Can we all agree that this game is utter shit in every aspect?
Can we all agree that this game is utter shit in every aspect?
Nah it's pretty good
The mighty flame for which you die is burning hot and rising high
The first one was perfect, it was a disney JRPG that got everything right from both of those worlds
Everything after was so unnecessary
In my top 5 and I am not even a weeb
fuck off you tasteless cunt
First one's controls and certain aspects of the game were complete dogshit
It's pretty fucking fun, no matter what you fags say
I don't care about the story as long as I get a fun gameplay
That's what you fags are forgetting
The controls were fine
Better than BBS's shitty gameplay
Only if you count the whole series OP
Toss it all in the fucking trash
yea, pressing only X is really funnyand challenging
its just not fun to play for me. you guys can like it. the 1st KH of course
maybe i should try 2 and ignore the story
That's odd cause a lot of people love Kingdom Hearts. But you think it's shit. I guess that means you're really unique OP, good job.
>tfw Kingdom Hearts destroyed Utada's career
simple and clean was a mistake
the story
i STILL don't fucking get it
and now, we are at a point where after BBS, fucking EVERYONE has fucking keyblades!
why not the princesses, donald, goofy, fuck why not your other companions?
just everyone having whats in the box of lost keys from the MTA lost and found! jesus christ!
go fucking die memester
There's hardly any X mashing in this game
maybe at weaker enemies only which doesn't mean whole game is like that
don't reply to me anymore
>mfw they reused the same battle system for FFXV
>1st game is better but completely outdated
>2nd game has insufferable intro and QTE shit
Good thing birth by sleep was decent
>There's hardly any X mashing in this game
You can literally beat the game using only basic attacks and Cure.
I know because that's what I did as a kid.
The game has some ugly enviroments and clunky controls but overall, it's a great game with a charming story.
>you will never feel Namine's gigantic feet on your dick
Except everything about this game was fun
-fun gameplay
-fun characters
-fun worlds, both disney and non-disney
Not to mention god-tier music
This meme is stupid. You press X a lot because it uses a menu. Would anything change if you switched magic to the square button?
People who dislike reaction commands need to die. All they did was add cool little mini games and cutscenes to bosses. For regular enemies I could see it getting annoying after a while, though.
15 seems to have more to its combat than KH
not saying it isn't basic, but not AS basic as KHs XXXXXX maybe /\ to use a special context move
did it really?
I doubt that. It gave her a pretty big following the west should would never have had otherwise.
No. Your taste is shit.
Not the game's fault u suck senpai
She thought because of the following she could release albums in the US. Both of them flopped horribly so she went into hiding (hiatus) in Europe and has been ever since until recently when she went back to Japan to release a new album that isn't out yet iirc.
this sounds like bullshit
Nah. The gameplay is fun and the cutscenes are skippable. That's all a game needs.
>complete the game using ezpz dominant strategy
>this means I suck
Her last US attempt in 2009 was ironically titled 'This is the One' and it flopped. She didn't try again after that.
I kind of wish they had gone with turn-based like they originally were.
I attack and heal my way through almost every rpg. Magic is shit.
that would be boring
Kingdom hearts is good dynasty warriors, why make it into another turn based shit show?
It's weird how FF15 has less polished KH2 melee combat.
>dominant strategy
That isn't what that term means. Mashing X and healing when you need to is the easiest way to play, but skillfully using your other options provides much better results. Just as an example, one well-placed Graviga can decimate groups of enemies that would otherwise take dozens of melee hits to bring down.
The theme songs are nice, although that doesn't reflect the games at all
Sounds like she destroyed her own carreer
Dominant strategy is a term to refer to the strategy that beats all others. Due to being OP, or very easy, or whatever.
Mashing X and using Cure to heal when necessary is the dominant strategy. It works without fail.
That's why Re:CoM has my favorite battle system
It doesn't, though. And that is not what dominant strategy means.
>It doesn't, though.
My 8+ playthroughs of KH1 doing nothing but that argue otherwise.
How did you beat Ursula's cauldron just mashing X?
>this exception that literally REQUIRES something else invalidates the other 20 hours of the game!
>It works without fail.
On Beginner mode, maybe. And even if you can brute force your way through the game with a low-skill strategy, the fact that other, more powerful options exist mean it's by definition not the dominant strategy.
