So since its pretty much confirmed that he is allowed online access on his ps4, what are the chances that one of you guys were in the same lobby as he?
So since its pretty much confirmed that he is allowed online access on his ps4...
ayo who dat?
Looks like a Eurocuck version of Sessler.
>ITT niggers who don't know Breivik
You need to be 18+ to browse this site.
>Taking double bait.
Found the retard. But seriously, who gives a fuck about some brain damaged retard?
I thought he wasn't allowed Internet. Also last I heard (which was years ago) he only had a PS2
>what are the chances that one of you guys were in the same lobby as he
Zilch. Only subhumans game on consoles.
he begged for a ps4 tho
desu my country would just kill him on the spot
>he begged for a ps4 tho
So he is a subhuman of colossal proportions.
>pretending to be retarded
you just played yourself nigger
>has PS4
>after all these shit updates
what are the chances he´s going full rampage with an AK when they let him out
shhhhhh that's not progressive enough for nordic ''countries''
>kills 70+ SJWs
>can play vidya without a worry in the world for the rest of his life
It's a miracle not more Europeans do this.
>Not subhuman manchildren.
>Being the self-proclaimed King of Autists.
>breivik finally gets released
>hits the sony hq
sonyponies btfo
>Making fun of a country for having the rule of law
Kill yourself or go back to your mudlet country.
non country detected
sauce me
It should be Valve.
Still waitin' for HL3.
I live in America. Please deport yourself.
B-but he killed muh ess jay dubs! XD BASED BREIVIK
He still shouldn't be allowed to play video games or have any online access. He's a criminal not some kid you're babysitting.
t b h Breivik trained with video games and he has a FAR higher ratio than the americans that shoot guns since they're toddlers so one can only asume video games are the superior entertainment medium
although really games + tv shows are the choice of the patrician, feel sad for people that still bother with movies
he was a wowcuck so probably blizzard would be the lucky one
>be american
>get shot
But those are the laws of Norway.
He got a ps3 with no internet connection.
no doubt one of the muh heritage guys since you got so triggered by my comment
Norwegian Gov is appealing the courts decision. They're trying to take his vidya and warm coffee away.
At least his console has games
I personally think that spree killers should just be put to death or a life sentence.
Come on, these guys are giving him access to a damn console? The fuck?
What games do you think Brievik likes?
>Breivik trained with video games
no, he went to a shooting range,he trained with handgun on a shooting range, with the excuse that he will participate on a sharpshooter tournament, same goes for his rifle.
any person that says shooting in a videogame its the same as real life its a moron.
>Come on, these guys are giving him access to a damn console? The fuck?
It is his human right, we shouldn't judge.
no he didn't, he trained tactics/shooting in MW2 and teamwork in WoW, both of which have real world applications and are used by the US marine forces in real life
>Breivik trained with video games
>he thinks skills in video games translate to real life skills
my little user can't be this retarded.
He's Sup Forums incarnate at critical mass, just like that other faggot that shot up kids because he couldn't get laid.
>Shitposts on Sup Forums.
>Begged mum and dad for PS4.
>Autistic manchild that can't get laid.
>Works himself into a homicidal rage after seeing shitskin mudapes rape and hatefuck his prospective ivory Stacies (except it's niggers in America).
>Spouts a bunch a Sup Forums tier nonsense that undermines a serious problem in his country, and paints those with similar views as psychopaths while Mohammed goat-fuckers gang rape a new girl every day and no one cares.
He's pretty much a self-declared weeb.
>he didn't know top marine snipers train on facing worlds
lmao 2kat
nigga what team he was alone.
Then the laws are unjust. Don't get me wrong the US is exactly the same with its acceptance of conjugal visits and also allowing some internet access. Serious criminals should only have a small amount of highly regulated free time where they can read books, work, or take classes or other productive shit. Americanprisons are fucking crime schools and Norway's are preschools. It's nonsense.
that's what they want you to know ;)
People lose their human rights when they kill random kids at camp.
special SAS forces play video games because the average video game player has 10 times better eye-hand coordination than the average video game hating nerd, which, if you ever came close to a firearm, would know is very important
>Breivik fights long and hard to get a PC with internet connection
>only game he's allowed to play is Battlefield 1
if Norwegian cucks wanted to punish him without anyone calling them out on it, they should have done this
lmao, the icing on the cake, really
said the fish to the fisherman
fucking glorious
>trained tactics/shooting in MW2
How many kids did he 360 no scope/throwing knife across the map?
Maybe the niqqa got dem mulple personality disorded shit amrite
he no scoped quite a lot actually, I am a marine force captain general and we apply those tactics at the range very often
also work for nintendo on the side, the NX will be great
He is a weeb who took a dump at Rayman in the fucking court.
>mfw norway has no life sentence under civil penal code
>breivik will be free in 21 years
Humans should have the right to food, water and minimal shelter needed to sustain themselves.
