>Pokecucks will defend this
Pokecucks will defend this
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Every new pokemon looks exactly like this to me.
Just a random amalgamation of shit that makes no sense and is like 8 different colors.
Why can Nintendo not just make but with again?
This post HAS to be bait yet everything points to it not being so. Kill yourself please.
Eh, you're hitting the low hanging fruit and making a thread we've had a hundred times before. While I respect Battle Armor on bulky Defensive types, the Pokemon seems like it is Attack based. Hope it gets a better ability.
It being a chimera is no excuse. A lot of chimeras look cool.
But if you do it wrong, they look really, really stupid.
>this thread again
Gen7 already sounds a lot better than Gen6. Not expecting HG/SS through B2/W2 quality, but it's a step up.
This game, man.
I barely thought it would live up to the hype, let alone exceed it. I've been playing for four hours straight across only two systems and about five planets/moons, and it has been absolutely and utterly humbling. My breath is being taken away at every turn.
I just drowned trying desperately to make my way out of a dark underwater cave on a cold, lonely, massive planet, with ominous growling startling me from far across some rocky, eroded mountains against the backdrop of a massive dark blue system. Earlier I was marveling at a herd of grazing antelope-like creatures on a little yellow paradise of a moon with a pink sky. Creatures were screeching in the distance and tinkling piano chords played in the background.
I very much appreciate the technical and leveling aspects such as mining and trading, but most of all, this game has been an extremely emotional experience for me so far. I could barely pull myself away from my first system once I acquired the warp cell. No matter what I'm looking at, I have this excitement and this wonder and frustration that I am inevitably missing so much. I have never, EVER felt this lost. Space just beckons, wordlessly. What a beautiful, beautiful, titanic game. I have no words.
Enjoy, everyone. And thank you, Miyamoto and Nintendo. Jeez Louise.
is that a zaku?
he's gonna pull an elfen lied in the story and it will be beautiful
>Type: Null
>Is a Normal Type
>I haven't read the rules: the post
But you haven't made an attack that I could defend against. What are your grievances user?
This design is really busy. There's so much going on in it.
wondering how it will play out in the anime.Will ash just be in the middle of all this?
>EOcucks will defend this
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
design a better mon OP
I dare you
This looks like a bastardization of the pokemon god
That's one of the running theories.
It's a Chimera, dude. What did you expect?
I think it's kind of silly and that a lot of the new Pokemon look retarded but I'm hoping it'll be good despite that.
That's literally the point
>fish tail
>insect/lizard(???) claws
>that complete clusterfuck of a head
I mean I get that it's supposed to be some lab-created chimera, but jesus
Chimeras are clusterfucks user
>uncatchable boss monsters
Actually pretty cool. Regardless of the design.
>they created this to defeat pokegods
>instead of training a FEAR aron
>or an imposter ditto
It's not bait, I agree with him and you suffer from severe shit taste
>tfw Null will never be a type
Yeah and you're a faggot, my dude
>Just a random amalgamation of shit that makes no sense and is like 8 different colors.
I mean it's a synthetic chimaera, it should look like that.
>Why can Nintendo not just make but with again?
They do? That's still the majority of pokemon,
>all pokemon should be animals
please end your life.
pokemon is taking its cues from spore at this point
>Type: Null
>Normal Type
Yes, thats generally how chimeras are.
Well, you certainly haven't been paying attention recently, then. Most of the gen 7 pokemon revealed so far have relatively simple designs. It was gen 4 and 5 that was the heyday of complex designs.
>I don't like it, therefore it's bad
Type:Null means the Pokedex had an error in scanning it. So it doesn't have a number in the dex.
>not having a top fucking % fear rattata
It's more like this.
It would be good if not for the head
>fish tail
makes sense, it's part fish pokemon or whatever
>insect-like front claws
>head is some fusion of a tomahawk and a quadcopter
You lost me
Its name is an error code.
>it's a normal type
Apparently the helmet is some sort of power limiter dealie.
>that linework
I wonder if anyone will fall for this bait
It's a helmet meant to limit and hinder its ability and agility.
The mask fitted to Type: Null’s head is a piece of equipment designed to control its latent powers. It’s extremely heavy, so it also serves to hinder Type: Null’s agility.