Either way, she's so butthurt at SE / Disney that we'll probably be hearing WHEN in kh3 yet again
>Can we all agree that this game is utter shit in every aspect?
>every aspect?
utter shit in every respect
>On Beginner mode, maybe.
Literally on any mode.
On 1.5 Proud, it still works.
Actually, it works even better than normal thanks to the new combat abilities in FM.
>controls were fine
>canĀ“t skip cutscene
>the cutscene before you fight ansem-riku in hollow bastion
I literally can fill a day with the amount of time that fucking cutscene did cost me
I enjoyed 2.5 more than 1.5 so sure
Part of this is true and part of this is bullshit.
Basically, This is the One flopped because it was pretty much outside of her regular Japanese stuff and Japanese artists really have no appeal in the west most of the time.
But the reason why she went on hiatus is that she met a regular joe Italian dude while in Italy and wanted to separate her personal life from her career for a while. Basically she wanted to have a love life without it being plastered over the media.
When she came back, she married him and had a kid together which is what Sakura Nagashi is partly about and why she chose to make that single for Evangelion 3.0
Kingdom hearts had little to do with her going into hiatus as she did have a previous US album before This is the One that also flopped. And there is also the fact that she is pretty tight lipped about her releases on the regular. There's little
my nigga
reason why she wouldn't do another single for Kingdom hearts since it's highly anticipated in both the western fanbase AND the japanese fanbase.
>better results
>killing enemies in flashier ways is better
It's the game's job t make a challenge that forces you to adapt. Both KH1 and KH2 fail in that regard.
You forgot to include the "Utada hates kingdom hearts" meme
That's just one example. There are several fights throughout the game that either require you to damage them with something other than basic attacks, or require you to do something else before you can attack them.
>There are several fights throughout the game that either require you to damage them with something other than basic attacks
Darkside? No
Guard Armor? No
Trickmaster? No
Cerberus? No
Hades? No
Stealth Sneak? No
Pot Centipede? No
Cave of Wonders Guardian? No
Parasite Cage? No
Oogie Boogie? No
Oogie Manor? No
Ursula 1? Yes
Ursula 2? No
Anti-Sora? No
Hook? No
Riku 1? No
Riku 2? No
Behemoth? No
Ansem gauntlet? No
Kurt Zisa? No
Phantom? Yes
Sephiroth? No
Enigmatic Man? No
So... two fights in the entire game require magic.
Nothing in that post was advocating being "flashy." The point is that smart use of magic or other abilities kills enemies faster, safer, and with less work on the player's part than mashing the attack button. In other words, mashing X isn't the dominant strategy because there are exponentially better strategies available, it's just the tactic that requires the least amount of skill and knowledge.
Kingdom Hearts is light!
How can anyone say KH2 ruined everything? The gameplay is much better. Do they mean the story or something?
Darkwing duck would be pretty cool.
The designs look so obviously 2000s nowadays
I would love Gargoyles. That show is so sick.
>Kurt Zisa? No
Now ask me how I know you haven't actually played the game.
Also I like how you ignored the other half of that post, the "require you to do something else before you can attack them" part, which several bosses (Trickmaster, tiger head, Oogie, Behemoth, Kurt Zisa) fall into. You also left off the Ice Titan, who requires you to deflect projectiles to do any decent damage to him, and ignored countless mob fights throughout the game, which can be beaten by just basic melee attacks, but go down significantly faster and easier if you use magic and/or summons, which is also true for most of the bosses on your list.
>Now ask me how I know you haven't actually played the game.
Kurt Zisa has a phase where you literally cannot use magic.
Then he has a vulnerable phase where you just slap his head around.
And then he has a phase where he's invulnerable to everything but magic.
Are you sure you played this game?
babymaking hips
>require you to do something else before you can attack them
>Trickmaster, tiger head, Oogie, Behemoth,
All of those require movement, but your actual attacking method does not matter.
I haven't fought Kurt Zisa since I Plat'd 1.5 four years ago. So I forgot one phase.
Sue me.
Three bosses require magic. Wow, you really got me there user.
It's weird, I enjoy the games but don't actually like any of the choices for the worlds with only a few exceptions. The whole series is just so fucking strange, and why the hell do they let live action in with fucking pirates?
I'd assume disney execs make requests based on what they're releasing or re-releasing or whatever. A new pirates movie was probably coming out.
Popular. I didn't like it, but I still want Pirates 2. Davy Jones is a literal heartless too, plus kraken boss battle.
