
The best expansion since MoP

Best expansion since Wrath, you mean

>Ion Hazzikostas: We see the feedback but all the hashtags, spam and off-topic posts are unconstructive and makes handling the feedback harder than it otherwise would.

hope they get nerfed even more fucking warcucks


Is there a reason to buy Legion before hitting 100? Quit during MoP

You can start Legion at 98 if you relog when you hit it

>tfw disc priest
>nobody invites me to mythics

Y even LIFF

>only hidden skin for best artifact with any info known about it so far is locked in a fucking raid and not even in the game yet

In other news, I'm 107 and about to start my third zone. Kind of dreading having to complete the fourth zone when I'm already 110 and wanting to check out Suramar.

Fucking keke

Warlocks BTFO

Blood as usual. Specially in a PvP server. You are literally invincible.

I've been watching s1 of show by rock recently it's better than I anticipated

It was fun the first week

Warlocks are literally the saltiest bitches in the game. No other class attracts people who get so irrationally buttmad in such concentrations.

For all this talk of people claiming that everyone in the game refers to you as the chosen one and a super hero, i don't feel that at all.

I spend every day in battlegrounds and no one remarks how amazing I am at killing all the alliance scum and being top dps or capping flags.

The game discriminates too heavily on PvErs for "saving the day" when its really the PvPers who are doing the hardwork of killing the true enemy. They need to get more praise too.

I made the mistake of saving Highmountain for last before I got into Suramar. Tauren are so fucking boring. Had to force myself through that zone.

people i'm a completionist slut, do you think some achievements and mounts are coming back? i want the molten hound mount and immortal title so bad

I hate pve tanking as blood though. It feels like you have no mitigation, all you do is heal yourself after getting hurt like no tomorrow.

You knew that was coming

Suramar kind of sucks

The zone itself its very cool, especially the city, but everything you do in it is shit

I find it hilarious because I main a destro lock and do fucking amazing as it. Top dps, always top in PvP, easy as shit arenas. I literally don't even know what these retards are crying about.

>PvP in WoW
>Anything but a broken, messy afterthought

There's a reason you've been thrown in the sewers

I love blood spec so much. I should grind for the blood champion title just because I love it so much.

>I hate pve tanking as blood though
You've got to pull 3-5 enemies at a time, your AoE abilities are awesome.

Yeah it was good times


Though you can get the doggy from black market AH

You're not exactly setting a high expectation with that comparison


Is it that bad? I'm actually going there now. I did Azsuna -> Stormheim.

Azsuna was pretty okay. Felt varied in the mini-locations all around. Stormheim was really dull. I read a lot of posts saying that there were vrykul or some such who gave no fucks and ran around punching Gods in the face--and I never once saw that occur at all. From lurking threads, I know the general plot of Val'sharah and it doesn't sound interesting in the least so I guess I'm saving that for last.

Odds are you are in a raiding group. For the people in crap-mediocre gear, there is no hope.

Warlock here and I'm a light version of that image related.

It's a tad annoying Demonology Warlocks need such a high iLv to even LIFF in Dungeons

Val'Sharah felt really short to me. The story was nothing interesting, just druids and corruption and shit, but the questing went by like a breeze.

I just hit honored today, thanks to the token from the Kirin Tor world quests (only 750 rep for Nightfallen while everyone else is 1500)

On the countrary. I feel like other tanks are better at mass pulls simply because they have actual mitigation. As a blood you just heal yourself after taking damage, you don't actually mitigate like other tanks. So if you are tanking a LOT of mobs they might just kill you.

That's what annoys me the most about blood tanking. I can't just chain pull and set the dungeon pace to be extremely fast.

I really enjoyed Highmountain although the few "twists" were kinda dumb and Huln is comically strong.

Fuck Ion. He's the most arrogant cunt on the planet.

It is WoW in 2016

>People don't still don't know that blizzard balance is "taking turns" which class is good and this is their time to be shit
I can't even recall when was warlock shitty last time

Wrath was fucking awful though when it wasn't being Ulduar.


> It feels like you have no mitigation, all you do is heal yourself after getting hurt like no tomorrow.

So, what blood is supposed to be?

It's the shortest zone without a doubt if you're just doing the main quest. Loads of side quests though.

that's make me sad man, blizzard delete so many content and fun achievements, at least there's a black market for mounts

MoP was great;

Finish the withered army training.

Why are disc priests so terrible this time? I thought it was because I haven't been leveling the artifact but apparently everyone is complaining

so 11 years ago, they can live with it

The moment I seen whom was doing the Q&A, I lost all interest. The only way it could be worse would be if it was Holinka.

>you just heal yourself after taking damage
You aren't just healing, you're absorbing it when you aren't doing DoT and Heart Strike. You'll be doing damage, just not as much as most classes.


What are the classes that are really good right now?
I have myself an Orc Warrior, a lvl 90 troll shadow priest, and Pandaren Monk. Those good.? Pretty sure my Monk was a mistweaver and sometimes brewmaster. Dont remember what my warrior was.

I can tell you that even when it was current content I found levelling through Outland the biggest chore in the world. Thank fuck for Northrend. Good quests, nice zones to look at and an actual plot.

tfw when no friends to fuck around with in discord while chain running shit.

