Based on all what we've seen so far, can we make this analysis on Final Fantasy XV?

Based on all what we've seen so far, can we make this analysis on Final Fantasy XV?

+ Music
+ Characters
+ World
+ Exploration
+ Voice Acting
+ Gameplay
+ Writing

- Character Redesigns
- Story Changes
- Cut Content
- Graphics
- DLC/Season Pass

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this tbfam

Cut content?

DLC in the minus? Did people seriously think this wouldn't have DLC?

Your positive list sounds more like a "it has this" list

Things we have no idea about
>story changes
>cut content
>DLC/season pass

Things that weren't changed drastically from versus to 15:
>character designs

The characters look like they walked out of a gay bar. I'm not sure about the Japanese voice acting, but the English one sounds like a bad anime dub. The gameplay looks mediocre at best and it's a JRPG, one written by Square at that, so don't expect anything there.

Based on what we've seen so far it's the confirmed GOTY 2016. Whether contrarian manchildren like it or not.


>Cut content?

No more character switching, hand to hand combat is gone

>using gay as an insult in 2016

They're still faggots in Japanese.

I didn't say the game is gay like a 12 year old. I said the characters look like they belong in a gay bar.

Seriously, bruh. This is how people who frequents gay bars look.

Hasn't Noctis always been the only playable character? Wasn't aware there was hand to hand combat.

>hand-to-hand combat
Literally when has this been a thing?

I don't get the gay bar/boy band complaint. You never seen a group of men hanging out before?

>Things we have no idea about
>>story changes

Tabata literally scrapped everything you see here

They look more like male hostess. You know, the people that WOMEN pays for company. The opposite of a gay guy.

seriously? jesus christ square has lost it


Fuck no. Both demos and all the trailers play like boring repetitive shit.

Hand to Hand combat was in the Final Fantasy XV E3 2013 trailer under Nomura's watch

Noctis use to punch, kick and slam enemies heads into stuff. Gladio use to fucking powerbomb people is what i think about it

Main themes, motifs, etc. are good, probably from the Versus days. In between, just fucking around is pretty bland.

Pretty bad t.b.h. It's not even "durr they look like gay faggotz" it's just that they haven't really displayed much personality or authenticity, even in the anime series which is supposed to be dedicated to that.

Looks pretty cool from what we've seen, but it seems to be lacking in more fantastical landscapes/areas. Hoping it's just because they don't want to spoil, but well see.

I liked that it sounded like they were focusing on this more, but the stuff they've shown like fishing & chocobos looks pretty lackluster. This is the biggest thing that will make or break the game for me so I'm hoping it's good, but unfortunately like a lot of stuff about the game it's still hard to tell at this point.

>Voice Acting
I'm gonna sound like a huge weeaboo for saying this but the Jap voices seem 10x better than the North American ones, pretty much unilaterally. It doesn't help that the translators seem to have taken some rather bizarre liberties with the localization.

Frankly this seems like it'll be pretty mediocre/shit. They seem to be trying too hard to make it accessible for non-action game fans, which is somewhat understandable but will end up ruining the game. I've written detailed analyses of why a similar approach ruined the combat system of XIII(which, believe it or not, actually could've been pretty GOAT if they hadn't been so fixated on not alienating oldschool turnbased fans) and I'm afraid Hajime "Focusgroup" Tabata may be ironically repeating that same mistake here.

There's really not much to go off at this time.

>Character Redesigns
They added detail/realism without changing the designs for a more realistic look. The result is kind of weird/uncanny and probably a big reason why people are shitting on the cast even though they've had more "emo"/"faggy" designs in the past.

+ Music
- Characters
- World
- Exploration
- Voice Acting
- Gameplay
- Writing

- Character Redesigns
- Story Changes
- Cut Content
- Graphics
- DLC/Season Pass

Better than nothing.


+Voice Acting

+Character Redesigns
+/-Story changes
+/-Cut Content
+/-DLC Season Pass

I hope this is bait. I pray this is bait and you aren't that fucking stupid

>Barret, Laguna, Irvine, Vincent and Sazh suddenly don't exist anymore

In Versus there was character switching and you could control other chars and make your own combos and chain attacks together manually through switching. Noctis being in your party was a requirement though understandably.

