Get the urge to replay a game

>get the urge to replay a game
>remember "that" part

What's her name, Sup Forums?

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Pikmin 2. The beginning of the game is so tutorial heavy but gets good once you get all the Pikmin and you aren't forced into a linear path anymore. Took a lot of dedication to actually replay it but I finally did and I'm almost past the annoying beginning parts.

Mass Effect 1, I didn't like Noveria.

Everything about Jak 2
Inverted Castle in SotN
Deus Ex's Liberty Island level
Half-Life's On a Rail chapter

Tales of Symphonia
Meltokio sewers

why would anyone want to replay super mario sunshine

it's like super mario 64 except boring


Getting 100% was hell in this game




>boy I sure would love to replay Secret of Mana
>on the other hand, I'd prefer not to spend hours grinding up spells. Some other time

Gnat Attack

the part where I realize my mouse got fucking stuck because the goddamn pad is missing and that fucker is collecting dirt on every single sweep across the floor why the fuck didn't I bring a book shit that yellow fucker killed me again

Paper Mario TTYD, The Great Boggly Tree

Ocarina of time. The water temple isn't that bad but it can be tedious. I played through it about a month ago and it's really the iron boots that make it annoying.


a long time ago I learned to noclip straight to gary and it makes the game 100x better



The nigga in the underground mazes? Dude I would kill to have done that on my 2nd playthrough. FUCK that maze.

Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2.


>get the urge to replay Majora's Mask
>remember that the game is full of tedious sidequest shit

Yeah the water temple is the sonic barrel of it's gen, it's slightly unintuitive, but would only cause a fail state in the most uninterested players.

>I knew it Tiny! You're just too slow.

What was so bad about this part?

That was a weak chapter, but it's easy to muddle through by telling yourself the best chapter in the game is up next.

I legit never understood what was so hard about this. Great Bay Temple was way worse. And Jabu Jabu's Belly in Oracle of Ages

Depends. The ones in RE4 are piss easy, but the ones in Dead Space are shit. Speaking of Dead Space,

>The first asteroid defense segment

Acceptable answer


>final fantasy 7
>having to do 9509309390 fort condor battles after every plot event
being OCD is some bullshit

you just go to the cemetary and when you know where it is you just noclip through 1 wall

I dont think you even get any xp in the sewers, its all pointless

Couldn't the entire series be summed up as "Tales of That Part"?

>unda da sea
>unda da sea
>darling it's better down where it's wetter
>take it from me

Pretty much until you get Angelo and complete the party.
Its a damn shame too, some of the best games are ruined by having the first few hours be tedious as fuck.


Dammit they lost my pic

Great Bay temple was really easy and linear. I replayed MM right after OoT and the great Bay temple was way easier. In the water temple I had to remember which rooms I hadn't been into and which rooms had Longshot marks. That's fine. The problem is the fucking pausing every time I want to equip or unequip the iron boots. That's the real nightmare in there and if I ever accidentally entered a room I didn't need to enter I thought I was a retard for wasting my time.

Even though I have yet to do a second playthrough that got that far, the first time is more than enough

Even my parents hated that level

>I had to remember which rooms I hadn't been into
>I ever accidentally entered a room I didn't need to enter
Is this bait? Please for the love of god tell me this is bait.

any open world where you have to at least do the first couple missions in order to actually explore the map.

Everything after you get the Lordvessel in DaS

I was thinking about replaying this game a few days ago, this also made me not want to though. I don't even care if it's about taking advantage of the rubberbanding, it rapes my hand.

>Mega Man Legends 2
>Nino Ruins

It's like somebody tried to cram every terrible water level meme into a single area

>temple of time
>chimera mages that can ohko your entire party before you can even move are a random encounter

literally worse than the original

That fucking manta...

>feel like replaying Super Mario Sunshine
>remember its Super Mario Sunshine


The ending part of this game is fucking bullshit.

The only thing that fucked me over is the middle pillar room, never thought there might be a room UNDER the block after raising the water level

I felt stupid as arin hanson when i finally discovered that going back and forth, raising/lowering water levels

Ive been hoping they would remake this game for the 3ds, i fucking love this game dont care what anyone says

"That part" is the entirety of Sunshine.

>Dr. Muto
>Vinny Bino
Legitimately fuck this nonsense.
>First of only 4 bosses in the whole game
>Has some great segments leading up to him
>Then you have to go through the hell of constantly transforming back and forth between Mouse and Doc to kill Bugz and dodge his few attacks, then swap back to slap him on the toe

>Bird bitch's race on Cloud Cukooland
>All that backtracking
>Grunty Industries
>Slowdown on original N64 version
>Music out of sync in cutscenes on 360 version.

I'll stick with Banjo-Kazooie.

But how do you feel about Yooka Laylee basically being a mashup of Banjo Tooie with dialogue on par with Conker?

>that boat in the volcano you have to steer with the flood machine

As long as they fix the issues I and many others have with Tooie it should be pretty good.

Agreed, glad to see you know the right stuff.