Xbox One S Leads Microsoft to Beat PS4 For Second Month in a Row According to NPD

>Xbox One S Leads Microsoft to Beat PS4 For Second Month in a Row According to NPD

People are actually buying the Xbone S?

Microsoft always wins

Well it does have a 4K Blu-ray player in it - one of the cheapest ways to get one. It also plays Xbox One games too I guess.

if only it had any exclusives

Xbone has its faults, but the lack of exclusives isn't one of them.

So what's the score now?

31-3 for Sony?

Actually no, that's one of its biggest faults. I actually don't care that much about its hardware disadvantages, most Xbox One games i own still look way better than PS3/360 games. The bigger issue is that there just isn't that much to play on it that I can't find elsewhere. I'm not a fan of Forza.

Sounds like a total reversal from the "PS2 for DVDs' and "PS3 for Blu-Rays".

Sony slipped up big time here.

iPhone is the best console, and nobody could ever fucking speak against it. When I first got an iPhone, I was so excited that I wouldn't be trashy anymore. I got so many friends with the iPhone 5C's stunning colors and sexyness, and that isn't even half of it. It has over 30 GB worth of data. I was able to store, if I recall, 10,000 photos and it would only take up 4 gigabytes. It would play games that would seem laggy to a console and turn it into a lagless portable experience. I am a true fucking gamer, I play Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, Flappy Bird, and Clash of Clans daily, I can message friends and stay up to date, I can talk to people with my face and always remember how my friends looked like, I can take endless photos with no worry about using data, and I could browse infinite pages of the internet, which a shitty console can't do. The PC, Wii, PS4, and Xbox 1 can't do any of this shit. Compete with that, consoletards.

It's likely their biggest flaw. The other glaring problem is the supposed "supercharged" Xbox One S is still less powerful than the standard PS4 and the Scorpio is still over a year away.

Can't wait to see the attitude from Sonyponies on this to go full reverse.

>Sony slipped up big time here.
>PS3 for Blu-rays
yeah that worked out so well user

PS4 pushed Xbone's shit in due to video games, not its media capabilities

I feel you, Personally the only Xbone exclusives I care about are Halo and Gears, but since they're better than pretty much every Sony exclusives, I can manage.

The PS4 actually has games.

>Xbox One S is still less powerful than the standard PS4 and the Scorpio is still over a year away.
True but if you were coming from the PS3 or 360 the Xbox One generally still produces a lot better looking games, outside of a few real pieces of shit like Dead Rising 3.

Those are the only exclusives I really care about on Xbox as well, but that means we've only had 1 game so far. I own MCC and Gears Ultimate as well but Ultimate does nothing new and MCC while a nice package had so many issues online. Halo 5 was the worst Halo game in my opinion and it still makes me mad.

Quantum Break was okay but it's not really an exclusive anymore I guess and Tomb Raider was fine too but definitely not remarkable.

You're living two gens past. People don't care about exclusives anymore. At least not as much as they used to. Multiplats reign supreme now.

>best selling gen 5/6 games were exclusives
>best selling gen 7/8 games are all multiplats like Fifa and CoD

>True but if you were coming from the PS3 or 360 the Xbox One generally still produces a lot better looking games, outside of a few real pieces of shit like Dead Rising 3.

Pretty much if it weren't for the fact there is barely anything worth owning in 4K. There are a few things but they are few and far between. For those with a premium set up that supports Dolby Atmos the Xbox One S doesn't support Dolby Atmos somehow which is weird because that should be able to just pass through to a proper AVR. Also to even support a premium television that has HDR its funny that you would be cheap with the player. I find it amusing that 4K Blu-ray has basically said fuck it to supporting both 4K and 3D. I believe there are streaming services that do both 4K and 3D although I'm sure there is some sort of resolution loss although minor to support the 3D process. It's just funny that streaming can do it but your new fangled Blu-ray disc will not. This leads to strange scenarios like Gravity having a 4K release with Dolby Atmos but not having the benefit of 3D and of course the 3D release not having Dolby Atmos. I'm sure someone out there has remuxed the two releases but eh... I'm sure there will be even more problems in the future once we 45 or 60fps movies become a thing if they become a thing or 8K. This shit will never end.

I think it's funny how people all use exclusives to argue that their console is better than another yet most people don't ever buy those games.

I'm aware that exclusives are less important now but I have always appreciated them as I like buying multiple platforms. At the rate things are going there will never be a reason to own more than 1 console in the future, which as an enthusiast disappoints me.

Did you actually own a PS3 or 360 and do you own a PS4 or Xbox One? I owned both consoles last gen and own both consoles this gen.

Most Xbox One games render at 900p, while PS4 games are 1080p. That's a huge upgrade from 720p and lower that was the standard on PS3/360. Anti-aliasing quality is generally much better on current-gen games. Last gen you were lucky if a game had FXAA.

You actually bought the PS4 CuckEdition?

I love Halo 5, the campaign is shit, but the multiplayer specifically Warzone is fucking great. Wouldn't say its the best, but its up there. I get why people hate it, but for me it's fun enough to get me to keep playing it.

Also I like DR3, and I think that's still an Xbone exclusive. Like I said, the Xbone doesn't really have much, but the games they do have are really good, and Gears 4 is shaping to be the best in the series and DR4 is also on the way, so that's enough to hold me over.