>MoP was great;

yeh but "best since mop" means it was better than warlords and nothing else

This current iteration of blood is almost as bad as early cata.

Warriors are BETTER in every way.

Ergo the first half of my post. I hate blood. Do you make a habit of only reading half of other people's posts before shitposting?

Well, unless you're a Shaman or a Paladin. Then you'll always be just okay.

I'm on a backwater group of three RPPVE servers, even the lamest, most easiest to acquire naturally mounts go for 500,000.

>left during Cata
>came back now
>burned through MoP in a few hours

What a waste of an expansion, fuck pandas

Ion has literally done nothing wrong

I'm pretty sure this was a tranny

Stay where you are, Ghostcrawler!

I think you are forgetting how long/deadly Cata dungeons were for people trying to get better gear.

>Fuck pandas

No one asked for an expansion full of shitty panda people but we got one. Pandaren fucking suck.

MOP was fucking fantastic you faggot. Until year of Siege anyway.

They nerfed the experience greatly
Leveling in Pandaria was pretty damn slow back at launch

No that was just Yuri Lowenthal

It was better than Legion at release




I don't even have a panda but they're not anymore offensive as the other furries we've been stuck with.

Yes. Fuck tauren.

Pandaren were a meme taken way too far


MoP had three very solid raid tiers, and it introduced based challenge modes.

I miss MoP.

I'm a masochist and I'm forcing myself to do the main story lines for each quest. I don't know why. Maybe I shouldn't do that although I'm already 2/4 so we'll see.

Yeah I read about Huln sounding more like a fable as opposed to an actual real entity.

>No one asked for an expansion full of shitty panda people

Say what you want about MoP and Pandaren but this is OBJECTIVELY incorrect
Pandaren was one of the highest requested playable races and everyone kept going on about muh Chen Stormstout

>Experience required has been dropped multiple times
>You probably did like 1-2 zones and no dungeons/raids obviously
>Basing your opinion on an expac after two later expansions

Yeah I can finish Wrath in like 2 hours too ya know.

His responses today are the same they have ever been.

Community: Why does this class have no good raiding specs?
Ion: Working as intended.

Community: Why did you remove our abilities when we were already mediocre?
Ion: Class fantasy

This. For as long as I've been playing warlock has literally always been good.
Now they get nerfed slightly and people claim they're shit when they're literally still fucking great.

I was sure it was a ruse for months after the reveal
The absolute madmen

Were you by any chance a ret pally?

Which is better for levelling, boomkin,feral or guardian?

>Great looking fear sets
>Better looking artifacts
>3 varied DPS specs
>melt things with dots

>can heal
>only 1 DPS spec
>2 lame artifacts
>milf dagger(?)
>shadow looks kind of fun
>only a few good tier sets

Which one guys? I am having the hardest time deciding. Warlock DPS specs look more interesting to me and have higher mog potential. Priest on the other will likely be more useful in the long run.

>Demo is good
>Destro is shit
ooo I might resub, never thought I'd see the day.

Few days ago had a warlock doing only 17k in mythics. What made it worse is that I was doing the most dps in the entire group (tank). Everyone proceeded to trash talk the warlock and he remained silent untill the dungeon was over

They deserve being mediocre for a patch after being fucking god tier during MoP and WoD.

If you were around when Golden Lotus had active dailies, you would NEVER think that.

Probably guardian. Easy to get into dungeons. Easy to smash multiple faces at the same time. Effortless and stress free.

What the fuck, it actually is.
He sounds exactly like a women there

>they're not anymore offensive as the other furries we've been stuck with.
The other furries haven't had an entire expansion dedicated to them
I hope they were happy with what they got then, a race of 'dohoho i'm a funny fat drunk who also talks like a fortune cookie'

It's not. The minute there is any movement in a raid they are literally worse than ret pallys.


Oh, by the way, demon form was removed.

Everyone asked for pandas. You are objectively wrong on every level about mop.

Even the story in MoP was top tier.

The downfall of MoP is that people like you existed to shitpost the entire expansion even though the overwhelming majority is against your word.

MoP was the expansion of shit posting.

Enhancement Shaman

>tfw ele shaman

send help

But that's not what he said at all, he admitted warlocks have issues and that the ramp-up time especially is ridiculous

But you as every other warcuck are so used to being top DPS and being vastly overtuned that you take that response as "HE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT US WAAAAAH"

fucking warcucks lmao

annnd resub cancelled.

Warlock players are fucking cunts, good god.

I don't get prot warrior.
I need the self-heal when I play prot pal
I need the self-heal when I play blood

When I play the prot warrior, I don't get what to use when I'm low life.

>Grind to exalted on about 10 Character
>Only ever get 2 of the 10 gems you need to summon the mount

>melting anything

Not in this expansion. If you want to heal you'll pick priest, if you want to do damage you'll pick neither.

They had to remove it so they could make demon hunters silly :^)
Now your rotation consists of long cast spells of summoning monsters and then immediately buffing them and that's it, hope you enjoy it :^)

Metamorphosis was shit on Warlocks anyways.

You NEVER take damage as a prot warrior. Ignore pain is plain broken.

It comes with a 100 character boost and you can make a demon hunter that starts at 98. But otherwise I don't really know