He's dead

He's dead.



No he's not. He posted a update on Facebook 5 hours ago.

That's how he died

>he had the same haircut until he became a woman

How much time does he have left?


You should host a memorial in his honor.

>Male lesbian

Thats like playing an MMO and pretending to be a girl but saying you only like other girls, dont do this.

>I'm a man but I'm a girl but i don't like dicks, even my dick

just kill yourself chris

>People complain how Chris doesn't have a job or education
>Not knowing he THINKS Sonichu is a career
>Still at it.
Hes been long dead from first arc.

So has died from fingering an open wound yet?

i don't get it, does it not hurt like a motherfucker?

its fun


Well you're not wrong. Chris is dead. Christine is the new thing carrying on in his withered husk




why do people pay so much attention to this person. is it a condition?


>fake pussy

Who was the worst parent? I say was because Bob is dead and Barb is too old and tired to influence Chris much more anymore.

>Bob is dead and Barb is too old and tired to influence Chris much more anymore
>mfw the Chris train has no brakes

Especially when he's literally opening up that line that connects your balls to your asshole


They're both shit but I get the feeling Barb coddled and enabled him more.

I would say they are both almost equally bad. Both encouraged him to keep getting free money instead of trying to get a job. At least Bob tried to keep him away from the internet from a while. Not that it would have done much.
And Barb has that stuff with her other family.


>Please do not ask me any questions

stop misgendering Christine, you gator shit lords.
She is a beautiful, and when you make fun of a creative and free soul such as hers, you are on the wrong side of history.

>Male with a beard.
The traps on Sup Forums put more effort.

Chris Chan is the living incarnate of failure that not even an average NEET can live up too.

>Bob died in a pre-F world

Any future prospects we can look forward to after the inevitable F? Classic sonic fan looks to be turning normal.

and why should i care

Even Chris supports Hillary, why don't you, Sup Forums?

Is Chris really in control of himself?

Bob and Barb did fucking convince him how "crippling" autism and how great his "Sonichu career" is.

Somethings even listening to the Father call or Kacey calls, its sounds like he doesn't have much of a choice.


>unironally using a woman card
I hope Trump wins

What's Trump going to do to trannies?
Trump's just going to keep Congress in dead-lock for the next 4 years because Americans are too retarded to vote for new senators and think the President can just do whatever the fuck they want.

How to fix the country

black people's votes count for 2/3 of a white man's vote, women's votes count for half, black women's for 1/3

the day Chris dies, the entire internet will explode.

The day Chris dies, the entire planet will apocalypse

He's been dead for a long time now. All that remains is a zombie trying to desperately exist using his worn-out body. He's gone nuclear.

>Trump wins
>Southerners celebrate
>4 years of nothing happens
>Southerners mad and blame Trump for everything
like cuckwerk


Did you miss the whole 3/5s thing

Chris's saga is only going to end with his death. There's nothing that can be salvaged from the wreck of his life at this point.

more like 8

To be fair there is a not inconsiderable number of people who would say similar things these days.

Reality itself will shatter thus retconing this timeline.

I think that's 6% too strict

Bob was a racist old redneck but he was clearly some sort of anchor for that family, as they completely went off the deep end after he died. Also who the fuck decides to have a kid in their mid-50s

Barb had the retard genes. Bob fathered several successful children. Barb brought us CWC and Cole "pay me money to hang out with me at a bar" Smithey

Sup Forums - Video Games


This made me laugh.

You wish. As soon as the ineffectiveness of Congress happens Recucklicans and Dembts will shift the blame to Trump and convince everyone and their dog Trump is a fuck up.

What will happen if it gets completely open? Will it just be one giant hole?


And he'll still get re-elected, the most recently we've had a president only serve one term was 1993

How does Chris have the willpower to ignore the extreme pain that is probably pulsing through his entire groin area from his "vagina".
Can't someone just explain to him that the penis is an inside-out vagina.

So, does he have a full blown vagina yet or is his weird chode hole still too tight for insertion?

>or is his weird chode hole still too tight for insertion?
dont do that

What about playing a cute boy saying you only like other cute boys when in reality you're a big guy


Wow, Chris' half-brother is a shit.

And NEETS like you don't get to vote at all

kill yourself

man, she's cute af

Epic comeback, brah.

You fucking retards realize that was all a hoax right? I seriously hope you aren't this fucking stupid.

I hate him so much
>man, she's cute af

Chris will outlive everyone here.

I'm serious. he will be put in some special government programme for caring for higher functioning autism people who can't take care of themselves and basically be taken care of in a home. They'll stop feeding him junk food, take him off the "hormones", he'll lose weight, mostly play video games all day, and probably find happiness when his hormones stop raging.

With a stress free existence like that, he'll last till 90. Didn't his father make it to that age?

Most people here will OD on work, or an hero / atrophy from depression sometime in the next 25 years. In the end, Chris will win, because he stayed a kid while the rest of you just grew up and got nothing for it.

>tfw your and your parents' homophobia is so intense that you lose your shit when you see your own penis and decide to become a lesbian woman because of it

>not even using kys

At least keep up the facade

somebody post the gash pls.

want to teach the wowlegioners and ps4k kiddies a lesson.

kill yourself

Based on his recent activity, he is most definitely dead on the inside.


I live an hour away from him, if I get close to dying I will pull a Hector from Breaking Bad and strap bombs to my wheelchair and take him with me goddammit

>89 people like this

According to CWC wiki, Bob was an accomplished electrical engineer with seven patents. Pretty smart guy, at least in a technical sort of way.

I have a salaried career

You should see Barb. There's a video of her begging for money where she looks like a hollowed-out human puppet.

A lot of the are ironic likes to make Chris keep up his madness

dumb frogposter

Or just end universal suffrage and return it to white male heads of household.

Then why the fuck are you here?

No, people actually believe he cut a whole in his balls and is somehow still living 4 months later.

There's is so special government programs that forcibly remove people from their homes unless they can no longer pay rent/mortgage, taxes, committed a crime or a danger to themselves and others.
This is not your shitty, retarded, coddling European country, dipshit. In the U.S. if you have no money, even if you're mentally ill, you'll be treated like trash.
Just take a look at any of our "homeless city camps" and the people who live there.

Because unlike you I actually enjoy video games

Is that supposed to be a good thing?

He didn't cut himself. That's where he used to have a piercing.

It's not a fucking "hoax", you clowns.

Ideally Chris, as an extreme, unfixable case of mental illness, would be ovened.

>Chris ends up in a homeless camp
>creates sonichu magnum opus
>no access to computer or internet so no one every sees it

That sounds utterly tragic.

Chris' life story turned into a movie would make great Oscar bait.

Again, why the fuck are you here?

Remember, you're here forever

If you're mentally deficient you shouldn't be awarded for it.
Even welfare scum have shitty jobs that offer service to others in the end.