>walking with that level of confidence
>literally wearing their country's military gear
>story is literally friends going to get their friend laid
Tell me how Noctis is a puss

here comes the queer lover, xv-kun.

Jesus Christ OP, if you're gong to ask for analysis atleast put it in greentext format.

>the most out of place person is the Japanese person while the whittoh pigguhs are dressed like an edgy final fantasy characters

WTF Japan.

No, you stupid fucking underage piece of shit. Greentext is cancer.

But I literally
labeled out several reasons as to why he's not queer-looking.
the outfits are their military gear, and the confidence matches the same "Cloud is now emo" image that FF7fags use all the time.
it's okay I know it's cool to pretend to hate video games but you're acting like a stupid fucking nigger

Are you sure it won't still be in the game? It may just be limited to a specific sequence.

>Story Changes
We don't know anything except that they changed Stella to Luna and restricted the story to one contained episode instead of leaving it open for sequels/spinoffs. I am kind of a Stellafag but at the same time if the change was really made to limit bullshit sequels it seems justified. Still, it seems pretty clear that Kingsglaive, for example, was kind of just made up from nothing so I'm skeptical that there really was "too much story" to fit in one game.

>Cut Content
Not even sure what's being referred to here. The underwater city, maybe? I guess I'll miss character switching, but it seems like there are enough problems with the battle system as it is so I doubt any implementation they could've squeezed out would've been good.

Amazing. Or...they would be, if it wasn't for horrible LOD, dynamic resolution, and aliasing out the ass. The good news is that the software is solid, it's just a lack of powerful enough hardware to run it. I'm hoping the PS4 Pro will be able to address those issues, as well as a possible PC port.

>DLC/Season Pass
Eh...whatever. Everybody does this nowadays. I guess it is worrying that the DLC seems to be pandering to the stuff people are angry about having been "cut out," in the sense that it speaks to the main game being more "design-by-committee" which is never good. So it's not so much the DLC ITSELF that bothers me, it's what it says about the development of the main game.

Looks like back then you could freely make Noctis and company melee fight .

Why are people shitting on the movie?
Outside of a few things not making sense here and there it's actually better then basically all of The hobbit trilogy.

first of all:they are not a japanese boyband sothey should not be like it.second this should be a fantasy rpg not a sort of japan call of duty with army men, and even if that is the case look at barret, sephiroth, cloud, squall, first class soldier:they don't wear all black uniform.they don't look like a bunch of upset queer.they are fierce.this?this is a joke good for some boypussy game

>Still, it seems pretty clear that Kingsglaive, for example, was kind of just made up from nothing so I'm skeptical that there really was "too much story" to fit in one game.

KG was everything we saw of Versus. Tabata just removed Noctis, his party, and Stella and replaced them with worse characters.

The game was supposed to start with you in Insomnia fighting off the invasion then chasing after them when they leave. Now it's just a clusterfuck with MMO gameplay.

>Why are people shitting on the movie?

Maybe because it's a shitty movie?

military gear is not some fashion victim outfit

>this faggot defending terrible fashion
kill yourself

Go look. That's critic reviews. Majority of users liked it.

Because it was terrible.

>it's actually better then basically all of The hobbit trilogy.
That's really not a very high bar at all.

>Why isn't it more like real world military gear!!

You're probably upset that they're using magic too, huh?

>Things we have no idea about
Enemy design/combat philosophy

I feel like people forget how important these aspects of an rpg are, and they're not something you can accurately get a feel for without playing the game for an extended amout of time.



>Warp out to a tower
>Warp back in

This should be cool.

Hey come on the world building is good. Agree with everything else though. But if this place has been cut from the game too, then yeah world is shit too


Man this game looks terrible. Seriously, that's a fucking huge downgrade from Duscae. What the fuck is this, Watch_Dogs?

