Just spent real money on cosmetics in a shitty anime phone game

>Just spent real money on cosmetics in a shitty anime phone game


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What game?

Nice blog

Humanity has one redeeming trait, we learn from our mistakes

How can you say you love your waifu if you won't even buy her $99 swimsuit DLC?

what game, so we can judge you

No we fucking dont

Dream Girlfriend.

You should have killed yourself a long time ago for being a weeaboo pedophile.

>best girl in game isn't even a romance option
>doesn't get any DLC
>doesn't get much fanart
>barely any r34

>phone game

Only winning move is not to play.

>tfw spent $60 on microtransactions in Freeblade

it's 40k so it's okay right

good one

Wow, at least waste it on a good anime phone game like, puzzle and dragons :^)

I've spent thousands of dollars on shitty phone games and I want to die.


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this? looks shit senpaitachi

>spent over $300 on gems for treasure cruise

I know the pain OP. I've spent $50 (not a lot I know) on this game so far. I try not to use money on mobile games, but when a Sugo Fest happens. I at least have to do a 10 pull.

It is shit, but I wanted my character to be cute.


Retard ive gotten so many free shit just from logging in to mobile games. The only money i ever spend is on the device

how much did you spend user?

You are what's wrong, user. You enable DLC.

Less than $4, but it's still a total waste. Especially since the items you get are random.

>tfw play ffrk
>tfw always get something good from pulls
>tfw pulled some of the best relics
>tfw all free

don't fall for the microtransaction meme user

Why spend money on Android games?
You niggas are silly as fuck.

Hacked/modded apks are so fucking easy to come across.


Picked up

Live 2d lewd costumes are worth every penny

>i spent money on a ghost costume in ff14
It's fucking baller, but I still feel dirty.

it could have been much worse
you'll do better next time, just don't go down the slippery slope

for multiplayer games its hard to get hacked APKs

No it's not. Literally any apk blog upload site has a bunch of them.
I played Clash of Clans with maxed out funbucks and then got banned a week later because I got reported by some shmuck who noticed I was cheating when he invaded me.
It was funny.

>$50 (not a lot I know)
>$50 on a shitty fucking phone game
>not a lot
get a grip on reality dude


Literally will eat anything.

>That feel when I fell for the meme and am playing a Gacha smartphone game
It's amazing how the japanese looked at the awful monetization schemes of western mobile games and went "yeah, we can do worse than that"

koreans are still the worst

I thought I was the only person on Sup Forums who plays Dream GF, I also like Moe Can Change Myroid 4 Life.

But I don't spent money

Not really.
The two Jap games I play that have gacha is Battle Cats and Fate/Grand Order, both are easily enjoyable without spending a penny and let you actually play a lot (once you level up a bit)

I' playing one and I've somehow easily survived without coming close to running out of in game currency. That said I made a second account and can't really say the same about it so maybe I was lucky with timing, I think they gave a way a shitload of currency when I started. The thing that annoys me more is the fucking grinding and high difficulty events.

But I was speaking the truth

Kill yourself trip faggot,

i hope you will hear more from OP soon, just so you can fully realize how terribly, terribly wrong you are

>no sound

It's alright op. I was briefly addicted to rmting on this one mmo and spent about 1k over time

I resubbed to FFXIV, played for 2 hours and stopped playing for the rest of the month.

>There are people who spend money on free games

these are blatant scams for players
why would anyone falls for this, surely the cosmetics or whatever they buy are not worth the price

combination of some of them having simple but fun gameplay and the fact these kinds of games have pinned down the carrot on a stick effect to the dot

>spent money on cosmetics in a f2p mmo

Don't mind me guys, superior western mobile game just coming through

Where is pic related from?

If the game has given me hundred of hours of entertainment I don't see why not.
I sometimes throw down 10$ on crate keys for valve game after dumping another hundred hours into dota 2 or CS:GO.
It's not like it's being fucking stolen, I'm literally just handing it to them for the fuck of it, I think it's worth it.
And I know someone will get asshurt that I have disposable income but you can't save money ALL the time unless you're literally forced to to survive, and I'm doing fine.

Some do

Don't worry, you're not alone. I've already spent over a thousand dollars on gacha for an anime phone game.

I understand what you're saying, but I don't view it as just "giving away money because I have it"

growing up, a game would have everything to offer poured into it to make it both enjoyable and profitable
with exceptions such as WoW or anything along those lines of constant paid updates

I think in today's age, giving money to stuff like dlc or anything along those lines is basically saying
>yes, it is okay to spend more than what I paid for stuff that was planned to be in the game

I don't think free games should get a pass either
If anything if a game is free and is offering a lot of dlc options, chances are they'll be more successful in making a profit off of dlc

Paying a sum of, lets say. 3 dollars isn't much for a full game, but it adds up and convinces players that it's okay to spend a certain amount on dlc because the game is free

it just seems really sketchy to me

I played it. I like cute anime girls but it just makes me feel so empty inside. I can't imagine playing real money.

I should open the app, it's been a few weeks. She won't get mad at me for being gone so long, right?

open it and post pic

OP, post your ID and I'll list you as my invitee so you get some prize or some shit

You seem like a touhou fan
Would like to shill me on the games?

Christ.. if you're going to waste money on a mobile game make a good one like Bubble Witch

they're not very good, play Hellsinker instead

She wasn't mad.

Does anyone understand the events? They don't make sense to me. You just click on the screen and get exp. What's the point exactly?

I'm not, I just keep posting these hoping someone will provide the source

I assumed once I got past "stage 1" there would be some cutscene and something different to do, but nope, as far as I can see its click button, gain points, lose stamina.

What are the point of video games?

Yeah that's about how it is. I guess the rewards are okay, but you have to do so many stages and by the time you get halfway there, you lose all your stamina after 1-2 stages. I guess it's just a trap to get people to buy the items, but do Japs like that kind of game?

there was an imgur gallery with all of them
Maybe some user will deliver

I hope you learn from that one

After looking it up the only thing I've discovered is you can spend the medals you get in the event to boost your "charm", which basically just makes you get more points from pressing the button and getting through it faster. Still certainly going to be slow enough to be P2W though.