) works EXACTLY the same way: you only take double damage. Nothing else.
>multiplayer instead focusing on single player experience
Every single mission is doable solo and in general much easier to acquire the 3 medals since not equipping the lone wolf and relying only on your skills will grant you a fat bonus score. You have incentive to go solo in opposite to what happened to Triforce Heroes.
>the gameplay isn't good
Like I said, take out the nostalgia glasses and play Prime 1-2 on a GameCube. Tell me later.
>So if you think FF is difficult, allow me to give you some advice: GET. GUD.
Wasn't it unbalanced and casual user? You said that a minute ago. Get your shit together please.
>Hard mode on Prime 1 and 3 (not sure about Echoes, can't remember if it had a hard mode) works EXACTLY the same way: you only take double damage. Nothing else.
And did i advertise that as a good thing? Did I ever imply that they couldn't use some more difficulty? No. Zelda games have this exact same problem. But isn't NLG a 2016 title? Shouldnt they NOT repeat mistakes like this?
>Every single mission is doable solo
But is it designed around the solo experience? That's the key here. Any schlub can take a multiplayer map and limit the amount of people playing to just 1 and say "oh, it's a singleplayer game now.". That's not good game design. And it shows by the environments having nothing in them, giving you no perspective of the planet you're on, no incentive to find secrets, and no desire to ever return.
>Like I said, take out the nostalgia glasses and play Prime 1-2 on a GameCube. Tell me later.
Okay, let me see what happens:
>play Prime 1
>all cutscenes are skippable
>no disgusting voice acting
>no mandatory mission briefings
>no 50 minutes of dialogue thrown in my face
>isn't at 240p resolution
>maps too cramped for multiplayer, so this among other factors tells me that the game was designed for singleplayer first
>atmosphere makes use of colors in moderation, without oversaturating everything in primaries
>music is distinct to Prime and doesn't just feel like it's public domain trash
>game isn't afraid of throwing a twist at you, like a mechanized ridley who is actually intimidating, compared to Samus being brainwashed, and rolls around a room for 5 minutes
>overall a far better experience, whose positives outweigh the negatives
Like I said, FF is garbage.
>Wasn't it unbalanced and casual user?
And what does that mean user? It means I never once had trouble with the game. I think that's the meaning of the word "casual". Might wanna look it up next time.
>This thread
And the unholy duo aren't even here yet
This is a galactic federation. The one in the games starting with fusion/prime 2 is a totalitarian military.
Cutscenes in FF are also skippable.
>50 minutes of dialogue
what game are you playing, really?
>240p resolution
at least GC ran 480p, I give that one to ya
>music is bad
You're right in this one
Play Corruption. It has exactly the same atmosphere as FF (no joke), with the obvious difference it isn't made around chibi art style. FF Enviroments have a very similar feel to the rest of the Prime subseries.
>maps are cramped
It's a fucking portable game centered around missions. It works better this way since missions take around 10-15 minutes each. Would you prefer Hunters' barren campaign/maps and convoluted save spots? That one is the best example of how you should NOT make a portable shooter.
>not one single human
damn this is the most interesting portrayal of the federation by default
>what game are you playing, really?
I thought I was playing Fed Force, but considering the disgusting amount of dialogue they throw in your face, I think it's more tantamount to a movie.
>Play Corruption
The worst of the Prime Trilogy? no thank you. That pretty much exemplifies my point of how FF only took the worst from Metroid games and didn't even touch the best features.
>It's a fucking portable game centered around missions
NOT AN ARGUMENT. if you can't make a living world without cutting it up into retarded bite-sized missions, then don't bother making an FPS period. Keep it on the PC where it belongs, or put it on a console. But don't shove it onto a handheld.
Even a fangame like AM2R managed to do Metroid properly, whereas Federation Farce couldn't get close. How do you get outdone by a few guys in their basement running on Windows 95 computers?
>Even a fangame like AM2R managed to do Metroid properly
Because it's a remake of an old official game?
>whereas Federation Farce couldn't get close.
Because it's a spin-off?
>Because it's a remake of an old official game?
And yet it's better in every single way, yet never once does it deviate from the Metroid formula. It actually adds to it in a way that doesn't clash with the rest of the game. Meanwhile, how am I supposed to enjoy an isolationist metroidvania when the game keeps shoving multiplayer and co-op and gamerscores in my face?
>Because it's a spin-off?
And was it a good idea to release a terrible spinoff 10 years after the last good Metroid game, 6 years after the worst metroid game ever made, and on the 30th anniversary of the series?
By the way, I'm still waiting on my apology for what they did to Samus in Other M. Still haven't gotten it yet.
Being the federation's BADASS lapdog and damsel in distress wasn't enough epology for you?
Reducing her to glorified sex fanservice (in Smash) and who's so dumb that she actually gets captured by space pirates? I'd say someone at Nintendo needs to commit Sengoku to make up for it.
I'll get the game soon and seefor myself if it's any good. Right now I'm still occupied with a number of games I've gotten last month. Since FF seems to have flopped, so I might get a good deal on the game.
The only liar here is Nintendo.
I played it. It's okay. Nothing groundbreaking, good mission variety, OK graphics but shit controls. A bit of a pain in the ass solo sometimes but I met so many retards online that had no clue what to do that I just didn't care anymore to play with them.
But yeah for Metroid fans still a slap in the face. Without the cameos of Samus and the Space Pirates it feels like a generic space marine coop shooter.
If you find it in the bargain bin go for it especially if you have someone to play with. But this is by no means a must buy titel for anyone.