ITT nu-funcore games
ITT nu-funcore games
Are you having a laugh mate? Dark Souls is basically a throwback to old video game design.
What the fuck is nu funcore
those words should be banned on here
No it's sickdark
Especially fun
Anything that is new which I hate is "nu"
oh yea well check my 8
>not knowing what nu-funcore is
Summer is over, please leave
Persona 4
Educate yourself
Yo, go fuck yourself.
Sorry that ure bad at Dark Souls.
Still the best game that came out last 10 years.
The objective of a game is to be entertaining. If the game is not fun, then it follows that it is objectively bad. Therefore, Dark Souls is a bad game.
This is so retarded on so many levels. If you think you're having fun you're actually having fun. Having fun is a mental event, you cannot think you're having fun any more than you can think you're in pain when you're really not.
And how about stop being such a faggot and speak like a normal human bean instead of being pretentious. At this point you're just being a nigger for the sake for being a nigger.
yeah, because fake fun sure is a thing that exists
I was enjoying myself, but thankfully someone with better taste came along to tell me that the fun I was experiencing was fake, now I'm miserable AND elitist
only Sup Forums would not know what nu-funcore means. maybe you should go back to fucking stormfront
Please neck yourself
Sup Forumstard detected
Oh noes! Does the way I talk make you cringe? Is it too cringy?
>these cuckold beliefs
thread is shit, post frogs
>He isn't good enough to have fun with DaS
Cry some more faggot.
The mere fact of having "mental events" does not mean that your interpretation of them is correct let alone that these events are valid outside your head. People think they see things that they have not actually seen all the damn time. Why should it be any different with feelings?
This is a troll thread obviously, but I seriously hope you don't labor under such misapprehensions about reality and perception.
>being shit at DaS
That's like being shit at Mega Man lmao
Nu-fags and their nu-memes really are the nu-cancer of nu-Sup Forums
I nu-ever asked for this! Get it????????????????????
Nioh will surpass DS in every way when it comes out. Can't wait for DSfags to start crying that it's too hard for them.
I hope for your sake this is bait.
>always used the term apprehend to mean arrest
>turns out it's got a secondary meaning to understand or perceive
Sup Forums taught me something today. that's weird.
when did "nu" become the thing people use on here?