I got a ps3 recently. What should I play tonight?
I got a ps3 recently. What should I play tonight?
you cant play anything because the ps3 has no games
Nice collection to be honest. I would play MGS4 only because I replayed it and its in my recent memory. such a sick game
Have you not played any of them? If that's the case then SotC
get the sly collection and the last of us but for now play metal gear
Play Demon's Souls
Haven't played any of them personally, watched a playthrough of SOTC though.
first you should stop drinking Guinness
Have you gotten Sly Cooper 4? It's a really fun game, also where's ni no kuni?
>tfw you thought floating PS3 games
>instantly try to formulate PS4 games holding PS3 games joke
I never had bottled Guinness and I had to know how shit it was.
Generally an IPA guy
Oh i have a PS3 too the only game i have is Killzone 2,should i play? I dont power on since....
user there are like 5 there pick one it's not hard
where? i dont see anything
Is Snake Eater hard/janky or am I just bad or not used to older stealth mechanics?
Oh man, I'm playing through mgs2 right now and having a blast. If you've never played it before it's a must.
Play it on easy and do a melee only run, shit's hilarious as fuck
look closer
Should I buy ni no Kuni guys
some good taste my dude, I bought a PSTriple not too long ago too and I'm looking to buy some games I missed out on. I'm all about keeping my library fairly small but packed with quality games.
here's my life of stuff to get so far:
motorstorm pacific rift
soth/ico collection
jak and daxter collection
ratchet and clank collection
sly cooper collection
metal gear solid legacy collection
sly cooper: thieves in time
okami hd
ni no kuni
twisted metal
the last of us
demon's souls
theres nothing
are you looking hard enough?
>literally over a half are rehashes from PS2
was the xbone your first console
Name 360 exclusives on par with them.
Dead Rising
Shadow Complex
Blue Dragon
Lost Odyssey
Forza Motorsport 2
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
Ninja Gaiden II
Gears of War 2
Project Gotham Racing 3
Dead or Alive 4
Fable II
Viva Pinata
Ace Combat 6
Amped 3
Saints Row
thanks bruh
Half of those are objectively shit.
You did Okay OP. Those are some solid picks.
MGS: Collection was the best value for my dollar I've ever had. Start with that, then mix up some Demon's Souls. After that you can jump to a quieter game like SOTC.
Haven't played Nier but it seems to be hit or miss depending on the person. So check that out too.
whatever you say my man
>watches and spoils entire experiences of games
>people do this and then unironically still play the game
>some people don't even play, but still talk about it like they did
when will this fresh new cancer die off?
I totally missed this game.
How did Sly 4 stack up to the others?
its better than 3
Play NieR and cry, faggot.
When I did it 3-4 years ago I didn't think I'd get a PS3.
Haven't played Ico either.
Project Gotham Racing 4 was a shockingly photorealistic game for 2007. It was basically the Xbox 360's Driveclub fairly early in its cycle, AND it's actually a good game. Shit ton of weather options, you can walk around your garage (as usual), and it has Geometry Wars: Waves.
one of the few truly unique game experiences ive ever had and something worth at least trying for everyone