>those dislikes

>Sony will have more paid services than they have games on PS4 soon

O Shit

It's already been debunked. They plan on charging developers that want to release patches, not the consumers.

I said it a billion times. The videogame industry needs to be regulated by government.

Yeah, no way the devs would ever pass on those costs to the consumers. It's not like that's exactly what happens in every instance of this kind of shit.

They were doing that anyways. Remember the excuse from the Skullgirls team on why they needed money for patches?

You're retarded

"Jack Sipich, founder of developer Absinthe Games, said in a NeoGAF post that developers 'are not allowed to charge you for patches or [PS4 Pro] feature updates.'"

That is still wrong.

They said developers can't charge money for the patches, and therefore the cost of adding HDR lies with the developer.

No one is being charged anything

Developers have to pay a fee to release patches on both PSN and Xbox Live.


Into the trash

the consumers are the ones who choose to be cucked by companies. you're the type of faggou that would pay for each patch cry about it like you aren't silently endorsing it



>also extrememy misleading
Flawless journalism

>Post deleted
>User banned
You know it's happening.

Where do we send complaints?

That got removed years ago.

That's completely retarded


already confirmed by sony not to be true


Yes because if ANY institution has the civilians best interest in mind, it's governments.

>developers begin cutting costs for HDR meme
>developers start making remasters making you buy the game twice

ITS FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


SonyCucks WILL defend this

Sony back at it again

What has MS said about this? if i was in their marketting department i'd be preparing a sick burn like Sony gave them a few years back and see if people switch to the scorpion or spider whatever that shit's called.


They already have.


That lost was so fucking retarded I actually had a pang of fear at the though that you probably vote.

The way this works is:
>Company makes products people want
>People buy them
>Company does shitty thing people don't like
>People stop buying them
>New/different company sees these people who still want product, walking away from company
>New company makes their version of product without shitty thing that made people leave
>People go to new company
>First company doesn't want this and removes shitty thing
>People start coming back

This LITERALLY JUST HAPPENED with the Xbone 2 years ago. That's how capitalism is supposed to work.

What is HDR?

Fucking destroyed

Bump you faggots


high dynamic range. a bloom alternative

Fuck me.

I've never heard of this, is this like, brand new? Is it a meme feature like motion blur and chomatic abberation?


I want to suck dicks for a living

Horse Dick Resolution

so this is the power of the playstation nation...

Officially its from 2013 but now achieves meme status.
Just like 3D was.

>Marketing a stuff that Source engine made a industry standard 10 years ago.

Bug they keep mentioning it like it's the only difference. On PC games I barely notice HDR. I thought it was just that annoying thing that tried to shittily simulate you looking at a very bright thing and then a dark thing and having your eyes adjust? Is that literally the only benifit we're gonna get if we don't have 4k TV's?

hired, can you start tomorrow at 10:00 am?

This is what it looks like in photography. I don't know if it's going to be actually like that in video games.


By the way, didn't source 2 come out? Isnt dota 2 the only game using it and it looks absolutely no fucking different from the source 1 version?

Playstation HDR patches? Why would anybody pay for high dynamic range patches?

I think the first release with HDR was the Half Life: Lost Coast demo


You ask that, yet there were 40+ million people dumb enough to buy a PS4. Someone out there will pay money for this shit.

lovely stuff






>dev repackages game into a full-price "[edition] EDITION" with the HDR patch included in the disc
>t-they won't charge you for it guise
>dev also uses this to sidestep the patch clause

is this the ugliest Asari in the entire universe?

I wonder if developers would ever put the price of the games up to compensate for this future loss of revenue. You dumb nigger.

Sony won't charge for it. BUT THIRD PARTY PUBLISHERS MIGHT


Yeah, and then see how they lose at least 20 to 30% of their sales because they bumped the price to a value the normal customer is not willing to pay (yet). You dumbass.

Been there, heard that, famalam. It was called Horse Armour. The rest is history.

Are you comparing the risk between making DLC that was made by a small section of the total developers to risking the flop of a complete 4-5 year project?

No, just saying that (You) will buy, pre-order, suck or believe anything. People are gullible as fuck m8.

(You) = the average consumer


b-b-but muh remasters!

don't you all want to play Dark Souls 0 again??

And what is Sony supposed to do if the third parties decide to charge for shit?

You are underestimating people's ability to make decisions with their own money. Look at Evolve, their initial pricing killed them.

Well this means everyone is fucked.

>tfw jewry knows no bounds

so how long until we start paying for Day 1 patches that fix brokeded rush games

I can't underestimate people's ability to hold onto their money enough, user. It constantly surprises me. People with PS4s pay for their internet twice. They'll pony up an extra 5 bucks for their games. It's """"only"""" 5 bucks after all

The worst part is they have the audacity to call the games they get in return as "free" when they've paid for them.

HDR is used in photography because even the most high end camera lens is limited in the range of colors it can capture in a single shot. Unedited photos look very flat. So people started taking underexposed shots and compositing them with overexposed shots and they ended up with photos with a higher dynamic range.

Now the meme in all this is that if you're developing a video game, you aren't limited at all by a camera lens. Technically pretty much any modern video game is 'high dynamic range'. There's no color range limitations when it comes to developing graphics. It doesn't cost extra money to bump up the saturation a little bit to get that extra bit of 'hdr' effect. If anything, games went out of there way to limit the color range in video games, hence why brown and bloom is brown and bloom instead of vibrant and colorful. It's just artistic direction, not hardware limitation.

A service that also allows people to get new games every month. Sure to us those games might as well not exist because once the subscription ends we don't own them anymore.

The casual player however, plays the game once maybe twice and then never looks back because he doesn't care. But those 5 bucks a month to try out new games? He will find that a fine bang for his buck.

Every update requires you to pay money to Sony, how do you faggots not know this?

Last time we heard anything M$ required around 10k for a single patch.

HDR? As in the technology that was all the rage 10 years ago?

All bullshit, they have confirmed that is free, shitty gaming "journalism" at work like always....

Is HDR the new meme word now?
I thought they were going for 1080p 60fps, then that turned into 720p 60fps with drops



New tv "tech" that theyre trying to justify R&D for

>remastered PS4 games
>remastered remasters

Hasn't HDR been around for like 20 years

What they mean by HDR in video games and TVs is rec. 2020 support.


>even the most high end camera lens is limited in the range of colors

You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about

The sensor is what limits dynamic range, not lenses

>Technically pretty much any modern video game is 'high dynamic range'. There's no color range limitations when it comes to developing graphics.

This is also bullshit, because the display (ie lcd tv) is what determines the maximum dynamic range you can output, as well as the color gamut.

So you can render shit at 64 bits per pixel and its not going to matter if your displaying that image on a display that is only 8bit.

The HDR rendering sony is talking about is for TVs that support the higher color gamuts and dynamic range that have been around for a few years now. Most tvs cant though.

jesus my sides

I should also add that rendering things in 10bits per pixel can be more taxing than 8 bits, since the framebuffer will end up being larger. But its not that big of a deal since a lot of games are already rendering at a higher bitrate than the display to avoid banding

>hating on the non-cis-enabled-hyper-progressive Asari

Sony what the fuck are doing?

pseudo science!


when they said "supercharged" PC they weren't talking about computation power for sure


So you are saying that an 8bit and 10bit framebuffer will end up being the same size?

I didnt know that basic math was pseudoscience.

>Sup Forums is still falling for clickbait
Jacksinthe already confirmed that Sony will not allow any dev or publisher to charge for a PS4 Pro upgrade

no youre just an idiot using the wrong terms.