9/9 is Yian Kut-Ku day!
Post all Yian Kut-Kus, and also Monster Hunter Thread.
9/9 is Yian Kut-Ku day!
Post all Yian Kut-Kus, and also Monster Hunter Thread.
>Take a week of trying to finish Wrath of Rath
>Do Golden Pair in one try
How's this day celebrated?
Fuck that chicken cunt.
By posting Yian Kut Kus silly
I know a lot of peopletalk shit but ive always been fond of this dopey pink bird
any monster that stands idle like this need to fuck off for good.
Kut Ku is garbage in every game except the g rank counterpart in 4U
Best birb
>Join friend room
>Friend of friend needs nibel scalps
>Okay, no prob. break his uvula and cap him
>Last hunt, place my trap too early, he limps away
>In room with him sleeping
>Idiots wake him up and proceed to kill him
He still got what he needed but damn
At least you can get Nibel Scalps from both carving and capping.
I die a little inside whenever I see people spamming "PLZ BREAK CLAW" in Mizu lobbies and then trying to capture.
>breaking Mizu's claws
>Always bounce off and it always dies before one breaks
>bring Samus's Arm Cannon that has rapid fire lighting Lv1
>Both claws broken in a matter of seconds, but it still dies way too fast.
Desire sensor makes people desperate
I remember my first kut-ku
bashed his stupid fucking skull in with my hunting horn
Felt good, perfect hight for nonstop head hits
Yian Kut-Ku is for bullying! Bullying!!
kut-ku and friends
God damn I hate kut ku, that faggot run of his pisses me off so much.
Is there a more satisfying feeling than hitting a Yian Kut Ku in the beak with a hammer?
yian kut ku looks fuckin retarded with its spindly limbs and oversized head
will not miss it when its deleted.
Who wants to hunt?
so 60% of mh4u's cast needs to fuck off
I do but I'm still in LR
>he doesn't like wyverns
Kutku is a literal meme monster that needs to get either trashed or reworked.
I'm up for whatever
Mh4u was literal garbage because of so many shit gen 1&2 monsters and the shitty ledge meme
The new monsters it does add are great, but there is too much filler from the old games, so as a result, 3U remains the best monster hunter
Kut-ku has been my favorite monster since MH1
cool rathian, bro.
This game actually looks fun
I really need to take a day and find all the videos I can of this game, it looks really good.
is this from Stories too?
Celebrate Kut-Ku day by killing one!
HR turns room
Thanks. I'll join now.
I'm working on getting out of LR.
4U was way more fun to play than 3U man.
most of the gen 1 and 2 monsters were the good ones anyway, which they decided to remove from gen for literally no reason so every shitter gen 1 and 2 monster sours the pot a whole lot more than they'd done in 4U after also taking into account the better 3rd and 4th gen monsters that were removed.
No Gravios, No Basarios, No Diablos, and No Monoblos sucks, and almost every earlier returning gen monster shares animations or body configuration with another monster from that gen to culminate in frustrating and overly boring fights that feel "samey".
in gen we get Blangonga AND Rajang
in gen we get Arzuros, Lagombi, Volvidon, Crimsonhelm Arzuros, AND Snowbaron Lagombi
in gen we get 7 raths if you include Astalos
in gen we get Velocidrome, Gendrome AND Iodrome
in gen we get two electric Zinogres, two Water Hermitaurs (AND CEANETAUR FUCK), two Ice Lagombis, two fire/sleep Uragaans, two functionally identical nargas, THREE YIANs, SEVEN RATHS, we LOST Nerscylla cause reasons????? and the only new monster that gets a variant/sub-species is Glavenus so all that time spent designing Maccao, Malfestio, Gammoth, Mizutsune and Nakarkos are essentially delegated to easy-peasy early HR fights with next to no reason to go back and fight them outside of hyper missions, nor the opportunity to fight even stronger sub-species/deviant variants of those monsters.
don't you shit on 4u. 4U was frustrating in it's end-game 140GQ difficulty and that's about it's only flaw compared to Gen's broken multiplayer code, lack of g-rank, lack of sub-species, awful selection of monsters, and wasted potential with all the newest monsters being mid-game difficulty at best, while all the worst choices for monsters have end-game deviants, of which IG and CB only get 4 of the 11 deviant weapons cause clearly this game wasn't rushed.
What armour goes best w/ Seregios hammer in Gen? Gonna get Ex Kaiser whenever we see that DLC.
