So I just completed this Sup Forums. What did you all think?
>nearly every enemy is an animal
>that shitty bat boss
>no item boxes
Still enjoyed it and would give it a solid 7.
Where's Rebecca now?
Resi thread
So I just completed this Sup Forums. What did you all think?
>nearly every enemy is an animal
>that shitty bat boss
>no item boxes
Still enjoyed it and would give it a solid 7.
Where's Rebecca now?
Resi thread
While it's definitely my least favourite of the classic games, I don't hate it. It probably helps that I'd heard a lot of the criticisms before playing it and was better prepared. My biggest grievance was the lack of item boxes. Being able to drop items and pick them back up was good, but not good enough to justify taking out item boxes.
As for Rebecca, she's going to be in the next animated film, Vendetta, along with Chris and Leon.
You forgot something
The item juggling wasn't nearly as bad as I remembered from playing it on gamecube.
>arrive at the train yard for the first time
>fangirl a bit because Resi 2 is my favourite Resi game/in my top 10 of all time
>take the platform down
>oh shit son, the labs
>try to use the elevator, the security room where Leon leaves Ada or go further in to the labs
>lol you don't need to go here
>Where's Rebecca now?
I think she is a university professor.
It would've been nice to at least go into the security room, even if it was just for some supplies or a file.
I just beat REmake last night for the first time and started Resident Evil 2, also for the first time.
So far RE2 is great, I like the police station a lot and for a game from 1998 it still looks and plays great. Is RE3 as good? I've never played any of them and I'm going through 'em.
isn't she dead?
She only lives in RE in chris's playthrough but only jill's is canon
Resi 3 is really good, yes, though it's arguably more action oriented than Resi 2. You revisit the RPD at one point and it introduces new mechanics like dodging, a live selection system where you're forced to make a choice and being able to mix gunpowders to make your own ammunition. You also have incentives to drop Nemesis any time he shows up for loot instead of just running away.
Resi 3 and Code Veronica are brilliant games in the classic Resi format.
A file in RE2 confirmed that both she and Barry survived, but Capcom never explained exactly how the events of RE1 unfolded.
I've heard mixed things about CV but I found a three dollar copy for the PS2 today and grabbed it because why not? Even if it's bad it was three dollars. I'll play it after 3.
RE3 is underappreciated, but it's good. Personally I like it the most out of the PS1 games.
Code Veronica is one of the few Resi games where it's actually possible to fuck yourself over to the point where you have to start a new game. I won't spoil anything but all I'll say is keep the fire extinguisher and don't leave it behind.
You can hear mixed things about any RE game from shitters. CV is still a good game and everyone who likes the real RE games should play it.
I enjoyed all the classic Resi games but I could never get into RE3. I start playing it just fine but eventually I just lose all interest and stop playing. Also is RE6 worth 20 bucks? How's mercenaries? It looks interesting and I don't wanna wait for a sale.
Question guys; are the two discs in RE2's case for Leon's campaign and Claire's campaign respectively? Is it like RE1 where you just play the game as each character or are they different locations and such?
You can play Leon's scenario first for Leon A, then you do Claire B. Alternatively, you can do Claire A and then Leon B (which is the canon one). They're split up on opposite sides of the explosion and get to the police station via different routes. They visit different areas, fight different enemies and encounter different characters too.
Each have their own little differences so you can potentially do 4 different playthroughs.
>are the two discs in RE2's case for Leon's campaign and Claire's campaign respectively?
RE2 actually has two campaigns for each character. An A campaign and a B campaign. The B campaign shows what the other character was doing during the A campaign. There's a Leon and a Claire version of each.
Same location but the items and enemies are mixed around and placed in different places. Also the storyline happens alongside the other characters disc (though puzzles don't count for some reason). The order of which disc you play first also has some changes, just make sure to keep a completed save game for the other disc.
I enjoyed RE6 for what it was. It's pretty much non-stop action and fanservice. Pretty entertaining stuff.
I think it's generally agreed that the best part of RE6 is the mercenaries as the actual game mechanics are tight as fuck. The game's level design in the campaigns don't flow well with the combat most of the time.
