Can some generous user please buy me a game?

Can some generous user please buy me a game?
I'm having economical issues right now and I wanted this game for like half a year.

Please. I would very, very appreciate it.

Other urls found in this thread:

shameless self bump

sent :o)


Sent ;)


I can give you my Email we'll discuss it there.
Can you afford something that's 20 quid?

What game? Does it have Waifu's?

What game are we talking about?

Nah, I'm not a weeb.
Jesus, no...

I want Overwatch since it launched and wasn't able to buy yet. It hurts.

Just pirate it, only redditors buy games.

Okay guys here's my email if you wanna seriously consider buying it for me, then contact me there:

fopdoodle14 at gee-mail dot com

>mfw someone sends me an email

Obviously you don't deserve a game then :^)

It's one of those games that only work online.
It's got 'technical' single player but it's always online.

drop steam username and game title and i'll buy it for you. I've had a fun date with a girl so i'm in a very good mood

Waifus or get the fuck out

I know that feel, man.
Let's hug, then maybe have buttsecks as poorfags, get AIDS from anuses then die happily in each other's arms.


I don't have steam.

Don't like it.

Can you email me? I'm sure there's a third party way you can get a redeem code for it.

But this way I still won't have the game.
Sorry, but no.

that game has no online modes or anything, just pirate it bro

I'll add you. Unfriend me after if you want.

If any user has the money to buy me NeuroVoider, I would really appreciate it.

>not playing the near-endless number of indie hobbyist freeware titles out there instead of begging for commercial dogshit


Okay I literally just made a steam account, here t'is:

Thank you for that webbum, user.

sent :^)

Pl0x gib it to me too.

I want Elite: Dangerous Horizons

I'm the poorfag OP.

please user I begeth thou

steam thingy: (I just made it)


user delivered.
thansk user

i'll add you, unfriend after if you want.


>Game count didn't increase to 21 from 20
>Profile immediately set to private after

You added it to trade inventory didn't you? DEVILISH

So this... is the PC Master Race... whoa...

Yes, Poorfags user, you guessed it!

That's why I stopped gifting games.

Aww come on man

Did you forget about me, the OP? plz?


You don't want Horizons. Please, save yourself from that garbage. It's just more grind on top of an already barren, grindy game. It's not even worth it as a gift.

Sure, if you're willing.