Call of Duty needs a new engine!

>Call of Duty needs a new engine!
When will this fucking meme die?

the quake engine is fucking awful

they should move to Source engine cause it's fucking superior

>Game series is part of one of the most normie, casual genres ever
>People complain about DA GWAFFIKZ and have no appreciation for it's superior frame-rate

What a surprise.

Source engine IS quake you fucking retard.

>it's an "user has a stroke while browsing Sup Forums" episode

>Source engine IS quake you fucking retard.

And its false modern CoD is using Quake engine

>CPU usage while playing both games on Pc: 100%
>framerate while playing both games on PC: ~20

>decent grafics
>hits 60 fps on console MP even with lots of action
>not too hard to run on PCs

I don't care much for COD but with some cheat you can enable a ingame FPS counter and with these kids fucking hacking the lowest I seen it dip without sticking my face in an explosion was like 54fps.

Not bad.


Goldsrc is a modified version of Quake. Source is a modified version of Goldsrc

The IW engine is as different from the Quake engine that it's built on as the Source engine is diferent brom the quake engine it's built on. Stop with these mental gymnastics

I bet you complain that emulation sucks too. Get a real CPU

Intel, the games are just optimized like shit, which is why nobody on PC buys CoD.

>not too hard to run on PCs
BO3 runs like dogshit on PC and doesn't look good on anything below max settings.
Hell, Battlefront actually looks good and runs way much better than this despite way bigger maps and more possible players on server. It even manages to look good on fucking low settings.

I heard but I'm not too versed on the newer CoD games. Its seems that the newer devs are not that good at pc ports.

I was fine with them using old engine until BO3. There's a limit in how much you can make Quake engine shiner. And they fucked up the one thing I loved the most in PC version - mouse sensitivity, which used to be exact from Quake.

Just lower your resolution and that's it.
Or buy a new video card if you really want those 1080p so much.
I get constant 100+ fps on all high 1366x768 and around 70 with 1080p.
And i'm running it on gtx760

you're not doing much but proving his point

I'm on HD7950 and I expect 1080p, especially that it runs 1080p 60 fps on consoles, when 7850 should be PC equivalent of base PS4 GPU. Also it has occasional stutter and eats lots of RAM.

PS4 equivalent of Battlefront settings is medium-high settings in 900p. My PC does full 1080p 60 fps on high perfectly.

On PS4 the settings are dynamic and it hardly manages to maintain 60 fps.
If you look at the gameplay videos (not promotional from E3/CODXP) you'll see that textures won't load fully most of the time. There are also framerate drops when someone uses purifier/raps and when there are a lot of explostions on the screen, for instance on nuketown.
I'm not defending it's performance i'm just saying you should not look at consoles for the comparison, because they don't do things differently and all they can achieve anyway is 60 fps at max.

>don't do things differently
I meant 'they do things differently'

Cods 1+2+3 are using quake 3 engine.

Cods 4+5+6+7+8+9 are using modified version of the previous games (which is the quake 3 engine)

Cods 10+11+12+13 are using a heavily modified version of the previous games (which is still based on the quake 3 engine)

Anyone up for some WaW zombies on pc?

it is more complex than that MW2 had a more advanced engine than BO1 and even BO2, there is a pile of branches due to the different developers