Join our Steam group chatroom @

>Receive the pirate link and server IP there.

>What is Wurm Unlimited?

A one time buy to play version of Wurm without the monthly premium cost and other restrictions that were previously behind a paywall. There's also private servers.

>What is Wurm?

Wurm is a true sandbox game where players can do anything from mining, free-building milking cows, terraforming, to pvp.

Wurm also has a player driven economy as well as player driven politics between kingdoms and their respective kings.

>Server Mods:

Better Digging, Boatmod, Bounty mod, Bulk transport mod, Creature mod, Crop mod, Inbreed warning, Meditate mod, MoveToCenter, Prospect Mod, Salve Mod, ServerPacks, Skill Mod, Priest Mod & Action Timer Fix.

Calling all Sup Forumseterans and newfags, Broskilde is our latest incarnation. This is the culmination of everything we've been waiting for. We have OUR own server, we have OUR own code and we have OUR own kingdom skins, but more importantly there is no more need to shed your NEETbux any more. We are PIRATE FRIENDLY.

You've been waiting, biding your time. Messing around with cheap thrill titles and trying to scratch that eternal autistic itch.


Do not resist it any longer, come back to your sweet, painful addiction. Let the hours drain away and the bags under your eyes grow. Wurm is back, and it's at the pinnacle of Sup Forumsirgin comfort.

Again, join our Steam group chatroom @

Come home Wurm man.

Other urls found in this thread:

What an interesting game. Wow and it's free? I think I'll try and join, thanks op.


no discord? get on with the times.


we chat with ingame text

plus we are too autistic to actually talk to each other

Holy shit, is this the same Wurm? Remember playing this ages ago, was fun as fuck when you got into it.

sup reddit

Come home Wurm man.

Can I be a loli and build stuff?

Comfy garage


sorry wrong thread

nigger nigger nigger


billcoop pls go

Do I have to have Steam open while launching the client? Because right now it doesn't seem to do anything else than launch a command prompt with "Press any key to continue..."

No, if you downloaded from the mega link then you don't need steam at all. You should use the WurmLaunch exe.

thnx bb

for you

no u


whys flatraising banned?

because it's shit

but no flatraising means doubledigger will never ever play on your serb

The light of a thousand angels


verd pls stop


what the fuck is this gfx are we playing the same game?

How laggy is the game from the EU?

precisely not at all
t. EU member from 2004


what de fug

>the autism that surpass minecraft

> that cube of water
fuckin wut


What kingdom do I join?
What the fuck do I do?

I've been in like 2 Sup Forumsurm groups and the others atleast had good guides and shit

Same issue as you , i picked the first one but no clue what to do now.

join horde of the summoned, praise libila

have fun my dudes
have a bump also
brommunism remains

Why the fuck is the font so massive, what the fuck am I supposed to be doing?

Jesus christ guys if you're going to make a thread inviting people at least give more information.

JUST run the launcher then connect by IP and put the IP in and then choose a kingdom you KEK