CIV 6 thread

CIV 6 thread

What civ would you like to see in civ 6?

an appealing art style

Arnold Schwarzenegger doing TV ads

Half of the screen not looking like fucking shit because people cant hand fog on their macbooks

Eh, I've started to like the art style.

Everything pops out and is easily visible. Makes it look like a board game.

Sparta civ.

Basically like Venice (i.e city state) but focused on war.

It's not awful for a game in general but what I expect from the Civ games is an awe inspiring testament to all mankinds achievements. Using a cartoony art style just feels like it's taking away the seriousness that I wanted. I'm still excited for the actual mechanics of the game though.

Kingdom of Italy.

Is there an Ayn Rand civ?

>Vittorio Emanuele II
>Special Ability: VIVA VERDI!


>Camillo Benso
>Special Ability: Irredentismo

Canada, or Australia, both are pretty "neat"

Sparta actually made it in. They're led by that 300 chick.

After Australia, Italy has always been a pretty conspicuous nation to be continuously left from the lineup; their wonders show up, their units show up, hell, Napoopan and now Cathy show up and yet there's not a single sign of Pizza-Boot land itself.

>5 city-states in civ 5
>Main theme in civ 6 will be in italian

and we still don't have an Italian civilization.

fucking rome and greece, where are they at already

They probably think the Romans is close enough.

>declare an unprovoked war at beginning of the game, make peace after realizing I was dumb and there's no way I could take any city
>6 thousand years later I'm still hated by literally every other civ and every 5 turns they all tell me how much they hate me ruining any sense of gameplay flow
fix this BS
>less stupid bugs like infinite looping sound effects and more polished road layouts (aka no retarded roundabouts)
>city states will eventually make new cities after they've finished taking all the surrounding tiles in its "capital"

It would implode after 2 months.

Persia please, or something similar. I might be shit at strategy type games but getting infinite golden ages while playing on babymode was pretty fun

One that's capable of producing decent-quality video games.

>You can only ever have ~7 cities before you get fucked by unhappiness
name a civilization with only 7 cities

"Cities" in Civ represent the largest, most important metropolitan population centers. Chicago would be an American city, but Rockford, Ill. would not, even though we'd consider it a city.


>implying Rockford can be considered a city to begin with


>other civ declares unprovoked war on me
>push their shit in and take a city
>MAJOR penalty, hated forever


Ironically the guy I fucked up was later friendlier to me than the other assholes offended on his behalf

You know what I mean. Rockford has 150,000 people and is among the top 200 most populous cities in the United States. But in Civ only the most important population centers are actually "cities". The top 7 in the United States are:

New York
Los Angeles
San Antonio

Number 8 is San Diego, and by then we're no longer talking about cities that really matter anyway. And the United States is one of the largest, most diverse countries in the world. It all depends on how you want to model a civilization, of course, but 7 cities could be reasonable under a certain set of definitions.

The Khmer Empire would be a cool thing to see.

that's another problem I have with Civ 5. All you do is get punished for war, even if you didn't start it. All you can do to have not be labeled a warmonger is have an expensive army wasting your money standing around doing literally nothing except maybe take out the odd barb camp every 40 turns or so.

More unique luxury resources would be good too, preferably ones that you simply can't start with. It would actually give people a reason to fight over land. No city is worth taking when the absolute best you can do is a city by the river and some hills

>A civilization who vanished into thin air

khmer was actually in civ 4

now you know how Israel feels.

They did, technically. War has NO warmonger penalties early on, they said in an article that those warmonger penalties will only start becoming relevant in the Renaissance onward.
Early war will still suck dick though, taking cities without either an army of ranged units or some siege weaponry is just a waste of resources.

sounds great to me, a huge one up on Civ 5. Yes early war is pretty bad but if someone wants to do it then they should be able to. There's a bunch of wonders suited perfectly for early game war and right now they're only really useful for dedicated domination civs