It's actually good now

It's actually good now.

Other urls found in this thread:

I agree. If they could bring back all the original voice acting it would be superior to the original


But they're all back except for the trader, you just have to select classic characters.

>buy on steam first day
>play on hardest difficulty
>headshot every enemy
>patriarch spawn
>use all ammo for all weapons on patriarch headshots
>use all ammo pickups on map
>patriarch kills me
>immediately refund game

What good is the game if I can't even play it alone.

Is the resistance system still in?
Is the "mobs teleport to you if you get too far away from them" system still in?
Are the Microtransactions still in?
If you answered yes to any of these, it's not a good game yet.
You also can't "fix" the Resistance system, so do not attempt to make that claim, it is piss-poor and needs to be removed, assuming it hasn't already.

Im still wating for a real campaign

Is it play date yet?

Crates are the cancer that ruin every game. They ruined TF2, Payday 2, and KF2. Why do they keep thinking it's a good idea?

> I am 5 months behind any news

how many players left?


>aw fuck saying this phrase on Darkest Hour forums got me banned

dont shoot his head you tard shoot his tentacle arm

his head has a jaw hitbox on it too that only takes something like 10% damage and youll hit that a fuckload of times

Because retards will buy into them and it makes them money even if it fucks their more "knowledgeable" users.
Answer the question.

yes, the crate system is still there, though they made drop system infinitely less shit

Myself and the lads stopped playing around the time Sharpshooter came out, along with those bullshit resistances. Are they gone yet? Also I read that SWAT is just a worse Commando. True?


AFAIK resistances are no more, mobs don't teleport as of last patch.
Why free skins are bad? I literally don't understand why you bitching about it? FREE FUCKING COSMETICS.

Resistances are essentially KF1 except Bloat has headshot resistance and sometimes some enemies will cover their heads, others will evade.

Zed teleporting got removed.

If that's all that's left, that's fine.
>free skins are bad
>Paying $2.50 is the same as free
Unless you mean like and they made shit free now, which I highly doubt is what he meant.

Its not the same

SWAT has higher fire rate and he got Medic's armor buffs, also flashbangs are nice.

3500 yesterday peak. I always have people to play with any time of the day.

It's definitely better. Not really a fan of the berserker hammer knocking zeds down though. It's harder to know if you kill them or don't now and aiming at the ground to finish them doesn't actually help when there's more in-front of me.

skins drop a lot more often and you get one loot drop a day, but the pay-to-open crate system is still there polluting the game

Some things are in crates some drop FOR FREE. ofcourse I won't buy keys I'm not retarded. I'm playing the game I like and I get free shit what's not to like?

Now see, I was unaware of that, I am impressed actually. They made Killing Floor 2 into a passable game. No game is good if it has MTX of any kind, but they're definitely better than they were.

>Zeds can block their heads from shots
>The multiplayer zeds are part of the harder difficulty hordes
Thank god the boss health is displayed now. Been wanting that for awhile now.

Is it just me or are Berserker and Firebug way worse than they were in KF1? That melee system feels absolutely retarded even compared to the barebones one in the previous game and Firebug is basically all over the place like TF2 Pyro.

Gunslinger is fun as fuck, though. Racking up headshots with that cool sound and doing fast reload animations feels amazing.

>add more perks
>just split the perks you had in two
>"more perks guise"
>no lmg class
>no witty banter
>set in frogland
>similar community to payday 2
>shit updates that take too long
>put microtransactions in the game BEFORE sharpshooter
>small as fuck maps
>weak AF weapons
>people get kciked constantly
>Tr*pwire shilling their game because it sucks and is STILL in EA
>no atmosphere
>everything looks shiny and brand new
>"we want people to stop camping"
>make zeds teleport so the only solution is to camp
>(((Zed teleportation)))
>STILL no lmg class
>not set in UK
>lost it british charm

why do people like this game??

What does that even mean

(you) tried

land that waves the white flag you cheeky bugger

tell me why you like the game

Berzerker got nerfed because he was retarded overpowered in KF1, so yeah he's gonna be worse.

Firebug was great at first then they nerfed him into the ground and he still hasnt recovered.
He has 1 really good skill now called Napalm that makes Zeds burn each other to death in an aoe.
Everything else about him is garbage atm

firebug needs flare revolvers

I like the guns and shooting feels good. I like the music and maps too. Never liked KF1.

Firebug needs flamethrowers that actually work. As of now it's way easier to just let Gunslinger or Commando loose that piss fire onto zeds.

> make dumb shitpost that is based off info that hasnt been true in a year

> nobody takes the obvious bait

> go for the "give me proof its good" route

ur a retard m8

SWAT is the lmg class. There is banter it's just that the cast all don't share the same voice and voice commands from Unreal Tournament.

Mr. Foster is as British as you can get and while I miss the old fur coat no knickers bitches voice it's not something that prevents me from enjoying the game. The unique character lines for weapons is a bigger selling point to me, honestly.