Video games are, and will always be, a luxury.
If they want to focus on rehabilitating a serial killer in their goddamn prisons, then video games are not the way to do it.
dude kills a bunch of people and has a better living situation than I do at my moms house
I feel you user
>euroland prisons give inmates cushy hotel style rooms
>nice food
>they get internet access and free video game consoles
>sometimes they get setup with a job
Why don't people realize that someone would take advantage of this system? I'd argue that anyone who commits a crime is directly benefiting from tax payer dollars.
How high are the odds that he frequented Sup Forums?
>21 years of CoD
They're creating a monster.
What can Breivik even do after he gets out of prison?
Who the fuck would want to employ him?
It's not a human right, how the fuck is it a human right?
since its norway he'd probably have a higher chance at a good job than normal people
Yet noone exploits the system
We're talking about Europe here. He could fill a lawsuit against anyone who doesn't want to employ him.
I'm pretty sure he got life in prison. I mean he killed like 70 people, I'm sure even ultra libtard central would put him away forever. Even if he does get to play playstation.
why would he want to leave?
>>euroland prisons give inmates cushy hotel style rooms
Only Norway and Sweden because of those sweet socialismbucks and because to be frank their crime statistics are were so low before niggers immigrated there that that shit might just work.
Rest of Europe is normal-tier except for Italy which is Colombia tier, piss off the guards and you're getting killed by being tied to your bed, beaten and denied food and water.
ISIS fighters and refugees are exploiting it en masse.
Huuuuh? The lawsuit thing would work in america, in europe (only really scandinavia) they'd do it willingly before it got to that because ''hurr he is the victim here dont discriminate!!''
I don't advocate torture
Of course they fucking do. Why do you think refugees run amok here? They know even our prisons are like heaven compared to their native shitholes.
Pretty handsome fella if it weren't for the muder eyes and the balding.
They don't actually get internet access, you're allowed to have entertainment that can't be used to connect to the internet in any way. PS2s and gameboys are very popular in prisons.
Also, you have to pay for them yourself.
>getting out of prison
Highly unlikely, they're going to keep extending his sentence after his 21 years are up.
>invent mafia because you're greedy
>invent pedo circles because you're horny
>now this
what the fuck is wrong with the boot
dont think he was balding yet in that picture, just average nordic hairline
Holy shit this is funny. He is the biggest whiner in prison history
>would you please stop tapping, you're driving me crazy
>where is my FUCKING CANDY!?
>muh cold coffee
>I want to decorate my cell
>and I want a new cell with a view. The one I have is bullshit
He's in "forvaring".
After the minimum of 21 years, they'll review his current state to see if he still poses a risk to the public, and either add another 5 years or release him. Repeat until death.
>Implying they'll ever let him out
You're judgemental.
>17 years old girls with giant plastic boobs
And the mafia is just how the south works it out without a government, when you think about it it's not that different, the problem is that they bring it elsewhere and it fucks it up for normal people too.
Is this thread the definitive proof that off topic has, is, and will always be better than on topic discussion on Sup Forums?
Seriously, I'd do the same. Have to spend your life on something.
>he doesn't want a woman to strip search him
It was born to oppose the government, not simply profit, how now it is.
The pedo circles you're talking about are..?
>be European
>get decapitated
What did you expect by the average white loser that blames all of his shortcomings on non-whites?
He's the average Sup Forumstard just less intelligent.
norway isn't sweden m8. it's only diet sweden
While consoles aren't part of your rights as a human, a part of the very foundation of our society is that everyone has inalienable rights. No matter what you do, you will never lose those rights.
>complains about cold after living a lifetime in a frozen hellhole
>dislikes being strip searched by women when some of them could even have some weird serial killer fetish (more often than you imagine)
Ok what
>women are taking my cloths off
>this lamp is inadequate
>i wish this coffee were warm
>i wish i were at home killing socialists
I am talking about the Vatican, which invented the mafia centuries ago and still covers up boy molesting priests.
You mean like the right of freedom? So why don't you just let him out and about then? Give him a gun in prison too, he seemed to enjoy shooting outside of prison.
>Give him a gun in prison too, he seemed to enjoy shooting outside of prison.
That's how I picture it. Is there a bigger fuck you to the prison system than being a whiny bitch who complains about cold coffee? Too bad Anders is probably too dumb to realize this feat.
The Church is like that everywhere, and I mean Buddhist, Muslims and Christians.
Tibetan Lama used to kidnap and fuck peasants' underage daughters when they had the political power, the upper echelons of Hollywood which are mostly jews and atheists do it, Muslims do it out of tradition, gay priests do it 60% of the time with gay teenagers that don't want to admit they're gay.
>t b h Breivik trained with video games
I fail to see what World of Warcraft has in common with firearms.
You serious? Didn't he play COD a lot? Specifically that level in 2 where it's literally a mass shooting simulator?