Name a game you thought was bad when you first played it but discovered it was good upon a later attempt...

Name a game you thought was bad when you first played it but discovered it was good upon a later attempt, and why you think that is.

Is this a controller for people with one hand or something?


The first 5 hours are absolute garbage. Until you get your movement speed up and start playing with alchemy the game is boring as fuck.

Once you sack up and get past a bit of frustration it's fantastic.


I was 12 and just died on the first level a bunch. Played it again later that year and barely managed to make it to cerberus before unlocking easy mode and gradually getting better from there.

Still haven't been able to beat dante must die.

Little Big Planet.

I got it on PSP and didn't like it that much. But then they gave away the first one free on PS3, and I ended up loving the series. It was always neat the kind of shit you could make. y'know, when it isnt another bomb survival map.

Bloodborne. Cause I was a casul back then and never played a fromsoft game before. Gascoigne fucked me up hard, I still have the scars

Hotline Miami

I got it back in late 2012 and it just didn't play right. It was extremely glitchy and required a lot of fuckery to connect a controller etc.

Then the patch that converted it to another engine came out and it was a joy to play.

I almost dropped FF IX due to slow start and being triggered by main character having a tail...
It then became one of my favorite games ever

Garrys mod

When I first got it I was like who is autistic enough to try to build anything on this janky shit. Then I got introduced to rp and ttt servers and started learning how to grief and countless hours of joy was had

Got way too confused with all the shit there's on the menus with little explanation of it in game.

I got back into it when I saw an E.Y.E thread here on Sup Forums where the game's mechanics were explained more in detail, and I ended up liking it a lot.

What is this controller

I thought MHFU was absolute dogshit when i first played it.
I was really just shit at it, and confused me getting my ass kicked with the game being poorly made.

Fallout 4

It's a gadget to play Dead or Alive games

Witcher 1. Took like 4 tries to get into. It's because the combat is fucking garbage.

metal gear rising

I laughed, thank you.

Well my first go at Dark Souls 3, and ng+ of it, I felt extremely dissapointed in it.
Thrn after a few months later, I did a new playthrough recently, and was actually very swayed. I thoroughly enjoyed the game.
Not sure what made me change my mind about it.

I think that's how many people feel when picking up MH in general

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and other slow as fuck rpgs like Morrowind
Deus Ex
basically everything Sup Forums circlejerks about. all these games are complete shit at first, but all is forgiven once they speed up and become little more than "okay", probably because they aren't very popular

Oh god this. It took me 3 tries to finally get into SOC but god did I finally get hooked

DMC by Ninja Theory. Best combat out of any DMC game without the bleeding heart gay emo fantasy boi, instead trading for an edgy cornball punk kid Dante. Which is not good, but better than the latter. Weebs project too hard with dmc.


I played the first one and I saw my cousin play the 3rd one, he was bad and I thought the game looked like thrash so I didn't like it, then I played it and I liked it

Xcom the bureau

got it in some steam bundle with a lot of other stuff, gave it a play knowing fuck all about it and assuming it would be like EU 'cept based round Roswell and shit (which would be sweet as fuck). When I saw it was some meh TPS I gave up. Came back a few months later to get dem steam cards because I'm a Jew and ended up completing the whole thing.

Underrated as fuck.

Riviera: The Promised Land.

Having to effectively restart because you don't know how to abuse game mechanics is annoying but once you figure out how shit works its pretty fun.

Dark Souls. Granted I had it on PC before proper mods but as soon as I found out you can get THE edge weapon Washing Pole, I started playing again and oh boy was it worth it.

Same here. I don't know how much of a dumbass I was but I didn't "get" it. That coupled with the lack of stick on the psp made it a terrible experience the first time. Then I saw how praised it was around here and tried it again. I understood that you have to replay missions to grind and I achieved mastery of the L-camera control (claw is for fucbois). It's now one of my favorite series.

Similar story with Patapon. As cute as that game is, it's definitely not for boys with shit taste and lack of patience like I was. Now, again one of my favorite franchises. Baffled that Sony hasn't made a mobile port. Objectively the only good game suited for cellphones.

Borderlands 2 playing solo
It's awfully boring at first, awful loot, repetitive fights, i quitted for a while and then decided to give it another try. Completed the game, started the second playthrough and i loved it, didn't stop until i hit the max level, then i got my ass kicked trying DP. Leveled up two characters after that, haven't played for a while.

Kingdom Hearts


The Fighting game genre in general

cMK > Tatsu(L) > Shoryuken(h) > SA1

With akuma in 3rd strike is so satisfying

X-Com Enemy Unknown.

I got it for free from voting in some video game award thing, played through the tutorial for a bit then quit, promptly forgetting about it. I then fired it up a few months later, played from the start again and was absolutely hooked. Wound up playing it so much I was still playing it in my dreams.

Arx Fatalis, I didn't like the setting (always underground and only dumb and ugly races like orcs, trolls, goblins) and didn't really understand the magic system with the drawing and pre-casting.