Yeah i guess, and it was an immensly popular franchise. Let's just pray we don't see a world based of that old west Johnny depp movie.
>why the hell do they let live action in with fucking pirates?
Nobody remembers TRON. This depresses me greatly.
No heartless are corrupted hearts
Nobodies have no hearts.
i know it's stupid
I would expect a frozen world for sure. Tangled possibly. Is how to train your dragon disney? If so then that too.
Sorry, can't agree. I wasn't retarded enough to play the game after seeing the premise.
>Let's just pray we don't see a world based of that old west Johnny depp movie.
I doubt they'd be able to do a Lone Ranger world. For one, Dreamworks actually owns the franchise now (the development of the Lone Ranger movie took so long that, after Disney had paid for the license but before the movie started actual production, Dreamworks bought the company that owned it). Let's not forget that it was also a massive financial flop (granted, I don't think it was AS big a flop as their John Carter of Mars movie).
Now I remeber the level being pretty decent in the 3ds version.
>All of those require movement, but your actual attacking method does not matter.
The point is that you're not just mashing X, you're actively considering your positioning, using platforming in some cases, and carefully controlling your movement so that you can stay within range of the boss. You're doing stuff like that most of the time throughout the game anyways, but those bosses in particular require you to jump up on their bodies or use the environment to reach a weak point. You also left Maleficent off your list, who falls into that category too. And Maleficent, like most of these enemies, allows you to defeat her with just melee, but goes down significantly faster with some smart magic use.
And it was one of the better worlds too.
>(granted, I don't think it was AS big a flop as their John Carter of Mars movie).
I'm willing to bet it was just as bad of a flop. And you know, now that I think about it, Disney's non Marvel/Animated/Pixar stuff keeps flopping like nuts. I think Jungle Book managed to be a success, but nothing else.
I did a critical mode run recently. I died more to the bike than to any boss.
>The point is that you're not just mashing X, you're actively considering your positioning, using platforming in some cases, and carefully controlling your movement
You make it sound a lot more complicated than it actually is.
And I don't think the mash-X meme is implying that you could actually close your eyes and JUST mash X to win the game.
What about the horrors of a Haunted Mansion themes world with Eddie Murphy as your partner?
Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix is the greatest Action RPG ever made. That is a FACT. So not, Kingdom Hearts is not shit. Fuck off OP
>I would expect a frozen world for sure.
IIRC, one member of the dev team (I don't think it was Nomura himself) said they weren't doing a Frozen world. But they could have been lying.
>Tangled possibly.
That one's already confirmed. The Kingdom of Corona has already been seen in some of the gameplay trailers, and the dev team has explicitly told us what it was.
>Is how to train your dragon disney? If so then that too.
Nope. Dreamworks.
>I'm willing to bet it was just as bad of a flop.
Oh, don't get me wrong, Lone Ranger flopped hard and miserably (if Disney didn't have Marvel, Pixar, and their animated movies as backup money factories, it would have been SO much worse for them).
>And you know, now that I think about it, Disney's non Marvel/Animated/Pixar stuff keeps flopping like nuts. I think Jungle Book managed to be a success, but nothing else.
Don't forget about Star Wars. They own that now too, and they made shitloads of money with Episode VII.
I'm still hoping for a Star Wars world based around the original trilogy. Cover ANH and a bit of the Marvel comics in one game (possibly even KH3), then Empire and Jedi in the next main game.
That's not gonna hapen. Not while they're planning a more serious reboot, anyway.
she has been releasing english albums since she started
her first studio album was in english. her english language music isn't as good as her japanese music, though
Damn it. I saw I misspelled that, but the post was sent out before I could cancel and fix it.
That's only in KH2 though
And now I just realized I forgot to finish this statement:
>Oh, don't get me wrong, Lone Ranger flopped hard and miserably (if Disney didn't have Marvel, Pixar, and their animated movies as backup money factories, it would have been SO much worse for them).
What I forgot to say after that was that I thought John Carter did even worse than the Lone Ranger (hell, the only reason I even paid for a ticket to John Carter was because it was a double-feature with The Avengers at my nearest drive-in theater; everyone in the car fell asleep while watching John Carter, by the way).
They are really planning to reboot Haunted Mansion? The absolute madmen. Speaking of Disney theme park rides, have they ever done anything related to the toon town part?