Would TPP have been better without Quiet?
Would TPP have been better without Quiet?
Remove both Quiet and the Sneaking Suit, and the game stops being casual.
no, she was the best thing about the game and best MGS girl for eternity
it would've been better had it never existed
I think he means the story, what little plot there was would have been better.
Quiet's story arc was the best executed thing in the story along with Paz.
Prove me wrong.
Her presence gave kojimbo a hard on and completely distracted him from making the game actually better
It was the only complete one alone with Paz I'll give you that.
The story was the very least of MGSVs problems
the story was actually the worst of it.
I want a game with Quiet as the protagonist.
MGS V would have been better with modifications to Quiet's character model. First and foremost, she should have been white. Second, that weird bikini thong combo she wears is strange. It's thin at the back to show off her womanly figure, but too wide to properly accentuate it, instead it just ends up making her butt look narrow and scrawny. It should have been either a real bikini bottom with the sown crease up the middle that makes the cheeks look rounder, or an actual thong.
It would have been better with another year of development.
>best MGS girl
>anyone but Sniper Wolf
end yourself already
Yes, but Quiet is likely the only reason Kojima even cared.
Probably not. I don't think more resources would have made kojimbas use them on making an actual MGS story
No because then what little plot it had would be even smaller. In fact it literally would be worse in every way.
Being the best shit in a pile of shit is not an achievement
Huey's arc was complete.
I guess
>best MGS
Worst maybe, but not best. Nowhere near.
The game would be better if her model is one of those professional female skull
Yunno, that would have made a lot of sense and would have been appropriate.
I like the idea of having one of the "bad" people on your team. You'd have to cut all the bullshit about her skin and the water crap but I seriously don't think we lose out on any of that. You could easily make her mute and rewrite her so she's some puppy dog thing that follows Snake around. Maybe make it a thing where she has to learn to write again.
Shit that would make more sense than what we got.
That doesn't change shit about the story you fuckin retard, makes no difference Jesus Christ read before you hit post.
Did they ever mention how the skulls are no longer a thing?
You can already have the game without her. Just kill her after you beat her.
Dobson pls