what did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
in case no one has noticed before but brianna wu is a professional troll and/or clinically fucking insane.
No one cared who he was until he put on the vag
>abloobloo why don't people think I'm BATMAN
Because he looks like the fucking Penguin.
Woah.... really requisites contemplation...
Yelling on Twitter is EXACTLY like fighting terrorists
Especially if people disagree with you
Holy shit.
I needed a good laugh.
gratitude for what? If anything that faggot burned 150 000$ from his parents he's literally the Joker
These narcissistic tweets aren't even recent. Why are you posting them?
>old tweets
>irrelevant to vidya
No user, you are the cancer.
>clinically fucking insane.
I'm gonna go with that. Stories from people who knew him before he became """""famous""""" show that he's always been fucked in the head.
This is such a ridiculous thing to post.
>A hero
>Doesn't kill his villains just because he wants a reason to continue to being a vigilante
Batman is a fucking psycho.
Isn't that the idea behind Gotham anyway? That everyone is a fucking lunatic?
>(((Brianna))) Wu is this delusional
This is vitamins for trolls
Brianna Wu
Bruce Wayne
...really makes you think
But that's a man, what do you mean?
>making a thread about a tweet posted 2 years ago.
>irrelevant to vidya
You mean you haven't checked out the newly released PC port of the award winning Revolution 60???
>Not having a secret love affair with Joker
He literally threatens anyone who attempts to use extreme force against Joker.
No matter what, it wins when you give her attention
I.E. this and 3 threads archived
There's no proof of that, aside from her looks. Ugly women exist.
It's beside the point, typically letting a trans person sink into their new gender relieves a lot of stresses and helps their mental state considerably. The surgery doesn't happen if you're either unstable or unsure. It requires multiple doctors and therapists to sign off and believe that the transition will help them.
Wu is batshit regardless, which is what makes me think she's a biological woman.
Delusions of grandeur
more like stabbed in the head
Is that the thing that looks like its nose got cut off with a burning blade?
>and/or clinically fucking insane
he's a tranny
he cut off his dick and injected hormones into his body
that's literally clinically insane right there
I'm actually curious
Do people actually follow it on twitter? like they go out of there way to know whats going on in this things life?
Or is it just it spamming this board every time it makes a tweet?
>>irrelevant to vidya
secondy, my nigga
now go play in traffic
Trans are mental disorder freaks. So that explains the batshit crazy
the skelton warrier himslf
nice post friend
Wtf i hate batsman now
The decision to transition is an effect of suffering of body dysphoria, a condition that exists inside of your brain. You may convince yourself that you want a different body, but that's only a temporary solution until your damaged brain starts acting up again a few years down the line, which is why so many trannies just decide to take a .45 aspirin.
"Brianna" Wu hardly even looks human, it would take some serious disfiguration to bring about that sort of appearance, and so I'm very convinced that like most transsexuals, he just looks like a monstrosity that's had all kinda of drugs pumped into his body.
My favorite part about Wu threads is how everyone aggressively uses male pronouns three or four times a post to remind everyone Wu is a guy.