Why do faggot console supporters believe exclusives are a good thing?

Why do faggot console supporters believe exclusives are a good thing?

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It's their only ammunition.

There's PC exclusives too.

It's the only thing keeping them from experiencing buyer's remorse

I very rarely ever see PC master race fags bragging about it though. Only when presented with an argument about "muh exclusives" from console fags.

For the most part, we want everyone to enjoy all games. We're use to not having that many exclusives.

because it stops the autistic Steam community from contaminating their fanbase

If PC had our exclusives, consoles wouldn't be worth getting anymore

So why would we give you our exclusives so you can shitpost fucking hard about consolefags? :^)

Because multiplats are better played on PC, so it's the only thing they have.

Funny there are so many PCucks on Sup Forums

Why aren't you playing games, oh cause they are all shit LOL

Well some PC exclusives have to be PC exclusives. Sometimes it's a hardware limitation and sometimes it's a control limitation

Try to map all necessary controls to a gamepad to play ARMA III

This makes no sense.

I sincerely hope this was a shitpost because my god, if you are that stupid...

and here you are too

>not playing games while shitposting
As expected of a consolefag with a one-track mind.


what part of "Steamcucks love reddit and MLP and gay furry ERP and and outdated memes" don't you understand

>PC games do boring that he can't focus on the game and just browse image boards

I'm a PC gamer sadly, waiting for the Pro now

But how do exclusives prevent that from spreading to consoles you fucking retard?

Why do autistic neckbeard mustardrace supporters believe one homogenized lump of cooperation would be a good thing?

>What is competition
>What is access to good games
>What is less animosity between fanbases

if they can't play console games they won't shitpost in console game threads because they won't know what to talk about

compare what the Souls community was like before and after the PC port

This is the dumbest shit I've ever read on Sup Forums. That's quite an accomplishment.

Let me guess, Sonygger?

Because they justify getting a console in the first place. Hating or disliking them doesn't make them go away, and choosing not to buy them doesn't make them go away either.

Mustards tend to be very liberal with their beliefs since Steam is filled with sissy tranny games, so they believe in the video game equivalent of multiculturalism

>What is "Companies can charge whatever the fuck they want, because they're the only show in town.

Consolidating everything into one super-company would be the worst fucking thing ever. A literal monopoly on the gaming industry. You'd have to go to them and pay whatever they're asking if you want anything at all.

>People only buy consoles for the exclusives.

Not true. If it was, then why are people still buying the Xbox One when they are porting all of their games to Windows 10?

This fine piece of revisionism again.
Souls community was only good during Demon's Souls because it was relatively niche as fuck. Then it started to catch on with the normie "le so hard" crowd and everything went downhill.

Even Halo?

>Thinks getting rid of exclusives means everything under one company

Holy hell, are console fags really THIS retarded?

>muh pc bookeyman

same could be said about you sonycuck

There's nothing worse than a Sonygger. There's nothing a console can do that a PC doesn't do better, exclusives are the only thing these faggots can cling to to justify their stupid purchases.

You know what the best part is? When PS5 comes and there's no backwards compatibility, they will buy their games AGAIN on PSN or as HD remakes.

You know what happens when a PC fag upgrades to a new gen of processor/gpu? They download the same game they bought previously - FOR FREE!

Consolefags are retards.

>no exclusives means more competition
Are you seriously that retarded?
>easy access to every game and no reasons to have fan bases will sustain hardware sales and the cyclical nature 1st/2nd party development
What a fucking milquetoast world you want. I'm glad you have no power on these things, you're probably all aboard for 100% DRM and internet connections as well.

No you are. 3rd party developers having to complete with more 3rd party competitors for a share of the market means more Quality Control. If you release exclusives on a console that only has a certain share of the market, then you can cut corners because it's still some of the best shit they have access to.

How can anyone NOT understand this?

Never mind, I changed my mind. I don't want these dumb fucks in every corner of the market. Stay in your corner with your retard box.

Because people are stupid and consoles are idiot boxes

Are you the type of retard that would get rid of their old console because the new one is out?


>Exclusive comes out for a system

>Exclusive comes out for another system
>"This is terrible. Exclusives are bad for gamers."

I personally think the souls games are shit.

But unlike you, I don't expect everyone to have the same taste as me and I understand that many people want to play that game and can't because of the current gaming model and their exclusives.

I wish for more people to enjoy what they love more freely. Is that too much to ask?

I've literally never done this.

Who gives a fuck about other people when I already have the game?

