Even Bethesda is calling Sony out on their bullshit. When does the nightmare of vidya in this decade end?

Even Bethesda is calling Sony out on their bullshit. When does the nightmare of vidya in this decade end?

"Sony has informed us they will not approve user mods the way they should work: where users can do anything they want for either Fallout 4 or Skyrim Special Edition," Bethesda told fans on its official blog on Friday. "Like you, we are disappointed by Sony’s decision given the considerable time and effort we have put into this project, and the amount of time our fans have waited for mod support to arrive."


just get a pc if you want mods. this was a stupid idea to begin with.

Yeah, imagine announcing something people want and then get fucked over because a bigger company decides to fuck you out of nowhere and suddenly the thing people want has to be cancelled
Oh wait Bethesda pulled that shit with Prey 2 by fucking over Human Head so they can eat shit

Bethesda just wants to take more steps to payed mods and they are throwing a giant manbaby tantrum because sony isn't on board with their bullshit.

>no nude mods
>no mods designed to brick the console which is a problem xbox had
It sucks but I understand why they aren't allowing it


Bethesda mad because they know the only real value of their games is the nude loli furry mods.

They're free user...
I hope you're no retarded enough to think they'll try paid mods again.

I hope you're not delusional enough to believe they won't

More like Bethesda promised everyone the moon on a stick and when sony told them that's retarded Bethesda blamed them.

These are the same people who waned to monetize mods on steam.

They won't.

on a game that had been running on completely free mods for a long-ass time, no less.

I can almost guarantee TESVI will have paid mods at launch. They just needed to test the waters for consoles with FO4 and tesV Remastered

Mods receive more traffic on console then on PC according to Bethesda. granted that PC isn't limited to what can be modded but console gaming is till much larger than PC gaming despite higher performances.

Bethesda's selling point for Fallout 4 and even more so with Skyrim remastered are the mods.

Sony saying no to mods just pushes more people to xbox

nude mods were up for a bit. if you got it you still have it. I enjoy naked curie

>Bethesda promised everyone the moon on a stick
What? They said they would be putting modding capability in for consoles and they did, It works fine as well. Sony just doesnt want to take a risk.

It's really unfortunate. Why should sony do that. Fallout™ 4 and Skyrim™ Special Edition™ are great games, and it's unfortunate that they're blocking progress

>I hope you're no retarded enough to think they'll try paid mods again.
Yeah Bethesda would never do that.

>Mods receive more traffic on console then on PC according to Bethesda.
Well they're retarded, the website statistics for nexusmods says that they get more traffic than Xbox does by far

they mean through their official channels like the steam workshop

it's all bullshit. cherrypick whatever numbers you want and say what you like

Let's be honest, paid mods were cancelled because Valve wanted to back out due to the PR shitstorm, Bethesda is definitely gonna try this shit again once Bethesda net can function to sell mods on

>they mean through their official channels like the steam workshop
Because Nexus Mods isn't an "official channel" because they said so?

>Mods receive more traffic on console then on PC according to Bethesda.
there's literally not a single chance that this is even close to true

Well, yes.

Yes. It doesn't fit the narrative that console mods are the next big thing and sony is only getting in the way of such amazing pioneers such as bethesda

>Mods receive more traffic on console then on PC
>Bla bla i'm retarded bla bla

You can't seriously keep believing todd's lies.

this right here. You are crazy if you think they are putting so much effort in getting the mod scene to consoles out of good will.

Sony is starting to act like Ninty and treating its third parties like ignorant children.

How long until they'll be making phone games, too?

Who cares

If you own a console thats because you made a purchase out of pure ignorance the gaming. If you had any semblance of knowledge you'd have a PC in addition to your guilty pleasure casualbox. Console tards don't know or care what a fucking mod is.

Secondly, the only mods theyd see would be for Bethesda games. Theyre gonna download a few then the game will crash in 2 minutes and theyll think man i hate mods

Sony probably just thinks it will open up their system to exploits

It's not an official channel because it's a goddamn fan site, user. It's not exactly rocket surgery.

Someone posted a working Hello world on PS4.

And Vita is blown wide open with piracy. Knowing the Bethesda record track, someone will probably find a exploit on the mods.

consoles ruining the industry for everyone

DLC came around, PC boys said fuck that? Console boys said "wow cool I don't know any better take my money"

and now DLC is in everything. If mods take off on consoles then you can say good bye to that scene, though it's pretty much dead already, unless you really gotta jack off while you play shit

I think Sony just saw ho much Bethesda's been half-assing it and what problems it lead to on XBone.

>Console tards don't know or care what a fucking mod is.
Then how come xboners are constantly rubbing it in PS4 players face about mods?

Because the xbox marketing team has supplied them with that narrative. Anyone actually parroting it is just doing it for sake of console wars because again, it's only fucking bethesda games. I'd hardly call that an entire system that supports mods.

I'm amazed steam hasn't started charging for it's services since people are so willing to pay for XBL or PS+

>Sony doesn't want people uploading porn, ponyfucking, and copyright infringing content


They tried with the first iteration of GFWL, and that thankfully failed.

If GFWL was released today, you bet we'd be paying monthly fees for peer 2 peer connections like the rest of the retards.

Thankfully it's failure has granted us some time before Valve copies sony and sells us "free games" for a sub

If that caption of Todd is real you must be stupid to believe that isn't the goal of every single capitalistic company in existence.

Bethesda is probably trying to sell mods directly through Fallout 4 without giving Sony a cut, which is contrary to the nature of a console platform. Microsoft is probably willing to forgo their cut from mods because they are deep in 2nd place and they don't actually expect that much money from it anyway.

>top mods on bethesda's console service are all cheat mods

Consoles cant use script extender, also they have size limit.

They are basically console commands for consoles.

Now the only advantages pc has over XBox is graphics and horse vagina mods.

What the fuck. Really? In oblivion almost everything takes the OBSE.

Yes , consoles can't literally have anything more complex than few model/texture swaps and some minor shit.

skyrim isn't a whole lot better

i can't imagine fallout 4 to be any different

I personally can't wait to make easy money off of idiots by selling command line mods


Sony has been a fucking horrible company this year, i didn't believetheir fans were particularly bad but holy fuck.