Tell us your favorite vidya and why it's shit.
Tell us your favorite vidya and why it's shit
Witcher 3. The combat is meh.
Devil May Cry 4. Nero's a walking shonen cliche and it's half a game.
>Nero's a walking shonen cliche
implying that's a bad thing.
>it's a half game.
yeah.. i'm still salty about that. could have been a litterally 10/10 perfect flawless game if it had like 2 more areas, 3 more bosses and maybe like 5 regular enemy types. the combat is tuned to absolute perfection, all that's missing is some assets and variety of the things you're supposed to be hacking to pieces.
multiplayer is dead so there is no point in playing. Story is still the campiest bullshit with America as the epic hero.
Silent Hill 3
kind of a re-tread of SH1
It's not it's my favorite after all, silly
No one plays it and it is underdeveloped. My life is hell.
bloodborne. pvp matchmaking. I love everything else about it. I dont even mind heals or dungeons.
Noriega bullshit, sold with about 5 maps and a promise that dlc will be free, a promise blizzard has yet to break, but still.
The low tick, choppy framerate on console, combined with the shit tier fanbase made of "muh competitive shooter", waifufags, and people that only play it because of the characters ethnic backgrounds makes it shit. It's shit but I still play it because my friends do and it's always better with friends.
I love shitting on red team with zenyatta, I get gold/silver medals in elimations/damage whenever I use him
>Borderlands 2
Easy mode: Gearbox Software
Hard mode: It's literally Grinding: The FPS
Lame, how about this
>the shitty mall
>the horrendous fucking subway area
>have to get a phd in shakespeare to solve a puzzle early on
Multiplayer is still active, but very small. Descent 2 had major issues with weapon balance, and multiplayer matches are often GAUSS GAUSS GAUSS.
Cave Story
The route to the best ending is far too strange and practically impossible to figure out without a guide
Deus Ex
Shit because you are going to reinstall it now
>favorite vidya
Majora's Mask. It's the special snowflake game and every douche who wants to be special that likes Zelda says it's the best, including me.
I take it he was agreeable
I don't find a reason for it to be shit
Dark Souls.
Its a unfinished, unpolished meme game with some of the worst bosses in the series.
The World Ends With You.
Only one save file, so if you want to play through it again without losing all your progress you have to buy another copy. And then there's the brilliant decision making from SE regarding the game's future.
The movement makes the game unplayable unless you pick the steed as your starting gift.
I had to buy I console that I don't need otherwise for it.
Half life 2, its shit because it added ingame cinematics to FPS and neo v says so
Or dark souls, that is shit ever since bloodborne launched because neo v says so
Starship Troopers
It's a fps from 2005. Need I say more?
>inb4 it has a lot of bugs :^)
Combat is fucking terrible and 90% of the game is just walking though it adds to atmosphere of the game when you're walking through infected districts trying not to get infected yourself.
hl2 literally has 0 cinematics
Rocket Knight Adventures, shitty platforming.
Dota 2
The community
Pokemon fire red.
Well I'll let Sup Forums shitpost on why its bad
Super Metroid
Recent updates aren't great, Throwing damage for no reason, Melee is just easy mode ranger and summoner is still shit
BYOND and some of the overcontrolling autists who worm their way into being an admin and in the admin circlejerks.
I really want to play it.
Is it really grindy?
this was the first pc game i bought. And i don't think anyone has executed the concept better since. What hath technology wrought?
Persona 4 Golden
It's waifu shit
that's why I love it
Summoner would be less shit if they bothered to fill in that armor gap between the start of hardmode and fucking Plantera
Nice one,you beat me to it too
Fuck no
just because I can jump around the room like a rhesus monkey on crack doesn't make "you now have to wait patiently until this very important and diverse character is finished yapping with extremely 'interesting' things to say before you can proceed anywhere" okay
Xenoblade Chronicles
It's a shitty offline MMO with britbong voices and a shonen anime plot.
Painkiller, my only real complaint is that souls take forever to pop out of corpses. Wish I could figure out a way to make them appear the instant you kill something
Max Payne 1
It didnt age well.
Not unless you're going for 100%. Just completing the story and the major side quests doesn't take too much grinding. You'll probably need to grind your stats up if you want to defeat the post-game super boss on the higher difficulties, but that's it.
muh battle bruva
Secrets that are impossible to find unless you rub yourself against every wall. Bullshit encounters(You step on a switch and a million hitscan enemies appear behind you in a small hallway.)
Suikoden 2
It's easy to break with certain rune combo's which kills the combat.
I know, sarcasm man, look it up
But youre wrong
Ar Tonelico 2.
It's shitty generic weaboo jrpg with ton of fanservice.
Space Marine
It has the worst netcode ever devised and it has weapon imbalances that you wouldn't even consider possible. Also, the potentially epic final boss fight was nothing more than a shitty QTE.
But for all its flaws, it's still the most fun I've had in multiplayer to date. Single player is nice too.