>In addition to the popular franchise’s upcoming 3DS RPG Monster Hunter Stories, Capcom has plans for a new Monster Hunter title and more according to their financial results briefing for the year ended March 31, 2016.
>Keep in mind that two million units isn’t exactly the number Capcom would expect from a main entry Monster Hunter title, but we’ll likely hear about a new spinoff title for the series [for console] in addition to Monster Hunter Stories, based on what was mentioned in the financial results briefing.
>Capcom will stream Tokyo Game Show 2016 live from the show floor on September 15 from 20:00 JST, and September 17 and 18 from 10:00 to 17:00 each day. Expect the latest information on Capcom’s upcoming lineup.
I thought that Glavenus had more health
so its not Stories.
People are expecting a G version of X/Generations but I'm still hoping for a new numbered title.
I bet it will still be 3DS though.
I like how the shitpost is interlaced so you can't quite tell it's there unless you know what to look for.
>no subspecies!
>WAAAHHHHHHHHH redhelm and snowbaron
>in gen we get 7 raths if you include Astalos
Which is retarded in the first place. Astalos is about as similar to Rathalos as Seregios is.
>Blangonga and Rajang
>Not top tier monsters.
A new numbered title won't have so short a marketing campaign (roughly 3 months) and will have more than 2 million sales target. That's why logical sense dictate that it's MHXG.
if I ever met a yian kut-ku in real life I'd glass him just for the laugh
deviants aren't sub-species.
Sub-species have different elements, ailments and weaknesses.
Deviant's are literally the same monster except 1 new move and 150% bigger. This applies to every deviant except Hellbade Glavenus which is actually technically a sub-species because normal Glavenus has fireblight while Hellblade has fireblight and blastblight, as well as pretty different hitzone damages. It somewhat applies to Silverwind Nargacuga too as it's wind-slashes cause the bleeding ailment which regular nargacuga can't do - but is functionally more identical to fight as nargacuga compared to Lucent Nargacuga who at least did new shit like turn invisible and cause poison.
I appreciate your lazy shitpost. apply yourself next time.
What do Yian Kut-Kus taste like?
>subspecies of monster in the literal sense of the word
>no it's not a subspecies because of my inane, arbitrarily defined characteristics!
Raths prove you wrong. Raths are mascot monsters. Japs hate your poorly misconstrued chimp-tier opinions. You lost, buddy, cry me a river.
seregios is substantially different than the raths with it's own unique moveset and movement patterns. Astalos does all the same shit as raths except electric instead of fire and poison, with just a few new moves sprinkled on top. Nigger even has the same mounting animation.
Astalos is as different from a rath as Dreadking is different to an LR rath. It's not substantial enough to say it's "retarded" to think they're dissimilar.
I agree, the name is cute, it's nose is cute, and it's roar is cute.
However Nibel fights like shit, I like fishing though so I guess that helps make up for it.
It's actually Cirno day
I don't know what your problem is but its a brain problem and I don't have it so I can't communicate properly with you. I'm sorry you got butthurt over the fact that deviants aren't sub-species.
Get that weebshit away from my semi-weebshit right now!
>tfw 97% completion on Guild Card
All that I have left is literal RNG and Grinding, gotta get the small crowns, 5 cats to 50 and 3000 Bhernra points. Getting the small crowns alone will probably take 100 hours on its own and I'm not sure I'm up to it again after doing it in 4U.
Different elements and weakness only apply to half if not less than half of them.
Blue Kutku, Black gravios, Purple Gypceros, Plum Hermitaur
Most times, their weaknesses are just tweaked a little bit to favor a different element, but still weak to the same elements
Deviants are not subs dude. Even the japanese term for it, "two named monsters" doesn't imply subspecies.
>"Why does everyone hate Najarala so much? The tripping is annoying but the fight is easy and it's a cool design"
>G-Rank Najarala
>Throws out twice as many scales and can set them off while moving to surround you
>If you get stunned by the sound of a scale landing near you it'll do this before you can recover
Welp I'm not soloing this shit until I get more defense
>write a 2000 word essay on why you hate 3U monsters and deviants
>call others butthurt
top kek, project any harder and you'll become a betamax.
I bet you can't even say why today is Kut Ku day.
Stygian Zinogre, Sand Zamtrios, Desert Seltas/queen, Emerald Congala, ice Najarala, Steel Uragaan, Jade Barroth, Sand Barrioth, red Gigginox, Lunastra/Teostra, (every?) Fatalis, Oroshi Kirin, i can go on nigger.
they offer different fights by having different elements and ailments. I don't even know what you're goin on about that it only applies to half of them unless you're only looking at the shitty gen 1 and 2 monsters that are present in Gen while disregarding the better gen 1 and 2 monsters that had been present in 4U. Ruby Basarios to Basarios, Diablos compared to Monoblos - and their sub-species differences.