So you're saying the Xbox One has better looking games than the PS3/360? Well no shit. My point is they overclocked a Xbox One and branded it as a more powerful console, which technically it is, but even the regular PS4 is more powerful and they're the same price.

Xbox One S vs the PS4 Slim is basically a choice between 4K blu rays or better looking games + exclusives. That's why even the Neo can compete with the Scorpio, especially with a lower price tag. Idk why people assume Scorpio = Microsoft domination. Power isn't the end-all an be-all, just look at the winners of the last 2 gens.

Name one generation that was true

My fb feed has blown up with normies buzzing about getting an S after the recent news from Sony.

I think it's pretty funny. Hopefully used PS4 prices plummet and I can enjoy BB without too much guilt of buying an entire console for it.

>xbox one games
Stop making things up user

Xbox one, 360 original


is this a serious post?

Microsoft hasn't actually advertised the Xbox One S as being more powerful though because the difference is like 7% at best

Yes. But your mom wasn't serious when she was thinking about aborting this down syndrome ps faggot

and next month it'll be playstation because the new slim

that took out gears so in a list of "pure" exclusives you're right but in terms of "console" exclusives you're wrong.

Microsoft developing games to work on both xbox and PC is more beneficial to them in the long run.

only idiots think otherwise.

I'm probably going to buy one solely for the 4k bluray player and maybe on the hopes EA will someday make a new Skate game as the xbox controller>>>dualshock for Skate.

Literally the only reasons though.

why do you want a 4k blue ray player instead of just a regular one? there's barely any difference

You're right, that was incorrect. The gaming media did though, I assumed they got their info directly from Microsoft.



Sup Forums is always right

well, craig ferguson I think mentioned it first because Gears 4 uses a dynamic framebuffer so he said it's possible that it'll be slightly faster on the Xbox One S

MS only mentioned it when pressed by Eurogamer

Games are either exclusive or not. Calling games like Gears exclusive because they're not available on PS4 is like calling Call of Duty or The Witcher 3 exclusive because they're not on the Wii U. If they're available on two different platforms they're not exclusive.

I think the S will sell well during the holidays, especially when the PS4 Pro is $500 here in Canada, and standard PS4 is $380

Because I can easily afford it and it looks pretty nice.


God your country sucks.

The PS4 slim and the One S are the same price (as each other) everywhere.

Well Sony priced it. PS4 was $400 here before launch in 2013. Then after release was $450.

All this does it deter me even further from buying this piece of shit.

So I guess Canada is a-ok!

What;s the price of the PS4 Slim in the UK? IT's 249 euros on UK Amazon, I don't see PS4 Slim pricing anywhere.

They priced it that way because your money isn't worth shit.

>The Same

Well depends what HDD/Bundle you get

Yes I know, please save us won't you lad?

a PS4 slim bundle will go for $380 in Canada, so it's actually cheaper than the One S.

Dude, check our dollar. Games here are $80 now before tax. My gaming PC is gonna cost me close to $1800

Every generation. PC games run on Microsoft Windows

Yes, I know. Not to mention since the higher price, we pay even more tax.

All we get is more welfare dependent muslims.

Shit sucks man

>only outselling by a couple hundred units
>PS4 still outselling globally by a lot
>those fucking Xbone sales in Japan

I know it's a special edition and all but come on, $150 more expensive? Really?
It's way better if you buy the Halo bundle + Gow 4 separately.

Wait, NPD is US-only, not worldwide? Then what the fuck is the point? So I'm guessing Xbone """"won"""" the NPD last month even though they got outsold like 2:1?


Ya. At least the Gears bundle is better than the standard 2TB console, $50 more, you get an $80 dollar game, and a slick painjob

Yes, you fucking retard. How new are you?


I guess I just assume since Microsoft were bragging about NPD wins it actually meant something. Meanwhile Sony was ass-raping them.


into the trash dudebros go


Who cares if some ameridumbs buy paperweights?

why not? it's 300 bucks and you get every halo game bundled in and it can play 4k movies and it has the superior controller and backwards compatibility with an increasing amount of 7th gen games

Xbox one has never outsold the ps4 in europe/japan/rest of the world. North america is the only place the xbox sells well although only by a little.

But it does for Windows 10 which has the Xbox app and Xbox is also a console so since Xbox is a Platform, it's games technically still exclusive since it's owned by Microsoft.

>tfw PS4 pro is $530 USD in Sweden

Are you sweating sony shill?

but i dont have to own microsoft's hardware to play them, no shekels from me

Why is this 4K Blu-ray player such a fucking big deal to people? They won't put games on those things because then the original PS4 won't be able to run 'em. So from a video game stand point it's fucking useless so who the fuck actually cares?

Yes you do, you may not need the Xbox console, but for the most part you would need Windows 10 software.

Yo senpai where do I pre order Forza Horizon 3 PC?


please continue to be jealous, it makes me enjoy everything that much more

Everybody brags about NPD you fucking idiot. Even Sony does it when they win the month.

10 is free, still no shekels

consoles are supposed to be media centers that can play everything.

Is it still free? Plus If you don't have Windows 10 (even though you do) you technically still can't play those games, you also have to have the right specs (I'm pretty sure you do). Also since most of those games will only be on Microsoft's software (Xbox and Windows 10) it still means their Microsoft exclusives.

everything is free on pc if you know how to get it. these games are ms exclusives but they are not xbone exclusive, i can play them w/o xbone

I never said Xbone exclusive, I said Xbox exclusive, Xbox is a Platform now.