>least likely to fit PGs usual style of gameplay
>ends up being the best playing game out of the Activision deal AND is a top tier action game in itself
How the hell did Platinum pull it off? I mean, making Transformers be a better action game than Korra or TMNT, 2 franchises that lend themselves way better to the genre, is nuts.
Least likely to fit PGs usual style of gameplay
Probably bigger budget or something
It's also the only Activision title to play like an already established Platinum game rather than experiment.
They also don't give a shit about logic, make the autobots move as fast as bayonetta, let's ignore their weight and size and mechanics
The team actually likes Transformers maybe.
>let's ignore their weight and size and mechanics
Weight I guess, but not size and specially not mechanics. They way they integrated vehicle mode into the combat and movement was really well done. Grimlock in particular was well designed.
is TMNT actually terrible, or just shallow?
Also, any leak on what's their next Activision game (if they're working on one)? All I know is Transformers hinted at a sequel with Nova Prime or something
Korra was just a knock off Platinum game.
Even used Bayos dodges.
Ya but the combos weren't as good
>G1 Transformers
Can't take away what was never there to start with.
No one knows at this point. They're still doing tons of projects at the same time (now a mobile game as well), but other than that, we don't know. I personally wanted them on Spider-Man, but that's a day dream at this point.
TF was an even bigger Bayo rip off. Vehicle attacks were literally just WW, and most of the animations were straight ripped as well.
news to me, never heard about Lost Order
probably shit cause fuck mobile
Mobile is a legitimate gaming platform in Japan.
this is nothing more than just a bayonetta reskin with manual aiming on weapons and a horrible loot system
No one's arguing that.
Fuck that loot system.
Dev team really liked transformers and tried their hardest with what budget they had. They made fighting fun as fuck and I was surprised with the loot system despite it being kind of ill fitting. The heavy reuse of environments and lack of fighting Menasor's components was pretty telling. Still the vehicle mode ramming felt extremely satisfying and translated incredibly well to the IP. WFC and FOC's vehicles always felt like sprint mode and not like a vehicle, where in Devastation it felt like a legitimate extension of the character.
My biggest gripe is that I wish all the characters were as divergent as Grimlock was from the norm. That and the designs are so similar to existing toys that Hasbro, Takara, and even unofficial companies probably won't make toys out of them, unlike WFC and FOC.
Yeah you could definitely tell that most of the development time went into Grimlock to try and get him to just right.
Korra and TMNT were directed by Shirahama. Transformers was directed by Kenji Saito, same guy who did MGR Revengeance.
any more?
>robots in disguise
>disguise is a robot dinosaur
that'll fool em grimlock you retard
I only played TD once, but webms like this makes me think I should play it again as a different autobot.
Completely different combos and stuff
Imagine a stealth transformers game
>"Grimlock, security guards, HIDE"
>Grimlock is in a museum and pretends to be part of the exhibit
It's only really different with Grimlock because of his grabs and dino mode stuff.
Wouldn't surprise me if that was an actual episode.
I hope he's in charge of Granblue. It's so werid to think of platinum doing anything like an rpg after so many years of putting out beat-em-ups like they're going out of style.
Then next time I play, it'll be Grimlock
Reminder that Optimus Prime's VA had more fun working on Devastation than any of the Michael Bay films.
Platinum's development team working on this were fans of G1 Transformers.
They weren't fans of Korra or TMNT.
T:D shines because of the passion they had for it.
Same reason Bayo shined, and God Hand shined, and Nier will probably shine.
Honestly though, in comparison to the Cybertron games, Devastation was lacking in lore and personality
If you can't immediately feel the drastic difference between playing as Optimus and Bumblebee you might be bad at action games.
I'm really glad to hear that, actually. I need to do a run through the game on the hardest difficulty. The only truly hard part of hard mode was Menasor and Devastator at the same time.
TD was more of an extended G1 episode with elements of other properties, while the High Moon games were proper Transformers games.
what if he was transforming around back in the cretaceous age
I think it's more because they realized, why bother try new stuff when we can just keep recycling Bayonetta/MGR and no one will care.
I finished it the other day and I absolutely loved it.
I don't even care that much about Transformers other than really liking Peter Cullen's voice.
Also, that disembodied voice that tells them where to go sounded so much like David Hyde Pierce that it felt like the Transformers were receiving information from Niles Crane. Which is great.
I feel that it would've been a lot better had it been based off of Animated instead of G1.
I feel you, user. Most of my exposure to Transformers was the cartoon series from the early 2000's. Devastation has definitely gotten me interested in the series again though.
That was Armada I believe. Was mediocre, but a lot of its designs were top notch. And I don't care what anyone says, scarab beetle helmet Megatron was the tits.
Kinda surprised someone on Sup Forums knows about Animated. But yeah, it would definitely fit the aesthetics better. And each character would be better differentiated.
Really needed more content. A DLC expansion with Decepticons would have been amazing?
Why no dlc activision? I would have bent over for it while you rammed me in the ass
>decepticons aren't playable
Call me when a sequel comes out. And make it good this time, okay boys?
A lot of the Decepticons shared a lot of the same simple moves, and just varied in vehicle attacks. Not having Megatron at least was a big miss though.
He's a really nice guy
>Someone else watched Armada
Animated is fucking great. You either love or hate the designs but it did a great job with its show and toys. While there were bumps it was a fresh and original take despite how much fanwank went into every little detail.
Despite how much I would have liked it and how it would fit with Animated, going with G1 was the only option unless they wanted a complete failure. Normies would hate it and it has no marketability.
The next Platinum Activision game is Kill la Kill
there was a gif of grimlock doing a combo that looked like a combo in dmc4
Why is that bad?