Alright that's slightly less retarded with that in mind then
its like what said its probly some in game event that u take the mask off it gets a type and u get the mon
>Why can Nintendo not just make but with again?
Not even in Gen I was this the case. There were several Pokémon that weren't animals, including some that weren't even designed from living things.
That sand castle Pokemon isnt spooky.
And that Donald Trump Pokemon isnt cool.
>this pokemon is 6 feet tall
jesus christ
Man Digimon used to be cool. It used to have all these biomechanical asymmetrical abominations that could only be called monsters, now every new Digimon is either the same old waifubait wearing some crappy cosplay outfit or a robot. What happened? Why do people complain about new Pokemon designs when Digimon has shitted itself way more than Pokemon could even imagine.
Maybe that's because that's literally what it is.
nice undertale meme
>uncatchable boss monsters
We don't know that yet. Type: Null is explicitly stated to be a Pokemon, and you can always get those in some way, even if they're not immediately found in the wild or catchable the first time like Black/White Kyurem. The Ultra Beasts are an unknown so far.
No matter what people say or think about pokemon games, you will die before the franchise does.
Why do I always see these threads for good designs but nobody shits on the actually bad ones?
You'll end up playing it anyway.
Heck, you may even end up paying for it if you're too dumb or too much of a moralfag to hack your 3DS.
>porygon1 2 and 3 were okay
>that clone robot thing from gen 5 was okay
>type: null is okay
deal with it
inb4 Null's is a tragic existence that surpasses even Mewtwo's existential crisis.
what's this from?
>Gamefreak not announcing any payoff for this is the only issue I have for SM.
>a ghost created from the grudges of dead pokemon and manipulated children into making itself more powerful isn't creepy
He was made to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and he's all out of bubblegum. Nothing so tragic of it
This is the first pokemon that LITERALLY looks like a digimon. I honestly kinda like it for the failed formation theme and forced helmet restraint.
>A chimera looks like a clusterfuck of different shit
Holy crap stop the presses
That's the point. Are you the type who complains about Kyruem looking like some frozen husk?
Nope, its horrible...
I just hope that he has an alternative form without that ugly mask.
Type: Null is the name of the pokemon
>an artificial life designed to be a combat slave
Yeah nah shit sucks
Cosplaymon has been there since the beginning.
It's just that modern day has Cosplaymon at its worst
stop samefagging
That's a detective Pokemon you butthurt lefty cunt. Not a Donald Trump Pokemon.
Gen five wasn't good.
I wonder if it is like Lab Mew-two and that the limiter stuff has changed its appearance dramatically.
I bet when the helmet is off it will look more natural. Maybe even slightly cute.
Or will it looks serious and strong?
We just don't know.
Genesect is the bomb diggity
Gen V was literally the best Gen since II
You're right, it was great.
The final boss of Golden Sun: Dark Dawn.
nah fuck you
No, zaku boy.
This. Black and White had hideous Pokemon, and was garbage with a side of shit.
Fuck it I'll bite
>Man made chimera
>looks like a combination of random pokemon
Indeed. I'm pretty pissed that the only way to get one now is to physically walk into FUCKING GAMESTOP for a code in November.
they already did a zaku pokemon
You guys are easier to trigger than Sup Forums. You also suffer from the same shit taste they do. Though to be fair, I like volcano moth.
>Weak to nothing.
>Strong against nothing.
>posts the only good Pokemon in all of Gen V.
>this redeems the game
Nah. Gen 3 was alright but then 4 and 5 were hot shit. Gen 6 is starting a recovery that continued with the release of ORAS.
I missed your post. It was shit.
>Gen 6 is starting a recovery that continued with the release of ORAS
People will fall for this bait
>the only good Pokemon
Could this Pokémon be making fun of both Fakemon and the newer, overly designed Pokémon.
It looks weird compared to the other Pokémon and it is artificial.
>Gen 6 is starting a recovery that continued with the release of ORAS.
Gen 6 was the worst gen though
Look like something GameFreak ripped from a Pokemon fusion OC on deviantart
no board has shittier taste then Sup Forums
if Sup Forums was like Sup Forums we would spend all day talking about CoD and mobile games
It's not a pokemon. It's an Ultra Beast.
It's not bait though. ORAS eon flute was dope. And gen III is almost flawless. Only flaw is too much Surfing.
>undertale invented the word amalgamation