>SWAT is the lmg class.
this is wrong and you know it

>killing floor


>SWAT is the LMG class
They use SMG, nearly the exact opposite

>why you like game?


its the smg class you absolute faggot, and it doesnt have banter just frogs chripin

>SWAT is the lmg class.

Stopped reading there, you clearly don't know shit about guns.

>SWAT is the lmg class

Clearly I don't. Soz.

>Never liked KF1
well you suck. i admit default maps were pretty shit but the community maps were fun.

doom2 e1m1 every day yo

A Sub Machine Gun is not a Light Machine Gun

>first day


doom 2 e1m1 a best, shame i cant find a server with the map

>doesnt know difference between lmg and smg

>fourth day
>still trying to kill hans

>no lmg class
What do you expect? AK12 with perks has 75 bullets, P90 has 100 on level 25.

i expect a 200 round lmg then tier 4 is a minigun with 1000 rounds and you get shit tonne of ammo and you stun zeds

something good

Why do you care so much about an lmg class.
Its just going to be commando/SWAT/Support with bigger guns...

I would rather have like a throwing weapons perk or something that's actually different and interesting. Not another rooty tooty point and shooty.

I'm still waiting for mod support and a mutator menu, as well as a decent way to make your own custom servers like how KF1 had listen servers.

What can you even put into the game without going full sci-fi? Tripwire said the new perk will be out on release and it's not Martial Artist. I have no idea what niche is even free in the game now.

>he doesnt want a belt fed shotgun

your loss pal

You people would complain that game went full casual and is too easy this way.

>give me something incredibly OP

>anything but casual

not like the game already has OP weapons/classes

>add swat
>no riot shield, no baton
>just smg's
May as well have just not released swat.


Sorry, but 1 hit killing Scrakes and FPs is way easier in KF1 than 2.

>not wanting a deplorable LMG
Perfect balance f-a-m

Are you seriously implying KF1 isn't casual?

KF2 is alot harder than 1 especially on release when it comes to Normal and Hard

>they only use smgs
>not n array of weapons
>no flashbangs
>no shield
>no "holding a pistol and baton" at same time
>just given us a mess

>2 enemies are easier to kill

>KF1 isnt casual
prove me wrong then if it is



Sounds pretty lame desu

>no flashbangs
Someone obviously hasn't played the game

>havent played game in a month or two
because its shit fampaiachi

Like i said throwing weapons would be a neat thing to have.

Turret builder would be neat as well but an absolute bitch to balance especially for tripwire.

LMG's could work but just another hold down left mouse and spray bullets class.

Energy weapons could also be a class but I have no idea what they would do with it, maybe a jack of all trades with melee, shotgun, pistol, and sniper blasters?

Also they could try and implement another support perk like medic.

Then why are you complaining about a game you don't even play? Why are you posting false information?

>comes to the thread trying to criticize a game he didn't even play

You're a special kind of retard.

>2 enemies are easier to kill
Not saying game is full casual, but you're saying KF2 is, despite it being harder at some points.
Also Bloats, Sirens and even Stalkers are harder to kill than in KF1.

>havent played it in a month or two


thanks for being reasonable and not sperging like the faggots above

damn this gun is rusty as fuck, he would be lucky not to explode in his face also why doesn't he have a nail?

>comes to the thread trying to criticize a perk he didn't even play

what the game needs now is a community injection

a few 50 player servers, a few modded servers, and you have a decent game

I didn't say that you "NEVER PLAYED IT"
I said that you "don't even play" which is true. You don't even play the game right now, you haven't played it in 2 months. Sorry that you don't have a basic child's level of comprehension

>some of those voice actors wont be alive for kf3

I think /kfg/ has 64 players server running.

>switcing from

luckly enough i have some water filters to keep my super male vitlity safe

>Blow it out your ass

>Join a suicidal room
>2 swats
>they cant do any dps, get overswarmed
>scrakes and fleshpounds kill everyone

>join a hard room
>swat runs off on his own
>gets killed by a gorefast

>join a normal room
>everyones swat
>i have 3x times the number of kills as support than them


It's not even a Glock.

All they had to do was give swat a shield
Then he could act as a tank for fleshpounds or something

>demoman can stun with grenades already with dynamite
>firebug with flamethrower makes quick work of all the little mooks and gorefasts

yeah i just googled it because it didn't look like a glock to me as well and it's not, top kek

It's still true though, you came to criticize swat specifically when you haven't played him.

How do I get good as support?

>Quick work of gorefasts

>havent played him
your right but what about the other %99 percent of the game?? no one has given any reasons or whatever, just straw grasping

try it

1. Pick penetration and reload speed skills
2. Point at zeds' general direction
3. Win the game

you get a hunting shotgun
you use both barrels on those bastards

Because nobody's going to take the argument of someone who criticizes something he doesn't know about seriously.

>i have 3x times the number of kills as support than them
That always happens with Support tbqhwy

What about fleshpounds?

>call out games flaws
and i thought GTA5 shills were bad

Empty AA12 in his face then HSG.