Where did it all go so very wrong.
Where did it all go so very wrong
That seems like a good group to join in a gangbang
Jesus fucking Christ
>Division of EA
It's in the picture.
>not one of the even attractive
Don't think so senpai.
who is the cutie with the stripes skirt?
>gamegate is about ethics in game journalism, women are more than welcome to develop games
They're obviously just visitors.
The girl on the right is THICC and CUTE
>only 6 employees are left
They had it coming. No wonder their animations are so bad.
When the Docs decided they wanted an EA buyout and early retirement.
>not wanting to be covered in ugly puss
what a fag
Do you bring GG into everything. It ended like two years ago.
Who mentioned Gamergate you obsessive freak
Oh I'd like to you sleezy shitskin but you'd run like a bitch and start screaming you'd sue if any challenge was ever presented to you.
Good for them.
hideous feminist women who probably have no talent... in fact zero talent is a requirement on bioware application forms
Goobergop and some SJWs haven't realized their shit twitter war has been irrelevant for a while. Liberals are already using the alt-right term as boogeyman.
They recruited based on sex and not merit.
what is it like to be a white male and work with (or worse, for) this guy?
So you obtaind the faces and names of the enemy?
Any famely?children?
To destroy your enemy you must know him.
Strike in the weakpoints untill it brakes.
That's photoshop, r-right?
Bioware has been shit for a while, it was just the case that they had enough talent to make it worth it. Over time that changed.
The problem is you, for giving attention to northamerican rpg developers. They were never good, but 7th gen onwards put them on an undeserved pedestal.
They also have a legit racist flaunting it openly on twitter.
You guys flipped because people called you guys misogynistic as a result, when here it shows that you indeed are.
>wahh women make fun of me because i'm ugly
>haha fucking gross dykes
By the way, assuming everyone of a certain gender is a certain way is an SJW move.
When the founders of a company leave, you always know something shitty is going on within the company.
You know what the problem is?
That being misogynist is normal, it's perfectly legit. A lot of normals fucking women are. Being liberal is a mental illness.
so much this
>you wont be left out
Fuck are you talking about ?
>northamerican rpg developers. They were never good
who the fuck else was making RPG's
But you're the one mentioning GG, I never claimed to be part of it, nor did the other user. Honestly feels like you have some sort of vendetta against it and will just imagine up boogie men you can argue against.
Bioware is dead, neo-Bioware is just trying to emulate their style, but their games are pure shit, just look at their track record
Four colossal fuck ups in a row should be enough of a signal that the company can't produce quality games, being SJW and literally despising white people openly is just icing on the cake
I'm going to prepare pamphlets about Manveer when ME4 comes out and stand in front of Best Buy to inform people about why they shouldn't support a blatant racist by buying his game, even if one person doesn't buy, I'll have at least done something
Aren't those boots and socks a skinhead thing?
Nobody with any sense is going to buy ME:A anyway user
top tier post. thank you for putting my thoughts into words
Fea in spanish is ugly
Division is still division.
Literally Ugly Division.
>I'm going to prepare pamphlets about Manveer
Remind me again why Bioware, the most PC anti-racist gamedev, hasn't kicked him to the curb. I mean I'm all for letting people have their separate life and professional life, but I highly doubt that if he had talked all that smack about any other group they would fire his ass in 10 seconds flat.
>moves to white country
>belongs to the wealthiest ethnic group in said white country
>bitches about "wacism"
Dragon Inquisition is good.
Cassandra carried the game.
I want the girl in the middle with the wide hips to sit on my fucking face.
I thought you guys moved on to blaming every negative thing in the country to the Alt-Right?
You're a few months behind, learn to scapegoat.
Oh man, this is certainly going to be great
Like he has any room to bitch about a group of people being racist. India still have strict caste systems.
That guy sure loves jizz.
You mean anti-caste systems?
>how to make people not care about your plight 101
>Something like 4% of the total population of the planet is gay
>Everyone must be gay to be inclusive for this small group
Makes perfect sense desu.
Yeah, unfortunately it was, and still is to some exent, very much ingrained into the country.
Dont be a homophobe, user. Btw this is your son in DA:I, you should accept him for who he is.
Is Bioware recruiting from gaf?
Bioware games always were shit, you just didn't know any better as a kid.
Wait.. t-those are women?
>blame the dominance of your species
Holy kek.
Sorry for being a homo sapiens bro. Happens to the best of us. On the bright side we did invent the loo.
Who knows anymore. They could identify as men.
>buying any bioware game
Not sure what the sperging is about. Only questionable ones are far left and third from the left. Far left would be fine if she didn't have those fucking socks on, and third from the left looks androgynous from this distance and I'm not a fan of feminine penis.
The actual worst part is they're presumably all fans of modern Bioware games and will say things like "Ship" and "Headcanon".
>Known as Curry Thunder
>Something like 4% of the total population of the planet is gay
eh could be larger, middle eastern and african countries pretty much execute fags on the spot