I decided to re-try playing it years later and I found that it was extremely immersive and comfy and loved the magic system and the gameplay in general.

>Best combat
Really? I mean I just finished it last week and I'm the opposite, I think some of the scenery was really well done, the nightclub being one of my absolute favourite stages but I found the gameplay severely lacking. sword combo into 3 axe drop for SSS, being forced to use shitty weapons on red/white enemies, higher difficulties being extremely spongy instead of feeling more dangerous and lack of difficulty in bosses made for a subpar experience. Story wasn't anything to write home about either

Titan Quest
Played it years ago, felt like a poor man's Diablo 2 so I dropped it after an hour.
Got the free rerelease, started it up on Very Fast speed and everything came together. It's still a Diablo clone, but it's a goddamn good one with excellent class and build variety.


I was put off by the combat system just because I was a kid and didn't know what to expect. You guys all know what ended up happening. Now one of my favorite games.

Splinter Cell Blacklist

I had only played Pandora Tomorrow and Chaos Theory, and had steered clear of the more recent entries because they supposedly killed the stealth. Found it for the Wii U for 5 bucks so I gave it a go. I found it to be a very nice open ended game where you could approach situations in a variety of ways. Plus the stealth-only missions were a blast.

I would also give Dante's Inferno an honorable mention. Their advertising campaign was shitty and it is an unabashed God of War clone, but holy fuck the guys in the art department really went to town with it.

Last Remnant.

Holy fuckballs of a learning curve. But with the wiki by your side, you can actually have a shit tonne of fun.

Really need to give it another go at some point... So much I haven't even touched with that game.

>fapping with your left hand

I don't know how other people manage to do it but it just seems difficult for me.

about when do you think this gets better? i want to get into it and found it awesome even the first time, but cant convince myself to try again

lube, seriously. makes jerking less jerky so it isnt as much a pain in the ass to fuck off with your left bingopalm

You learn it naturally when you have to control your porn with your PC's mouse using your right hand.

Seriously, I used to fap with my right hand when I first started. After some time, I started making use of porn more, to the point where I'd stick my left hand down my pants and use the right to browse stuff. Years later, I have lost complete use of my right hand for fapping and I can't get off at all with it.


Controls and camera.

develop carpal tunnel and a problematic ulnar nerve and then we'll talk

am i on Sup Forums again

I just move the mouse to the left side of the keyboard when I'm fapping.

>Having an ambidextrous mouse


It's not ambidextrous. I fight through the pain of using a Deathadder left handed.

Guilty Gear or any other fightan game really. At first it just seemed too complex and repetitive but god damn now nothing can beat the adrenaline rush I get from fighting an even skilled opponent.

Spec Ops: The Line

I pirated the game on PC, barely finished, thought it's just mediocre shooter, but year or so after it came out free on PS+ and I was in the mood to shoot some people, so I gave it a go and was surprised that it's actually pretty good shooter and story (while not revolutionary) is great and easily make it 8/10

also Black Ops II, I almost gave up on CoD but Blops 2 was one of the best post WaW CoD games

funny thing is that I again got bored with it on PC, but really enjoyed it on PS3

I'm idort and I got nothing again PC, but for some reason I can't really enjoy games on it

The original DotA, 10 years ago. At first I thought it was confusing and boring. Eventually I got hooked. No idea what changed my mind, really. I still play.

Arx Fatalis.
Now it's one of my favorite rpgs of all time. Fucking incredible gem.

you ever had your little relatives come round? playin the bomb survival shit with them was fun as hell years ago and we still remember it now.

The big barrier for me was doing the claw because this was back when I had the fatass PSP-1000 and I was trying to keep the thing propped up while playing. I developed minor arthritis in my left hand playing it that way. Lucky for you kids now because you can just emulate that shit and play with a controller with only 2/3rds of the suffering that game brings to you.

But how do they use L1 and L2?

I only play good games and I'm never wrong. Sorry, bro.

I've never used lube and frankly I don't understand it. Why would you need lube to masturbate? Your foreskin slides just as easily as a lubed up hand.

The first deus ex. I played it for the first time on a modern setup without any mods to fix it. I also didn't really mess with any of the settings, so I had 16 bit sound and color with a retardedly dim brightness setting. I quit after a few hours, and about a year later I realized the game wasnt supposed to be like that, installed new vision, and it became my favorite game ever

I disliked MH3 when I played it. It just doesn't feel like a good game to me. Part of it is probably the fact that it was on 3DS, of all systems, but I also really didn't like the structure and style of the game. It felt very outdated, like the game was still running on the same world and combat design of the original PS2 games. Everything felt cramped in your tiny little room zones, you had to run all over the map if a monster managed to get away from you, and the combat didn't really feel fun to me. Also, so many fucking load screens.

I can see the appeal of a timesink as big as Monster Hunter, but the actual game I don't get. If they made a new, big console one with a more open design for the worlds and sleeker combat I might try it. It would be nice to have a game that lasts 12,000 hours.