I'd say buy it user and take it for what it is.
>complaining about item drop
>when it marked on the map
Full retard
Huh, that's really cool. Are there two scenarios on each disc, then?
Zero is shit because prequels are shit because they always retcon a ton of shit
Rebeccas behavior in RE1/Remake makes absolutely no fucking sense considering the events of Zero. It also continued with the terrible trend of JRPG-style dramatized villains and dialogue that would be better at home in a stage-play than a horror game. I hate everything about it. I wish it had never been made.
>I'd say buy it user and take it for what it is.
Aight. From what I've seen it seems like a pure action game and I'm fine with that. As long as the AI is not as stupid as Sheva I'll probably enjoy it.
Don't mind me, just stopping by to say that Rebecca a SHIT.
It's decent with the Leon and Sherry playthroughs, but Chris's is utter shit. My problem with RE6 is that the monsters aren't that interestingly designed, and the action just becomes tedious and boring. I think for $7 on PS3 or 360 is alright, but I don't think $20 on PS4 or One is worth it
Yes, but you have to have a save file for a clear of Leon A to do Claire B, or a Claire A clear save to do Leon B. If you just start a new game without a save, you'll just do Claire A or Leon A depending on what disc you're on
I find the game more fun then 5 mostly because the AI is not an issue anymore. There's no more inventory managing between 2 characters now and AI partners have infinite ammo.
Have fun. Also if you see The Evil Within for a good price, nab it.
>Rebeccas behavior in RE1/Remake makes absolutely no fucking sense considering the events of Zero
Just because she got pushed back by a hunter? Are you saying while you were playing Chris or Jill you've never been pushed back or maybe even killed by one? She still managed to travel around the mansion to help you everywhere like expected. Surely they wouldn't accept some pussy into STARS.
The AI isn't any better, but they're invincible and no longer use up supplies so that mostly makes up for it.
I've seen that game on sale a couple times but never bought it, I've heard a lot of mixed responses. I'll probably pick it up the next time it's on sale.
Is Mikami ever gonna do another video game?
Not that user but the forced, braindead stealth segments and the letterboxed display for the Evil Within turned me off.
Letterbox can now be turned off and stealth is only mandatory for chapter 1 though encouraged for early chapters.
He's retired from directing any projects but he's still a producer and supervisor.
You never know, he might just turn into Kojima and say he's stopping every time he releases something.
>forced, braindead stealth segments
That's mostly just chapters 1 & 2. There's only one short forced stealth section after that.
Well, sell me on it. I've been wrong about games many times before. Why does it always get brought up in Resident Evil threads? Is it just the similar style or is it made by one of the same guys or something? I love RE, will I like this?
It's directed by Shinji Mikami, who directed RE1, REmake, and RE4, and also produced RE2.
That would be only one aspect of many why i think Zero wasn't even(internally) canon when they made the Remake. Rebecca, considering all the shit she went through, should be giving Chris a 10 minute recap of the last 24 hours. She should tell him about the monsters, about Umbrella, about how to fight them and frankly, she should just tell him to guard the fucking save room while she goes out and does the searching. Chambers went from rookie to veteran in one night, so she should be better equipped to handle anything the mansion has to offer.
That's why Zero makes no sense.
Did Claire and Sherry fuck when Sherry was older?
Huh, I had no idea. Is it a Capcom game or does he not work for them anymore?
It's pretty much a RE4 redux that takes itself seriously 100% of the time with a dose of Silent Hill-ish psychological horror with none of the subtlety I guess. There's also no consistent pace which can throw people off.
I fucking loved the game though. Your character is under-powered and weak, enemies are quite threatening and there's a surprising amount of variety in the game. Gunplay feels spot-on and the upgrade system is actually really well implemented. There's a few too many one-hit kill instadeaths however.
When all is said and done though, there's a good amount of depth to the game. It's not really a good horror game but it's a great Survival Horror game. As per usual with Mikami games though, don't expect a riveting storyline.
