you can stop acting like a retard now, Sup Forums
You can stop acting like a retard now, Sup Forums
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Tell that faggot if Ape Escape 4 doesn't happen, i'll cute his balls off.
If the game developers did their job right in the first place there wouldn't be any need for patches to begin with.
Watch Dogs 2 is close enough
>Sony in charge of telling the truth
why? patches are for the old games. new games will ship with a ps4pro mode
>mfw people will praise sony for saying that they won't do anything scummy
You don't deserve a pat on the back for not being a shit stain.
I'll continue to act retarded until it's even possible to patch HDR on PS4
>gets BTFO by truth
>t-they lying ;.;
when sony stops acting like retards
PS4 Pro? More like PS4 No
PS4 Pro? More like PS4 Prolapse
>30 year history of lying to its customers
>y-you guys j-just got btfo!
>hey niggers, patch your old games to include HDR
>are you gonna pay us?
>fuck no, I'm gonna charge you for the privilege!
What the fuck is sony thinking?
That's wrong though, why is a cancerous tweet your only source of knowledge?
>say the PS4 pro is 4k
>doesn't even support native 4k
>4.2 lmaoflops
>doesn't even have a 4k blue ray reader on it
Sony never said that, it was a clickbait article all along.
>cute his balls
you are gay
>I always right, no way can I be wrong ;.;
>please love me T.T
Stay mad PCfat
It's business.
You test the waters to see how far you can go.
Sony doesn't like being the one making the first move since they often screw up.
But the consumers don't care about stealing ideas or paying for basic things like online so if they screaming about this you know you've screwed up.
But it's not.
HDMI 2.0a added support for true Video HDR.
Although earlier HDMI releases did support wider color gamuts, true HDR support just wasn't there before 2.0a
Listen to this man
The onus of proof is on you.
At least I have a source, no matter how cancerous it may be.
Also, source, before you faggots embarrass yourself.
>sony won't charge
of course, the devs will, and they aren't sony
Learn to read faggots
I'll get the scorpio anyway, I want REAL 4K.
so the ps4 is for 4k and hdr but i dont even have a relevant hdmi port and the harddrive speed is still sata 2 , gg consoles lose
But that's Dolby Vision.
Which is ONE form of HDR.
But that's not what Sony is implementing. Since there isn't ANY mention of PS4's being Dolby Vision-machines.
Even the PRO doesn't support Dolby Vision.
Actually PS4 HDMI is custom made and 2.0 compatible.
Proof, fag. Where is it.
Look up Rigby, i'd link that 16 page NeoG thread from February but that's even more cancerous
It sure does take courage to announce that they thought about charging for updates but instead decided not too. Good guy Sony for not charging for updates or putting asbestos in their Game Cases.
>Sup Forums
>ever not acting like a retard about Sony
Sup Forums has the most fucked up delusional hateboner for Sony for reasons I'll never fully understand, it's just ingrained into the board's culture. The PS4 sells like hot cakes and people on this board will actually try to say it's a failure and that Sony should be shaking in their boots whenever anyone that isn't Sony announces anything. It's like a fucking cult.
that's just speculation.
but yeah, the proof is sony actually saying hdr will come with the firmware update.
both sides can't prove or disprove until it's out
It seems like he may be right,
But it's still doesn't change that fact that 2.0a is required for HDR, which the PS4 doesn't have
ps4 was fine.
This new Slim, but especially the Pro, are shams.
even more so if their patching HDR into old systems, which is impossible before HDMI 2.0a, which the old ps4 doesn't have. And they thought about charging for fucking graphical patches.
But it does support native 4k
>And they thought about charging for fucking graphical patches.
That was a mistranslation from fucking Kotaku, a clickbait site.
>praising a company for not shitting on its consumers for once
>look guiz at this other thing therefore Sony are literally lying about this ;.;