ITT: We post games for low-spec computers

ITT: We post games for low-spec computers

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dead space is surprisingly well optimized


Anything made pre-2009 should run well on just about anything

2005 represent

Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead
Diablo and Diablo II
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup
Dwarf Fortress
NEO Scavenger



Depends how low-spec we're talking
If it's "cheap but current computer with integrated graphics I bought yesterday" then yeah, probably. If it's "mid-range computer from 2003" that's a different story.


Tribes RPG has pretty low requirements, being made in an engine from the 90s.

First two Thiefs if you have a potato.
Third Thief if it's a toaster.

>Dwarf Fortress
You need a good amount of RAM to handle this game.


YS series

im using an old computer with a pentium 4 and 1gb of ram in it. literally cant run it

my nigga

>pentium 4 and 1gb of ram
Are you me?

Stardew Valley runs alright. Baldur's Gate, TOEE, Planescape, Icewind Dale, Gothic, Morrowind are pretty much your top-tier RPG choices. There's a shitload of RTSs to choose from - Pharaoh is a fun choice if you're autistic and older Total War games are pretty good. Mount and Blade, except for large battles. X series, especially X3. Really just look through GOG, you can find downloads/torrents for most of the games unless you want something that's not on there or obscure.

Patrician 3 (pictured), System Shock and Disciples are the main games I play on my laptop.

Mount and Blade: Warband works unusually well on my laptop, I would recommend it.

>im using an old computer with a pentium 4 and 1gb of ram in it.
there comes a time when everyone's gotta take the next step
why on earth are you still using a computer from 2003?


Oh shit, I played that game and its sequel more than I care to admit.

They fucking sucked.

OTTD is the shit.

Every games on every consoles and arcade ever from the ps2/dreamcast era and below

>1gb of ram
There is the problem.
Creating the world and then running shit eats up a lot of RAM, game can use only up to 2gb, 3 or 4 if you use Large Address Aware mod.

I'm using Pentium 4, but I have 2gb of ram and Geforce 8400 GS (only because my old graphics card went to fuck itself)

Didn't toady recently update the compiler or some shit and it can now access as much ram as it needs without any modification/patch?

The newer releases are 64-bit if that's what you mean.

Dunno, wasn't looking in for a while, mu toaster cannot handle average-sized fortress well, so I gave up for now.


This runs like shit for me if I look at a large scene

Any ideas?


It runs MGR fine.

Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee / Exoddus
Age of Empires 2
System Shock 1 and 2
Thief 1 and 2
Ys Chronicles 1 and 2
Vantage Master 2
Age of Wonders
Cave Story

If you aren't stuck with an actual toaster, maybe.
My computer can't run most games past 2000s unless devs casted Dark magic on their games.
maybe I should try getting a job. Deus Ex also runs like shit.


The original actually runs worse on newer computers. You can't run it in Win7 without a launcher and you can't turn AA on without turning Manny into a weird squiggly line.


Plus one of the puzzles is based on the CPU clock speed. Modern CPUs are too damn fast so you have to do some command prompt fuckery to limit the clock speed.

Just get the remastered.

>Cave Story
THIS. The game is 5MB big. There's no excuse to not have played it.


Have you tried running the game in ResidualVM?


I ended up just buying the remaster. That way, I could also frame my signed copy of the original because I'm a dweeb.


>Dwarf Fortress

what patches did you apply to it before playing?

The .exe and Direct3D renderer patches from are a must.

My nigga

You shut your whore mouth

Gba emulation, snes emulation, and anything weaker in power. Those run on win98.

You a dweeb. thumbs-up.emoji

If you like extreme RNG. And the devs are bitches who refuse to listen to any criticism.



Someone's just jelly. I'm going to post the story of getting it signed, because I don't care, I want to.

I bought the game back in like 2002 from the LucasArts store for like $10 because it was still in print and apparently not in very high demand, and it quickly became my favorite game. In 2008, I was at San Diego Comic Con, and saw that Tim Schafer was doing a signing at the EA booth to promote Brutal Legend; this was back when he was Tim Schafer, visionary game designer, and not Tim Schafer, horrible business manager. I got my copy of Psychonauts and Grim Fandango and went to the signing. He signed both, I got a picture with him and was about to leave because the security guards were giving me the stinkeye for taking too long, when he stopped and asked me if I wanted him to sign one of the free Brutal Legend posters he was giving out. I said, "Sure, make it out Sal" (my name), he signed it and asked, "Wait, your name is Sal?" and he took back the Grim Fandango case and flipped it to the back and wrote "Love is for the living, Sal -Tim."

That story makes me happier than I should probably be proud to admit. Anyway, the game is now framed in one of those special CD frames they sell at Ikea.

How low are we talking here?
Because I have a decent laptop from 2013 that runs a bunch of games surprisingly well but I'm seeing some prehistoric stuff in here.

I've got this shitty old acer desktop with a geforce 9200 integrated card and some triple core processor. Darkest Dungeon and Hotline Miami both ran at a crawl. PS2 emulation is also not happening. However I can say that the vast majority of PSP games run perfectly with PPSSPP. The only one that hasn't so far was God of War Chains of Olympus. In smoky areas it was unplayably slow. Dissidia Duodecim ran perfectly. Same with Gods Eater Burst and Phantom Brave. Currently playing Fate/EXTRA. No problems. This emulator is like sorcery.

The original Fallout games.