I feel like you guys are way too hard on this game

I feel like you guys are way too hard on this game

>looks and runs well on fox engine
>has a neat PvP
>gameplay and animations are great
>lot of options for completing missions
>good story that isnt too intrusive
>lot of secrets and quirks

I would have liked more boss fights and for Angola to look a bit better but I cant think of many more complaints

The AI inst the best but there is a good mod to make them more sensitive

and yes I wish mission 51 was in the game as much as anyone else but it isnt enough to ruin the entire thing

tl;dr appologize

It's shit because konami forced kojima to go on with Metal Gear so he made the game 50 times as expensive to make as it had to be, made it very mediocre and made his own studio which was all planned in advance because he instantly had a deal with Sony going on.

>I would have liked more boss fights and for Angola to look a bit better but I cant think of many more complaints
Chapter 2 was half reruns.
The Wolbachia were cool but the tapes were not worth the time at all and I regret ever digging into the story of it.
There's many small things they overlooked regarding gameplay and R&D. The equipment at level 7 and beyond is way too fucking resource heavy to warrant continuing the game after beating the story.

I wish I could go back to it, but I can't. Maybe I'll start from scratch sometime soon, it has been a year after all.

tl;dr konami shill tries swaying hivemind opinion for upcoming 'remaster'

If I remember correctly you dont have to play the reruns to progress anything?

I see chapter two as more of an epilogue after the climax

>Chapter 1: the story
>Chapter 2: the scraps
There were glitches involving progression at release, I couldn't progress unless I did at least two of the reruns.

It doesn't matter what you see Chapter 2 as, what matters is that the missions in it are tripe and the reruns are retarded and should just be modifiers you can apply to any mission. Remember how I said there's many things they overlooked gameplay wise? That is one of the biggest ones, you can't go in naked or anywhere close to it. You can't bump up the difficulty in any way beyond self imposed "well I'm just not gonna USE my 'totally not AK-47' even though it rattles like a motherfucker" bullshit.

5 years.

The game has dynamic difficulty

ex you do a lot of headshots more people get helmets

There is a mod to apply modifiers to missions too

>install mods to fix the shortcomings of the developers
I'm fine, thanks.

The "dynamic difficulty" is just a matter of it spiking when the game realizes I'm not some dipshit that sprays and prays. I wasn't even halfway through the game before just about everything was deep red. When it gets to that point, EVERYONE has armor and EVERYONE has helmets, it's ridiculous.

MgsV killed all my love for the series. Fuck that shit game I have no reason to live anymore

I mean it is something that takes 2 minutes to make a game more enjoyable but whatever

I dont think you understand. I played the game at release. There were many things that sucked then, and mods weren't nearly as robust as they are now--plus some have been proven to get people banned from online play which at the time I actually cared about.

Why are you defending this game so much?

It actually isn't quite THAT dynamic. Enemies will eventually wear helmets, armor, NVG and whatever regardless of your specific playstyle. This is one of the things that bummed me out during replays. Really the entire game is full of cool ideas that were half-baked. I really want to like it but I can't help but see the glass as half-empty after following the game's development so closely.

>good story that isnt too intrusive


no, kys instead faggot

It is the operatorkino we deserve.

Who cares stop making these shit threads

its time to let go

>Chapter 2 was half reruns.
Who cares

Mission variety comes from the Loadout selection and various different ways to tackle something, not just how many unique objective strings you can pump out

You can't change the mind of those who felt betrayed by the lack of content in chapter 2 and the cut of mission 51, let alone those who criticize the writing
The game has its highs and lows but everyone agrees it's not the experience people expected and it's mostly due to the pretty bad story and the terribly executed plot twist

I almost had a panic attack when I got to the third 'destroy the convoy' mission. When I realized that nothing new was going to happen that wasnt already in a trailer I cried

>I almost had a panic attack when I got to the third 'destroy the convoy' mission

Shame it didn't finish you off.

>muh headcanon

yeah nothing new except the steady stream of new gameplay mechanics

>doing free roam with the C&C generals USA soundtrack playing

top fun.

What does headcanon have to do with anything in my post?

maybe in a different timeline it did

Recently installed Infinite Heaven and it's like a new game, it's great and fixes most of the gameplay letdowns. Everyone should give it a try.

maybe when the pc version goes less than $20. its too expensive

When will cuck community manager peeler stop browsing this site? I thought you said we were "horrible people?"

>has a neat PvP
Not really

I love playing the game. Absolutely adore it. But the disappointment is too strong. I love it until chapter 2, then I just can't take what could've been.

I don't care if the alleged Konami reps leaking what was originally planned were fake. We got cut one way or another. It hurts. I can't make it go away.

Hold me

Eh. In my opinion, if you don't want to spend the money, pirate it. You're not missing that much by being offline.

Infinite Heaven is the only reason I have so many hours put into this game. Would have been a play through once and never touch it again deal without it.

Talking about it, I've been encountering this weird glitch where I won't replenish ammo when I deploy into the battlefield, do you know why that could be?

No idea, never had anything like that happen to me.


ill be on my death bed cursing this game

9/10 game
6/10 metal gear game

I lol'd

It's a lot of fun to be had with TTP idk what you fags are talking about.

>parasites lol
>Venom is you, the player!

>looks good
It runs like a fucking dream, I'll give you that. I played it on a 7770 with a core 2 duo and it was smooth as shit. But it's not pretty, and the graphics options do nothing(no performance impact either).

I've never played any MGS games before so I won't get into the story, but the open world didn't work out well and the missions were very repetitive. The pacing was all over the place too, and I ended up dropping at chapter 30-something I think it was.

It was entertaining and I got a good couple dozen hours out of it, but it didn't have the tight level design showed in GZ. If it did it would've been a far better game, it really does play well and it's an absolute blast until you get used to the missions which are very samey.

Sup Forums will always have an excuse not to like a game.

>mah grafix
>mah gameplay
>mah story

its no winning just play your vidya user.

What does infinite heaven "fix"?

>gameplay is great

I die inside whenever I come across those guardposts with 4 guards.

Just go around them and continue to the objective you autistic faggot holy shit

>gets CQCed by Venom
>she fucking likes it