It's supposed to be a spiritual successor of sorts to RE, and a return to survival horror. It's closer to RE4 than the others, however, though it does have more prominent horror elements and very limited ammo (more limited than in even classic REs). It's also a pretty hard game compared to most shooters. Although it has its flaws (the story feels aimless throughout most of the game and it has long loading times), the game play is good enough to make it worth playing IMO.
He left sometime in between RE4 and RE5.
Shinji left to form Platinum Games after capcom disbanded clover studios. He then later left platinum to form his own development studio, Tango Gameworks. Evil Within is their first game with Bethesda acting as publisher. Apparently, Tango wanted to license an engine to use but Bethesda made them use Id Tech 5 instead which doesn't even have Japanese documentation which is why the game was so poorly optimized on release and had to use letterboxing for consoles.
Don't cite me though, I've got no source.
The best way I can put it is The Evil Within is a low budget RE4. When I played it, it really just felt like RE4 with more problems. Mikami tried to shoehorn "horror" into the game too much and I felt it hurt it overall. It's a game that actually gets way better on New Game+
The real horror is not knowing when you can drop the hookshot for good.
They took out the Item boxes because people complained about inventory management, with the biggest complaint being "Why the fuck can't I just drop the shit I don't want?"
What we can learn from this is don't listen to your fans, they're retarded.
>dumped it is as soon as I got off the train
>mfw realising I had to go all the way back for it to get into the laboratory
Or they could've just done both. The main problem with the inventory management before was that you would have to run back to a box if you wanted to pick up an item off the ground. But getting rid of the boxes to do so just created another reason for unnecessary backtracking.
There's no use for it after the cable car area right? So why doesn't the game tell you that you can throw it away like every other story item?
AI is invincible and don't use ammo.
Makes it so you don't have to worry or babysit them.
Pretty nice.
>Braindead stealth.
You don't have to stealth after chapter 1 if I remember correctly.
Game shines as a 3rd person shooter.
He made God Hand with them after RE4, then Clover got shut down and he went to Platinum for a short while (he made Vanquish there).
I finished RE Survivor and I really wish I hadn't played it.
Canon-wise, Billy protected her all the way.
Don't mind me! Just being the worst fucking enemy in any of the 7 main games. Have fun getting literally fucked from behind each and every time you run through my room!
Go play the second RE rail shooter game on wii-u. If they make more of those I would play the shit out of them
The RE rail-shooters are also on PSN store. They're pretty solid House of the Dead games though one of them is shaky-cam heavy.
Having just finished Resi Zero for the fight time tonight, I can safely say that Eliminators and Mimicry Marcus were much worse than those moths, which you could just run past entirely.
>have to backtrack after unlocking the passage to the laboratory with the 3 tablets
>2 of those little baboon fucks waiting for me outside
>try to run past them because I know I won't be coming back to this area again
>get pathblocked and go from fine to orange caution as Billy because I'm stuck sandwiched between two of them
>use up about 4 or 5 incendiary on a Mimicry Marcus in one hallway
>he's about to explode after taking enough damage so I go through the nearest door to avoid it since it's in a narrow hallway
>come back to the hallway 5 minutes later and he's there again at full health because not letting the death animation fully play before you leave a room means he should have full health again
Don't even get me started on that fucking giant bat boss either. Aiming at airborne enemies like ravens in the classic Resi games has always been complete ass and they designed a whole bossfight around it.
Hell yeah
Unless you are a filthy Clairefag
>tfw RE0 gave me yet another strange fetish
>I can safely say that Eliminators and Mimicry Marcus were much worse than those moths, which you could just run past entirely.
I don't think you remember. The moths are airborne enemies, like you mentioned were ass to fight, who are faster than you and either A) spray a hallway wide cloud of toxin if you're facing them or B) magnetically vacuum pull you in if you're even close to being faced away from them.
Both require a blue herb, but in the latter case, you have to wait until the egg hatches at least half a minute later, which stops you dead in your tracks so a long animation can play. There are 3 of them inside the small hallway outside the only save room Claire has access to in that entire hallway and they respawn EVERY time you leave the room.
It's funny that you mentioned that anecdote about the mimic. I didn't even know he exploded, because I don't think I ever fired a shot at him.