The Wonderful 101
Looks like fucking garbage up close and was held back by the Wii U.
but there can only be 12 enemies in a combat arena at any given time in Doom :^)
in all seriousness, pretty much the latter, which became uncomfortably apparent in my recent playthrough of Project Brutality
Its combat is REALLY bland and the game's appeal comes entirely from user's nostalgia for its kitschy aesthetic.
>Max Payne 1
The difficulty is fucking insane
Dark Souls. It's noticeably unfinished as evidenced by it's lackluster second half, and also backstabs are retarded.
To be honest,i found those to be more of a problem on Doom 2, along with the ugly levels designs. Also in plutonia and tnt, but those are supposed to be difficult.
The World Ends With You is an amazing game.
It has a colorful cast, it has great side characters.
It has sick combat, it has sick encounter design.
It uses the DS to its maximum capacity.
But fuck everything about the "tap this seemingly random spot on the screen to progress" puzzle design that they use every damn day.
>Dragons Dogma
Wasted potential the game
Wonderful 101. Essential abilities hidden in the shop at the beginning of the game and some shitty shmup sessions.
All the good stuff is locked behind hours of gold, quest, and xp grinding
Skies of Arcadia
Goddamn random battles just let me move two feet without fighting fifty loopers godfuck
I just looked at moddb again to see if anyone's done what I mentioned and decreased the soul spawntime, but it doesn't look like it :(
yeah, hitscans are manageable in smaller numbers or when they cause infighting, but when you just peak your head in the elevator shaft, well fuck, somebody teleported Stroheim and his torso mg to fuck your shit up apparently
>It's waifu shit
If you're a loser, maybe.
No One Lives Forever: the stealth is ass.
Demon's Souls
Weapon upgrading is so tedious no matter what.
>God Hand
The soft lock is cancer, outside of KMS runs the game's all about building up that stupid God Hand mater, the item RNG is a retarded idea, the scoring system is even dumber because it rewards dying, the amount of exploits you can do is through the roof, the boss fights get very tedious quickly outside of regular Elvis, Azel and the three stooges, like a third of the levels seem like they were hastily thrown together at the last minute and the graphics are ass.
man, I haven't had that game installed in a long time
I wonder if something could be done through the config files, since I imagine it would be more like a simple cheat which affects the timing of a thing in game
Holy shit, another fellow hammerwatch player.
Paladin best class. Walking at bitches every day, all day.
Metal Gear Solid 3
Crawling around in the dirt for 10 hours shouldn't be fun But it is. And the game is way too easy on every difficulty except european extreme It's also the most fun way to play the game
Streets of Rage 3
It has a fucking kangoroo instead of Adam.
Its considered the weakest of the series.
Its old as balls.
SoR remake makes it irrelevant.
>Super Smash Bros. Melee
Two thirds of the characters aren't viable
>Dota 2
It's Dota 2
>Everything else
Old and forgotten, no players
necro best
Golden Sun The Lost Age
Djinni and summoning essentially makes psynergy pointless and the cool class changing system by moving Djinni also pointless.
It's still the GOAT game
Fantasy Earth Zero
It got taken down, the intro/tutorial was pretty lengthy, however pretty effective and thorough
the worst part of the first game is the old man eating your ticket and beating your ass. Is it even possible to win that fight?
MGS2 is so much better than any game that has come out in the intervening 15 years . I'm drunk, fight me.
Halo 3
Not also available on PC (eldewrito is fucking garbage and not close to halo 3, stop shilling for it)
>MGS2 HD remaster
The one you fight in the arcade? He kicked my ass every single time I played.
honestly there are problems with the hd remaster. Like when someone spots you they won't always cue the aduio for them radioing for help. Again, drunk as fuck, so do with that what you may.
Battlefield Hardline
No one plays it
Metroid Prime
FPS on a console.
Dragon Age
combat system is simplified with every release, bordering on MMO-ish moronic button mashing in Inquisition
also, the fanbase
Oblivion. Potato faces and level scaling
metroid prime isn't an fps, it is a work of art.
It may be my favorite game but here's your (You)
>Dead by Daylight
Game is biased towards Survivors, devs only listen to the Steam forums which are infested with Survivorcucks, and the grind is unwanted for a game filled with one-sided BM.
>Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Ended on a cliffhanger, probably won't be revived/continued for a third time now.
MGS2 is so tight though. I get that a lot of the people don't like the story but ever section can be handled without gathering any additional equpiment and that is badass as fuck.
the only thing worse than a waifu shitter is a waifu abuser
Devil May Cry 3. The music is mostly shit and the environments are mostly drab as fuck.
Majora's Mask
It's in the Zelda universe.
Majora's mask is indeed dope. But OOT is still better. It's like trying to argue that Carmen Elektra is hotter than Pam Anderson. I understand your point, but FUCK DUDE.... pam anderson.
You're right; there hasn't been a game like Descent (1 or 2) since. There were other 6DoF games, but most of them didn't perfectly marry feelings of claustrophobia and freedom like Descent did.
Oh yes.
Final Fantasy 7.
Absolutely nothing.
Cinematic shit.
Ugly graphics.
I said FF7, not FF8.
There is nothing shitty about it, it's 10/10 perfect