>mfw you will never ever play
>Demons Souls
>Red Dead Redemption
>Persona 5
>Ace Combat 6
>Halo 3
>Scott Pilgrim vs The World
>Armored Core V
>Spider-Man 2017
>The Last of Us
>Lost Odyssey
>Jet Set Radio Future
>Atelier Arlands
>Odins Sphere Lefthrasir
>Tekken 6
>Resonance of Fate


And you feel superior for doing something an 11 year old kid can do only to get nogames

Most people know better than to waste their time with """building""" (merely assembling) a compiter

Good or bad, they're a reality.

Because it means they were specifically designed to work optimally for whatever piece of hardware their attached to.


I have a ps4 and ps3. Played MGS4, enjoyed it greatly actually. MGSV on PC was a great experience as well, even though the game was disappointing.

>Rest of the gay shit you posted
Like I said, I'm not a filthy degenerate whore like yourself and I wish for everyone to enjoy this industry. Just because I like it or don't, doesn't mean I think others should be restricted from it.

The ONLY decent answer I've seen so far. Bravo, you have a good point.

I wonder if there is a good way around this situation, without sacrificing quality.

So yoi don't play good games you fucking third world pcuck

Why do Mustard Rats think TF2, Overwatch, CS:GO, or ASSFAGGOTSs are good games?

they have to hold onto whatever scraps they can get

It's overrated as fuck.
Nowadays it only really matters when consoles are lagging incredibly hard behind PCs (or other consoles of same gen) and even plebs start noticing it.

Early in the gen, there isn't much optimization because it simply isn't needed. During that time, there is no "specifically designing" things for anything and code for PC, xbox and playstation doesn't have many differences outside initialization, input and customization.

Optimization is a buzzword nowadays. It's something that devs do when they have to get few extra fps to meet the quota, not something that turns 30 fps garbage into 60 fps game.

I bought my PS4 at launch just to know how it feels to get a console at launch. I had alot of buyers remorse, tried selling it, had no serious takers. Waited for infamous second son and driveclub, both got delayed. Later on didn't even bother playing them. With PS+ $$$ costing more and games costing alot more in CAD $90 CAD after tax), this is a disaster and I shoulda just upgraded my PC at the start of the gen.

This generation has been a shit show. If it wasn't for bloodborne I woulda ditched the PS4 and just gone PC. So its my only justification for buying this PoS.

If you want to try and make a point, make a list that isn't full of garbage. I'm fucking offended that you listed the Armored Core game that everyone hated and killed the series.

Promotes competition which is healthy for any business. Why else?

my point was, if there were no exclusives there would be no point in buying the console. For me it was originally ease of access with the setup of consoles plus the entry price.

No, its not a good thing but its what pushes a person over to invest in the hardware.

I wish there were more exclusives, not every platform needs to play all the same software.

Locking down market is the opposite of healthy competition. It creates false dependency on qualities that can't be quantified.
It is something that creates oligarchies and monopolies, not the ideal system that free market tards are envisioning and that only exists with products that can be objectively compared against each other.
End users only lose from it.

There is plenty of reasons for buying a console.

>1st party games
>extra options/benefits
>ease of access

I'm a PC gamer but I understand the benefit of consoles. Anyone who says there isn't one is retarded.

And I'll give you an example of benefits by the way. The only reason I got a ps3 over an xbox was for blu-ray player (a decent one was just as expensive as a ps3) and free online. Which goes to my next point for this retarded moron:

What trite bullshit. More exclusives has led to more screwing over the community. If Sony and Xbox had to actually compete with each other, other than exclusives, they would have to find other ways to entice you to their services. Such as free online play.

You're an idiot.

>hardcore sonypony normies are waking up


salty as fuck

PS4 has it's place as a JRPG machine just like the PS3 did. Debate me.

Every single nintendrone, sonyfag, and xboner hates PC cucks who pirate everything and don't support the developer. Pic related, its you.

>The Last of Us

All on PC now that PS Now is available. You should probably update your list retarded shitposter.

Lol there is nothing in my post that even suggest I'm upset. Keep being retarded though.

>sonyponies are waking up to sony being dicks and not wanting mods
>nineelevens are waking up to nintendo being dicks and C&Ding everything
Now we only need the goyim to stop buying Intel and Nvidia and the world will be at peace.

I don't pirate though.

>da jooz xD
There's nothing wrong with PC gaming. Nothing.

It's literally all they have. Instead of sitting down and enjoying the games they have, they shitpost about what you don't* have.

*this usually involves totally ignoring the fact that people can have more than one console

Where do I fit in if the only reason I bought a PSP and PS3 was because I could pirate games on them?

