Screw you guys, it looks fun. And it won't be free2play like most endless runner games

Screw you guys, it looks fun. And it won't be free2play like most endless runner games.

>And it won't be free2play
It will not? I thought it would be F2P.

That's even worse.

Nothing about this style of game is worth spending money on.

It will be free2start. Which means you can play for free a part of the game and you pay a fixed price to play the whole game.

Nah they said it's a one-pay system

I disagree, it's certainly worth it to play on the toilet. I've gotten a fair amount of enjoyment out of games like Jetpack Joyride

Smartass games need to die.

Guess ill pirate it then

It looks like every previous Mario platformer since NSMB.

As opposed to...?

It's a phone game, does there really need to be entirely new assets created for it? Wouldn't you want those resources going to an actually new Mario game?

Do you really think they going build a brand new game for phones?

DeNA make the games, not Nintendo.

I don't think Sup Forums is the target audience for this game. It's an advertising ploy for them and it's just in time to start getting some hype built up for the NX.

As with Pokemon Go, I'm sure a majority of upcoming sales for Sun & Moon (as well as 2DS/3DS hardware) are likely from people who played Go and either hadn't touched a mainline game in years or at all.

And most assets in Pokemon Go are reused too, it's the cheapest way to advertise and make something to appeal to a huge group.

That all said, I won't be getting this, I have SMM and can create/play unlimited stages that take more thought to create and play than anything this will likely produce, but I am interested in what the Animal Crossing mobile game might be.

I hope it's not just Miitomo with AC characters.

Problem is that New Super Mario Bros 2 looked EXACTLY like New Super Mario Bros 1 but with higher resolution. Even the soundtrack is the same. It feels more like an expansion and less like a sequel. Good thing I bought it cheap and later I traded it with Super Mario 3D Land (which later I sold to buy Mario Kart 7).

I got both 3D Land and NSMB2 for free thanks to Club Nintendo, if anything they're good time sinkers, so I personally can't argue with them. I can understand feeling burnt if you spent money, however.

They were fun games but they don't deserve their money as full price games, unlike previous Mario games like New Super Mario Bros Wii and Super Mario Galaxy.

Couldn't you just play this by downloading smb1 on literally any device and holding right the whole time?

Except that touch screen controls are fucking awful for anything more complex than games that require swipe the damn screen.

It might work with turn based rpg but not platformers or something complex that requires precision.

I'm more curious to see what the Fire Emblem game will be like. That seems like a tougher sell to the general public

I expect a 'build an army ran by your OC MC' and having battles with friends added via social media.

Like fate go, but all waifus are behind a 1% chance gachabox drop. Including "Marth".

can confirm, emulator controls on a phone are shit but turn based games are playable

>That seems like a tougher sell to the general public
Quite the opposite. Weeaboo and free2play strategy games sell like hotcakes in smartphone games market.

I fucking hope that the new AC console game won't have fucking micro transactions.

I can see that happening. Even tough you coul probaly make a proper Fire Emblem for mobile without changing much.

>console AC

What? Why Nintendo would do that? Maybe Nintendo can make DLCs for it, but I really doubt that they going add micro to the main games.

I can't say what the actual gameplay would be like, but I'm 99% certain it'll follow the Japanese mobage formula of having collectable cards that you can level up and evolve, with the strongest cards being hidden behind 1% drops in gachas that use premium currency to take draws from.

Really I'm more excited about the prospect of getting loads of more official art for everyone than the game itself. The upside to mobage like these is that it requires them to churn out a ton of art for all the cards.

Well, FE already have a official card game. Making more art isn't a problem.

Some cards are so damn fucking expensive, fucking waifufags.

wow so innovative bravo, nintendo

This. Nintendo is reaching out for the "lol I remember Marry-o" normies and it will do well like Pokemon Go did.

And it worked for 3ds, 3ds is selling more and pokemon games got sale bumps and even topped charts.

>Want nintendo games on phones
>Get phone games based on nintendo IPs instead

Is there anything Nintendo has done you won't defend?

>still using the "new" SMB graphics from 10 years ago

Looks like shit for that reason alone.

No shit, do you think they going port some game or make another one just please phonefags?

Also they announced that shit like a year algo with DeNA stuff.

FE and Ac is next on the list.

Naming of the Wii U, N3DS, and being behind with modern 'gamers'.