Describe this character in three words.
Describe this character in three words
Other urls found in this thread:
Belongs in .
lunarian NEET princess
Better than Mokou
You're virgin forever
disturbingly lacking hat
Who is that?
Second best 2hu.
obligatory lolicon bait
I wanna fuck
Needs a hat.
best neet princess
kaguya not loli
Vapid moon whore
Lick her feet
She can't keep getting away with this
Pretty fucking sexy.
Can someone explain to me how item pickup mechanics work in 2hu 7?
I have noticed that if I go to the upper part of the screen all pickups directly come towards me but this only happens sometimes
It only happens when you have max power.
thanks user
I want to masturbate in front of spacejin Kaguya while she calls me a filthy pervert.
Post more Kaguya.
Fuckin gook shit
Lovely princess.
Better princess desu
Seal that bitch
More weeb shit
Liter ally who?
big 'ol dress
No ball-busting please
Ka, Gu, and Ya.
PoC only works at max power in EoSD and PCB
In IN Magic team (shit as they are) get PoC from the beginning.
In all other games that have item drops everyone gets PoC from the start.
Since NEET is an abbreviation that's actually six words.
She doesn't look very Korean to me.
>Masturbating in front of a spacejin 2hu.
Wave good bye to your balls.
Inferior to Mokou
Just wanna point out that, in IN, focusing on top of the screen picks-up everything, even if not at max power.
dumb jap shit.
dumb frog poster
>fire repellent charms catching fire
Proper Touhou thread when?
Cutest 2hu
Why doesn't best girl ever get posted in 2hu tredz?
But she does?
The 2hu fighting game is pretty crap.
Which one?
The one which just came out on PS4. Cost me 30 bucks and I stopped playing it after one hour.
Mokou's best frienemy.
I love both of them. If the other didn't exist they would lose value
That's not even an official game, user. That's a fangame. If you're talking about Soku or the other one, then I'd agree with the latter sucking.
>he actually bought a game he could have downloaded for free on PC (and see how shit it is)
The silver lining here is that those 30 bucks will go to people smarter than you.
When does ULiL come out on PS4? I was assuming user was talking about that.
December 8.
How best a 2hu is is dependent on the number of their horns. Seija is the best because she has cute, little horns. Suika has tree branches growing out of her face, and thus doesn't count.
How best a 2hu is depends on how easy it is to bully them
Horribly horrible.
>do something nice to Seija
>Seija gets depressed
>give Seija a gift
>Seija goes berserk and stomps it into dust
If they don't have animal features, they're a shit touhou
Does this count?
Floppy lil dogger ears are the best. Fun fact: adult wolves don't bark.
Dangerous wolf
If they have a neck, they're a horrible 2hu.
Seki has an elongated laser neck though.
By that logic all 2hus are horrible tentacle monsters with dozens of appendages.
Not difficult enough.
What other 2hu shits lasers from their necks?
Post lewd
What about Keine?
I don't find Banki's cards all that hard, but for some unfathomable reason those heads following me around pisses me right the fuck off.
>implying this is a seventeen year old high schooler
>that artist's wallstuck doujins
less anal though pls
Actually, reimu and marisa can be around 17 and 23.
One year more and they are canonically legal.
>Akyu will die in your lifetime