>someone who gets what he wants and doesn't give a fuck
Bronies are so deep inside denial that they think them prepping a bull makes OTHERS cucks

Unless it's Intel or Nvidia, in which case it's literally die Juden pocketing your hard-earned shekels.

>Implying every single one of those fanbases don't pirate

What are PSP,PS Vita, PS3, 3DS,Wii u, and 360

It justifies their purchase, despite the fact that it's market manipulation.

Perhaps people want pretend they're in a war of consoles though, like an inherent need to be a part of a tribe.


Literally twitch plays pokemon with a controller

>I very rarely ever see PC master race fags bragging about it though.
>XCOM 2 comes out
>lol never ever consolefags :^))))

If there were no exclusives, each console would be too similar. There would be no reason to own one over PC. The 1 (ONE) thing that might convince someone to get a console would be their friends being on it too.

PC isn't one company though.

Probably for the same reason people buy mac, they don't want to deal with building a rig.

I've already addressed this. This would be good for console gamers. The companies would have to find other ways to entice you to get their products.

>I've already addressed this
Shut up faggot, no one cares you gotta explain how it wouldn't lead to monopoly again.

Then don't post the fucking nonsense again you autistic cocksucker.

Why do you console worshipers get so triggered when called out on your bullshit?

>The companies would have to find other ways to entice you to get their products.

Except that would be impossible, no matter how console companies try they would never find other way to catch the consumer attention if it werent for exclusives

Sorry but bullshit. Ignoring 1st party exclusives, which are perfectly fine, PS3 had multiple benefits over Xbox and vice versa, ignoring 3rd party exclusives. I've already given two examples of why.

>Car companies do this shit everyday
>"Literally impossible"

Wow, you guys are retarded.

Yes those each of those benefits which were already surpassed by PC so your argument is invalid

But these are consoles not cars

Not like everyone semi technologically literate soft modded their wii, PSP and PS2. And flashcarts on the DS were a fucking epidemic, parents were buying them for their kids it was so easy.

They would ALL eventually have the same eatures, barring a few discrepancies between graphical power. Still they'd be inferior to PC.
>upgrade when you want
>use any controller you want
>more backwards compatible than consoles
>use your own VoIP, any headset / mic, and have no limit to how many people can join your chat

Same concept retard. They have the exact same mechanics and purpose. The companies have to find other ways to appease people, which in turn is good for consumers.

Why are exclusives bad?

You could make the NX come with an ice cream dispenser and it will still be inferior to PC

>Yes those each of those benefits which were already surpassed by PC so your argument is invalid

Lol what? How does this invalidate my argument?

Ignoring your pc comment (wtf does that have to do with anything), again that's not true. And even if it is, which again it's not, it would still increase the standard across the board.

>Consoles need exclusives because they are inferior to PC

lmao these idiots aren't even hiding it anymore.

>wtf does it have to do with anything
Without exclusives, they can't compete with PC.
>It's not true because I said so!

Obviously you aren't paying attention.

"There is plenty of reasons for buying a console.

>1st party games
>extra options/benefits
>ease of access

I'm a PC gamer but I understand the benefit of consoles. Anyone who says there isn't one is retarded.

And I'll give you an example of benefits by the way. The only reason I got a ps3 over an xbox was for a blu-ray player (a decent one was just as expensive as a ps3) and free online."

Well yeah that's common knowledge, if Nintendo suddenly released all the WiiU games to PC I'd thrown that shit to the garbage a long time ago

1st party exclusives are an entire different ballgame. Nintendo would be retarded to do that and I don't blame them.

Then you're tripping on your words, this thread is about why exclusives are bad and yet the people who complain about them at the same time are defending it

No, if you pay attention, I previously said 1st party exclusives are fine and an actual benefit to console gaming. It would be retarded for Sony to release Sony made game so other consoles. Same for everyone else. 3rd party exclusives are the problem/

Try reading the entire thread before you jump in as if you know shit.

>You have to read every post!
Moving on.

>Ease of options
>Ease of access
>I can't set up a PC to play on my big screen while I sit and play from couch
>First party games
Aren't you arguing for no exclusives? You really can't use this then.

Name 5 (FIVE) reasons to buy a console if they have no exclusives.

Read your own damn OP, >Why do faggot console supporters believe exclusives are a good thing?
>believe exclusives are a good thing
No mention of third party.

>1st party exclusives
What about companies who pay for 3rd developers to make games for them? IE: Bayonetta 2

They have all the right to make the game exclusive for that system because they paid for those expenses, it wouldn't be wise of them to release it to other systems since they would be leeching of their investment