Thoughts on PS4 Pro graphics?
Thoughts on PS4 Pro graphics?
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They both look like shit.
I non ironically like the original better. It gives off a better mood.
They both look like ass but the right one is legitimately better.
Reinhard tonemapping was a mistake
wheres the improvement other than increasing gamma to 10?
This is swapped right?
more like piss4 pro thanks to that filter lmao
>Add HDR to the console
>Use literally Hejl Dawson tonemapping to downsample the colors to LDR again.
Hmm, is left supposed to look better than the right one?
cant see the difference unless you have an hdr tv retard
These eyes of mine can see the difference.
The right looks better.
You're right, they look identical on my non-HDR monitor.
>post a low quality jpeg file
Don't care about graphics, if it's like Tomb Raider it's an option. The 1080p performance mode is what interests me.
the human eye can't even see past ldr anyway
>retards post 1920x1080 images comparing 4K to 1080p
>other retards can't tell that this doesn't work
I thought video games already used HDR? They render at 32-bit colour which is far beyond the 256 luminance levels of 8-bit
The right image uses heavy blurring effect to provide the illusion of quality. Basically, it uses low-d renders and textures, and then fools your brain with blur.
The left image is actually rending things.
Now, that being said, sometimes the human eye prefers being fooled. Anti-aliasing is literally just blurring lines so that they look better and aren't rendered so sharply.
Ever seen a movie played at 48 FPS instead of the usual 24? It looks like ass, even though it's "higher quality".
>low settings 40fps interests me
Just get a pc dude. You can't be this retarded.
You're literally retarded if you think you can judge a 4K screenshot after it's reduced to 1080p
If you want a fair comparison you have to get the same screen shot in the same game, without any bullshit weather effects or day/night cycles making the game look different, and you have to actually have a 4K resolution on the image AND monitor viewing the image.
I do have a PC but not every game I'm interested in is available for it.
Don't underestimate these eyes of mine.
>Ever seen a movie played at 48 FPS instead of the usual 24? It looks like ass, even though it's "higher quality".
no it doesn't, 24 fps action scenes with ten thousand cuts are fucking cancer
You mean downsampled. Like all movies.
>you literally can't judge all feature films that are captured at 4k or higher and downsampled to 1080p
Never go full retard.
PS4 pro doesn't do 4k either you realize.
>It looks like ass
It looks unusual, that's it. Nothing wrong with that, it's just that people aren't used to higher framerates
>You're literally retarded if you think you can judge a 4K screenshot after it's reduced to 1080p
You know that is a really common practice for PC games right?
It's called super sampling or something and looks a lot sharper than regular 1080p.
It looks like a shitty soap opera cam and you know it.
Could someone explain to me what an HDR TV is supposed to be?
48 fps is literally objectively better, just because the hobbit was shit and looked like shit doesn't make 48 fps movies worse
Set the gamma to the same setting on both consoles to start, retard. The gamma/lighting are both obviously different in the two screenshots.
This isn't even a 4K image, so no that is not what a PS4 plus will display. This is a shitty downscaled image of what a PS4 might display if you fucked up your gamma and used a shitty TV that can't display 4K.
Yes, but you can't do a direct comparison and pretend that downsampled image is the same thing.
Ohhh, nice one
>Anti-aliasing is literally just blurring lines so that they look better and aren't rendered so sharply.
FXAA yes, which isn't anti-aliasing technically, it's just a post-processing effect.
Another gimmick that's more useless than 3D tvs.
Think uncustomizable SweetFX that costs hundreds of dollars.
Has nothing to do with what HDR is.
HDR uses RGB values above 1 to allow for per pixel bloom, it only properly works on OLED displays.
Get out of here, shill. They showed the PS4plus running a 4K spiderman game live during that meeting.
Retards will fall for this shit gimmick.
PS4Pro doesn't do 4k though.
Like theyd hook up a PS4 for a formal presentation. It was just a PC playing a video.
Right image looks worse, though. It be better in Africa, but that contrast ruins the picture in GZ.
Pls don't tell me it's just fucking around with color correction.
Then you won't like HDR.
Except we've already seen it done, retard. It can play games and stream video in 4K.
I'm still buying it
Its support for higher bit depth displays essentially
rec 2020
>b-but youtube
The game isn't rendered at anywhere close to 4k. It's 2x the resolution with TAA.
That means you'll have to wait for the PS4 PRO ULTRA for actual 4k ant now half of 4k. Compare the aliasing here.
Hey vee, can you explain me one thing?
I have always thought the ONLY reason for 4k was higher IQ, much higher.
What is the fucking point of bullshitting 4K so that you get a higher smeared blurry sample?
That's like using SSAA on PC but also motion blur and maxed out FXAA, it makes no fucking sense.
It's a colour space that allows RGB values beyond 1, which results in pixels capable of blooming their own life source, giving far more realistic to life colour as opposed to any sRGB or YCC10 colour space panel of today.
Requires an OLED, don't fall for LCD TV HDR scams. Go to a Best Buy and ask to see an HDR display demo, most have one set up.
That's a shitty rendition of Seattle.
To rid idiots of their money.
>What is the fucking point of bullshitting 4K so that you get a higher smeared blurry sample?
sony is shit
I'm glad I can spend 100$ more for better graphics. Finally I'll get some use out of my 4k tv.
>Another clueless retard who has no idea what he's talking about
I'm starting to understand why asking stupid questions on Sup Forums always get's a response.
The Pro is fucking garbage.
I cannot fathom how or why this machine will sell.
Like, even the most braindead normie must be able to see how shit this is?
Please explain how this can work at all?
-no new assets, period
-most games won't run at 4k, but at 1440p upscaled with AA applied
-games will require a patch by developers to offer things like improved draw distance, fps, resolution, etc.
-effective ban on fps improvements to multiplayer games
-essentially built to sell 4k HDR sets, but can't play 4k blu-rays
I don't know why they bothered
>he thinks he's smart for defending this ugly shit
Stay salty while staring at your gimmick tv you retarded drone.
>illusion of quality
If I'm tricked into thinking it looks good then why should I care? The left looks ass
more frame means its better. I cannot conceive of a single movie in 48fps that was objectively better.
I'm not clueless, I'm speaking in laymans for him.
>Another gimmick that's more useless than 3D tvs.
>Think uncustomizable SweetFX that costs hundreds of dollars.
You can simulate HDR to some extent using injected shaders. Another fact.
What upset you?