We do know about this since people have played the game for hours. The pacing at the start is slow and boring, like an MMO, and doesn't seem to pick up since you only do hunts and dive into linear dungeons for at least the first five hours. This apparently goes on for the first half of the game because the second half is linear and one would assume more focused on the story instead of the mind numbing gameplay.
It tries to be a skill based game with bad gameplay.
>Enemy design/combat philosophy
QTEs for bosses, button mash and dodges for everything else.

downgraded heavily

>>>Why isn't it more like real world military gear!!
>>You're probably upset that they're using magic too, huh?

are you really this stupid??

Tabata you incompetent fuck

>not being able to tell the difference between FMV and in-game


Fantasy can be anything, so if in this world those are their military uniforms, then we have to accept that.

they just have black suits!!!who the hell designed that, Valentino?!!?

fucking blind prick..
does this resemble anything??

they should change the name in "final (not so anymore) fantasy"

lmfao are those all different people? why do they all have the same repulsive tiny plastic surgery nostrils and look like they're hiding giant mouthguards/dentures?

I'm not saying it doesn't look stupid, I'm saying they have the fantasy genre protecting the stupidity of it

There's a generally a certain look/s that agencies look for when they scout for models.

What are those story changes?
Is FFXV still about a kingdom of mafia-looking dudes being attacked by another kingdom over their crystal because it's the only Kingdom left with one?

i don't know.
do they look similar?

>bunch of fags


+voice acting
- no stella
- story revamp
- nonfantasy aesthetic
- character designs
- gameplay
I could put aside my disdain for the general aesthetic of the characters and setting if the story and gameplay were good but from what I know of the story it's not interesting and the combat is just not fun imo

why would they take a screenshot of this shit?

Where is the opening cinematic of the game?




There's a cinematic between them fighting Ifrit and pushing the car.

Least that's what people who played the PAX demo have said.

>insecure faggots




>even in the anime series which is supposed to be dedicated to that

god that shit was terrible

and there are actually people defending it in the Kingsglaive thread

Because if you're tasked to watch it as a reviewer while knowing nothing about XV it makes zero sense. It's just a shitty 2 hour ad for the game.

Are they even going to have machine guns like they were in Versus?

Agreed. The gameplay looks pretty boring.

Also what justifies ">+ Exploration"? So far all I've seen is a rather empty open world and "go there to kill monster X" quests.

The mafia elements have been downplayed or removed but everything else is pretty much the same. Also it has its own lore and mythology and is no longer connected to Fabula Nova Crystallis.

>is no longer connected to Fabula Nova Crystallis

This is what is craziest about versus fags, the fact that they want the game to be closer to ff13.

To be honest I liked the lore of Fabula Nova Crystallis, it's just a shame it's connected to a shitty series like the FFXIII trilogy. I really would've liked to see the darker interpretation of the mythos that Nomura had in mind. That being said I can understand why they did it, to distance FFXV from XIII. They have said that the new lore is thematically based on FNC however and still shares many of the same themes and such. So I imagine that the lore will pretty much be almost the same but with some gods getting their names changed.

>It's a you cannot talk about this game at all in any positive light unless you let 5000 fat angry neckbeard niggers who seem to have some fucking degree in RPG games but started at FFVII thread

Like clockwork I guess.

Everywhere outside Sup Forums is praising this.
But of course that doesn't matter.

>everything else is pretty much the same

Go away XV-kun. Tabata doesn't even agree with you.

The fact that you think throwing FFXIII around like it's some negative buzzword shows you have no actual argument.

Especially when Versus always had it's own lore, story etc. was simply using terminology from FNC in the first place.

I meant in terms of the story being about a kingdom with the final crystal being conquered that part is exactly like Versus XIII.

>Everywhere outside Sup Forums is praising this

You can always go back there you know. No one will miss you here.

Noctis is also still a prince, doesn't mean it's the same thing when the details were heavily modified or completely cut to fit into Tabata's new story.

Hey, I'm catching up on FFXV's news. Who is that guy alongside Noctis in the PAX 2016 banners?

New party member or important character?

Which guy?

This one?

This one Who is he?

It's "Noctis" when he's older. Only Tabata can't into consistency so he looks like a completely different person and even changed race.

It's an older Noctis. The game's story takes place over the course of 10 years.