So this game will be shit right?

So this game will be shit right?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Draw an actual man
>Call it a girl
Why are frenchcucks allowed to do this

And what game would that be? If it involves that creature on the right hand side, then yes.

Yeaaaaa. I thought that was a guy from all the footage I've seen.
There go my hopes of watchdogs 2 being decent

I still can't tell if Watch Dogs 2 is a parody or not

>watchdogs was shit
>will watchdogs 2 be shit?
Yes user, watchdogs 2 will be shit.

Like the fucking first one damn your all fucking dumb

If you thought Watchdogs 2 had any potential at all then you're pretty dumb

a cute

Sorry, its Watch Dogs 2

>Draw and actual woman
>Call it a boy
Why are japancucks allowed to do this

>draw an actual girl
>call it a boy
why are japcucks allowed to do this

Right is more realistic though. If you were in cyber security you would know.

Watchdogs 2

What is this from? I'm not much of an Sup Forumsnon desu

Yea I don't know what I was expecting considering its ubisoft. I guess I just wasn't expecting them to go full sjw
The pink bitch in overwatch is enough to get my blood boiling. This just fills me with an unholy rage

Gameplay wise it will probably be just "alright" with some noticeable bugs and shit. Character and contest wise this is what happens when a think tank of corporate marketers turn to twitter and "verbal" gamers as thats what they believe there main audience to be.

The game is not aware of how retarded it truly is shaping up to be and it will be a iconic moment in asshattery for years to come.

hold onto your sides anons

Can't wait for a forced dub and an overpayed voice acting team.

It's Persona 5. It's the girl in the OP image.

the persona anime.

you're obviously not a Sup Forumsirgin either

>So this game will be shit right?

I don't understand Sup Forums's reaction.

You hate transgendered SJW fat bitches who pretend to be into video games and computers in general.

Why the fuck don't you enjoy having one as the antagonist? She's the evil character, you will very likely get to kill her in some horrible way.

Is this not what you want?

that's a girl tho. she just thought she's a boy

>The game is not aware of how retarded it truly is shaping up to be and it will be a iconic moment in asshattery for years to come.
exactly why I'm looking forward to it.

Bullshit. Source or get out user. I refuse to believe Ubisoft would be this stupid.

Because it's cute!

The villain also appears to be a Donald Trump knock-off.

>hacker girls

We wuz mafia and sheet.

>don't think i realized how long this model's arm is
help these people

I guess not. Been ignoring all P5 threads after what happened with P4 spoilers and still haven't got around to playing P3FES
Thanks for a real answer though.

They are beyond help.

She's not the evil character, she's the rival. You probably join forces with her in the game to fight the real antagonist, Senator Totally Not Trump.

Right is more realistic

>She's the evil character, you will very likely get to kill her in some horrible way.
she's either getting a redemption arc, or it'll turn out she was fighting the good fight all along, and then you'll combine power and destroy the big bad trump

I know this, but I can't find the tranny thing source.


Here's some advice. P5 comes out next week in Japan I believe. Leave Sup Forums until February if you really don't want spoilers. There will be hundreds of spoiler threads a day.


>She is a rebel with a purpose.

I just googled " anime boys that look like girls" and found a whole thread so I picked get the point the point is i'm not a neckbeard watching mango all day so I wouldn't know

i play video games to ESCAPE the real world

Any representation of these "people" is bad. They should be ignored, like star posters.

The sad part is the right is the one that reflects reality.

I think they fucked up transcribing "rabble".

So you are a neckbeard who plays vidya all day?

I recommend you don't play watch dogs 2 then

Watchdogs 2 looks like the biggest SJW cuckfest mess of any vidya ever made.

heres a chinese

>Any representation of these "people" is bad.
Well said. I agree with this notion.
>They should be ignored, like star posters.
Hey, I earned these stars.

Got any trailers to prove this

>make a trap
>lol, it's not actually a trap
I mean she's still cute but what is the point?

because it's cute desu

It was on a devs twitter. One sec I'll find it

That fucking hulking manbeast is not realistic
I've seen ogres in my lifetime, but I could at least immediately tell they were female

>muslim women
is this game tumblrs wet dream?

Let's be honest, the western version is so much fucking more realistic.

She's even complete with a meme-tastic shirt and a m'lady dress jacket. Should have given her a fedora for the whole ensemble.

Well yeah, Persona was never good, why would this be any different?

someone change the left to "Japanese hacker guy"

>So this game will be shit right?
It might be the Ghostbuster (2016) of vidya if we haven't had one already.

>I want video games to be realistic

Is that a fucking E-cigarette?

damn, she's cu-
>no mousepad
fucking chinks

Do you think you had a heart attack during this

I'm like 99% sure she's making a joke, even the pose is a comical reproduction of the model's.

Just because she's fat doesn't mean she's not self-aware and capable of irony.

At least I really fucking hope.

I wish, I'm having less and less fun with games

>slut shorts


I think it is a vape pen

And? She's not a hacker. It was confirmed over a year ago.

Anyone else gonna get watch dogs 2 just to see the glorious piece of shit disaster it'll be?

Who the hell even uses mousepads these days?

Wasn't Dedsec some clandestine semi-antagonist group? Why are they suddenly "le randumb leejun xD".

here a ruski

not the land whale

Tumblr invented gays, women, and non-white people. Admitting that they exist makes you an SJW panderer. Didn't you know?

>Do you think you had a heart attack during this

Because boys make better girls than girls do, this has been discussed over and over again

heres another chink

>She's not the evil character, she's the rival.
I am impressed people dont get this.

I don't know what makes you think she's a muslim (head scarfs aren't an exclusively muslim thing, if that's why) but if she is that's going to be hilarious, because it's going to offend the hell out of muslims with her being dressed like that.

I meant her

I might pirate it.

Because people liked Clara Lille

>try to be diversive
>end up making a nigger, sand nigger and a cripple a terrorist

Watchdogs 2 is supposed to be some weird, introspective, fish eyed lens view of our increasingly connected and surveilled society right? It makes sense that it would try and present some of its characters in a reasonable, if unattractive, light.

Albeit, I am curious as to what the contents of the game will actually turn out to be. The main antagonist is an underground hacker? That sounds a little odd considering the vigilante justice in a corrupt society themes found in the first game.

im already microwaving the popcorn in time for when this piece of shit flops and when mass effect flops. hooooly shit thats gonna bring us some good quality entertainment.

>Western Hacker

Overwatch will have a qt robot hacker girl pretty soon, senpai.

>implying this game won't sell millions like all ubisoft games do

Oh. I figured as much.
At least it gave me an excuse to post best busterfu.

Fuck up my soundstage please!

is Sombra comfirmed to be a robutt?

I love it actually, there's no way the character designers wouldn't be aware of the irony they were presenting.

A muslim woman practicing the conservative religious doctrine of wearing a hijab while wearing slutty booty shorts.

I want to hack her circuts with my hard drive

Tha-That's a man. Ubisoft. Ubisoft that's a fucking man.

And then they killed her off. Must if been too white for them

Sorry, who's the whore on the right?

Do you believe in life after love, Sup Forums?


Literally everyone loves spooky girls. This is proven by science.

I have an easier time believing in life than love frankly, user.

I think the best you have to hope for is finding your best friend and marrying her for life. Love is notoriously unreliable.

But what if he's a boy?!