There's a hell of a lot more variety in monsters with traditional sub-species than the 11 deviants in gen.
Not him, but I can't. Why is it kutku day?
One spot opened up
Japanese name is iyan kukku
9 is kyu in nip speak
Kukku is close to 9 9.
Tad ah 9/9 is Yian Kut Ku day.
Japanese name for Kut Ku is Kukku, クック.
The number 9 can be pronounced as "ku" or "kyu" is Japanese.
So Kukku is double 9, 9/9.
this is stupid.
japanese people are stupid.
monster hunter is stupid.
MH4U, come chill and be comfy
>Astalos does all the same shit as raths except electric
No the fuck he doesn't. We clearly have not fought the same monster. The only thing they have in common are the tail spin (shared by all wyverns) and breath attacks, and Astalos' works completely differently anyway.
What's a good HR armor set for aerial switch axe?
Kinda like how they call all frontier monsters rath clones
>Hunting on my old 3ds xl
>Pushing forward on the circle pad doesn't work sometimes
How good is the new 3ds nipple for monster hunter? Does MHG run any better on the new 3ds?
>You need crowns for guild card completion
And here I thought I would actually try completing it this time
The fuck man
Room for one more
the nipple is annoying shit.
it is super stiff so it does not feel like you are turning the camera fast enough. it feels like it is gonna rip sooner or later if you play alot of faster action heavy games like MH.
The new 3ds XL has better frame rate and the controls are great for monster hunter.
I picked up some Cyber ・Premium Slide Pad Covers, since the main joystick is a bit slick and a dreamGear grip since I have bigger hands and it's more comfortable to play with that on the 3ds.
The new 3ds xl works super well and the new c-stick functions perfectly for MH games, so the circle pad pro attachment is completely obsolete. The large screen is also so much better and really improves the experience.
>nipple stiff
>not turning fast enough
>Not understanding all you need is a gentle touch and that putting your weight into it won't make the camera spin any faster.
k user.
I'm 99% positive you have needed all the crown sizes in every game that has had variable monster sizes.
>the only thing they have in common are literally every move a rath has, and astalos works completely differently anyway.
>just soloed my first Dreadqueen
>takes as long as a Hyper Seregios
>use less healing items on the latter
Why is this allowed?
The only animations Astalos shares with the Raths are the generic walk and flying animations. All of its attacks are unique. Even the tail spin is different, it does half a spin and then a tail slam with a lightning blast instead of the standard canned two spins every other wyvern has.
Hyper or not, Seregios has a hard time hitting anyone in the first place. Only remotely dangerous move it has is the big swoop.
Seregios is kind of a glass cannon, Rathian is meant to be on the tankier side.
Makes sense.
He's trolling.
When was the last time Astalos did a triple instant charge or a roar + backhop fireball?
More-so meant the fact that w/ the Dreadqueen being like 66% of the health of the Hyper Seregios yet taking the same time. Using less items is just a bonus. Agreed that Seregios is a cake-walk.
Their health might be the same, but what about weakpoints? IIRC Seregios' weakpoints are his legs and face, both of which are always ridiculously safe compared to standing anywhere in the general vicinity of a Rath.
The invading Glavenus from the mushroom gathering quest have a lot more health try it, is fun.
Should I buy this Yian Kut-Ku plush y/n
I guess so. I usually aim for the face regardless being a hammer user atm. I also had a better weapon for w/ the Rath
Steve takes way more damage in pretty much every possible hitzone
Dreadqueen doesn't have a single hitzone over 45 unless you break her face, which is a pain unless you're sleepbombing
Dq Rath only has a weak spot on the head once it's broken, and only for BM. Gunners get shafted.
>Kill a monster
>Every Jaggi, Ludroth, Cephalos, Bullfango, and Blango within 20 miles hears you carving and wants to hang out with you
How do I stop this from happening? Nothing makes me more upset.
Sonic Bombs
>sexual mount/pinned message
>"I set up us a bomb!"
>anime quote for their Hunting Arts usually wrong for the attack used
>Edgy Roleplaying
>weebspeak desu
>anything relating to Trump
>Anything related to Harame if hunting Balalonga or Rajang
Be honest, will I be hindering myself in anyway in multiplayer if i turned chat off during a hunt?