Thinking about picking this up so I can play some games
Is it worth it over the Slim if I don't own or plan on owning a 4K TV anytime soon
Thinking about picking this up so I can play some games
Is it worth it over the Slim if I don't own or plan on owning a 4K TV anytime soon
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What games? It's not worth the additional $100 for the Pro when the original (and slim) are much cheaper.
I don't mind 100 extra but like what exactly am I paying for extra asides from 4K or whatever. Do the games all run a lot better or what.
But the ps4 pro is more future might as well spend that extra $100 and secure a smoother experience than the og ps4 in the future when devs stop giving a shit about the og ps4 and focuse more on pushing their games with ps4 pro
yes they will run better or/and look better on a 1080p screen it's up to the devs on what they want to improve but you'll get a better experience than the og ps4
If you waited this long to get a ps4 might as well get the ps4 pro there's no point in getting the og ps4 at this point
>"I don't own or plan on owning a 4K TV anytime soon"
Then the additional $100 is a waste. Games might run better, but it seems that those updates to the existing titles will be up to the developers to patch and Sony has stated they are charging developers to do that, so expect those updates to possibly cost money.
>no point in getting the og ps4 at this point
Except it's much cheaper for nearly the exact same experience.
Only a select few western developers or people who make shitty AAA games will put any differences into the pro versions. True japanese devs who know how to make quality worthwhile games won't do anything different because they know how to make good games. Screen cap this for future.
Why, just why on God's green earth would you hand your money to the worst jew platform in the industry?
But you're future proofing yourself because eventually even though sony said they won't devs will start pushing for ps4 pro graphics or framerates and the og ps4 will start lagging behind like how a ps3 gets shitty ports from ps4 call of duty for example etc.. sony lies
Games funny enough. Nioh, bloodborne, ratchet and clank, gravity rush 2, ni no kuni 2 etc. Even if you don't agree with their practices they do have the best lineup of games not coming to pc.
Well not counting pc what else is there ? xbox ? same shit, nintendo ? lol . it's either pc or ps4 at this point
>future proofing
Laughing my tits off
exactly, xbox just has halo and gears and multiplats are worse on xbox so the realy answer to this would be pc but ofc were talking about consoles so the ps4 makes the only sense at this point right now
i know right sounds silly but that's going to happen to gen it's the first gen where you can actually future proof yourself buy getting the new mid gen console but it's really only worth it if you never had the og console unless you get a sweet deal if you trade it or something.
Would they really stop caring about the original PS4. That sounds kind of fucked up for the people that bought it.
of course they will stop caring they're just lying right now not to piss off the people that bought the og ps4 but eventually devs will stop caring about the og ps4 and focuse more on pushing their games with the ps4 pro but it won't happen right away it will take some time but it will happen
OP said he doens't plan to own a 4K TV so you're not really future proofing
4k doesn't mean shit. ps4 pro is going to improve 1080p gaming by offering better frame rates and better details. everything is just circlejerking about 4k and not reading about the 1080p improvements.
>the regular version looks better
It's over for sony.
How are you not sure it wasn't altered to troll ?
I pre-ordered a PS4Pro yesterday. Seemed like a good idea as I dont currently have a PS4. Hopefully I can get better frames in bloodborne.
I would do the same but no money atm at least I have a good gaming pc but i want a ps4 for console exclusives good thing i waited on getting one .
If FUCKING GAMESTOP has a trade in deal or some shit I might consider doing that. Otherwise I probably won't get it.
I'll be picking one up if they make bloodborne run at 60fps, but I'm not holding my breath.
Guys, I seriously need help.
I have my Amazon tab open right now as I'm literally about to pre-order my slim and first PS4. I want at least 5 games to go with it. They should be at the very least console-exclusives and non-remasters because I have a decent PC and played all essential last-gen games on my PS3 already. I'm struggling to find even 3 games. So far, here's what I want to check out:
Uncharted 4
I'm not big on JRPGs btw.
get the pro instead you faggot. you're gonna have to wait for ff15 and the last guardian and if you like call of duty get them on console instead of pc also this is bait and fuck off
Wasn't FFXV confirmed for PC? I forgot about Last Guardian, that makes 4.
I don't have time for CoD and this certainly isn't bait.
I dont have 4k tv, but getting pro just because.
People just assume they might port it to pc nothing official i don't doubt it but if they do it will take many years and it will most likely be a shitty port like the other ffs
but it will also improve 1080p gaming they just kept pushing its 4k features to wow people lol
just wait for the pro and hope they release a patch to play Bloodborne at higher fps. it's the only reason to get a PS4 and you'll want the best experience.
>there credit card shit is still broken
fucking sony
is it worth waiting for the black friday???? are there going to be deals or anything?
maybe they will have a pro bundled with a free game like they are doing right now with the slim that comes with uncharted 4 for free.