>"I saw some data that really influenced me," he continues. "It suggested that there's a dip mid-console lifecycle where the players who want the very best graphical experience will start to migrate to PC, because that's obviously where it’s to be had."

>"We wanted to keep those people within our eco-system by giving them the very best and very highest [performance quality]."

Other urls found in this thread:

We killed Sega
We killed Nintendo
We killed Microsoft

and PC is next.

House: Our biggest opponent is our greed. We're currently losing the battle by a large margin.

Microsoft and Valve are working overtime to kill PC themselves.

Are you guys getting ready for sony and microsoft gpus to hit the market in five years?

And their strategy to win PCfags over is with paid online and no mods?

Literally never. Neither of those companies do anything worthwhile. They just assemble components other people made and slap a buggy OS in it.

>‘PC will die this year,’ says increasingly nervous man for seventh time this year



Technically PC is a dead irrelevant platform so its already dead in a sense


Neofag cumbreaths pls go


name me 5 good pc exclusives from the past three years, oh wait you fucking cant because PC """""""gaming"""""""" hasnt been relevant since HL2

PC gaming isn't for exclusive games, it's for the hardware superiority.

>it's for the hardware superiority.
to play what? shitty indie games that a fucking toaster can run? kek

I thought console have indie but again, you already used to it

Im just gonna copy paste my post from a previous thread.

>Ps4 owner here.
>So in what way does this fucking piece of shit compete with pc?
>>No 1080p/60 fps STANDARD
>>No backwards compatibility
>>No free multiplayer
>>No native performance boost from upgraded hardware for games without dev input
>>can't turn off shitty graphics settings
>The ONLY way this garbage somewhat competes is with the 4k meme that very FEW pc autists even use or care about, while still missing all of the RELEVANT reasons people game on pc in the first place.
>As someone who already owns a ps4, there is NO compelling reason for me to buy this "upgrade". FUCK YOU SONY!

GUYS! We need to stop peoples from going to gaming PCs, how about we:
>Makes peoples pay for online
>Kill the longevity advantage consoles had by introducing hardware updates
>Makes our games playable on PC via streaming
>Stop supporting the biggest source of exclusives we had for decades at Playstation, japanese devs. Let's stop advertising them too since they tend to trigger our nu-fanbase
>We should push meme Indie devs instead despite their games being better on PC anyway

Dota 2
Arma 3
Path of Exile
Europa Universalis IV
Pillars of Eternity

>pcucks spend $5000 on parts just to play this

holy fuck

Oh boy! I can either cutting-edge top-of-the-line technology for ~$1.5k that will last me for the next 4-6 years (and will also make my computer run better), and over which I have complete control and on which I can configure the settings of games to my liking,

OR I can buy hardware which is already outdated, and in fact would still have been outdated even back when the PS4 was launching (with outdated hardware), for $400 plus $60 per year for online, which will last me for the next 2 years until the new console comes out or they decide to release another mid-gen upgrade, the full graphical capability of which devs aren't allowed to use for fear of alienating PS4 users, and which will be woefully outclassed by the Scorpio which is coming along next year.

Hm. Tough call.

They've been trying for 10 years now

and it pretty much did, pc gaming is a joke now

Name me 5 good exclusive PS4 games
hardmode: don't name Bloodborne or just list every exclusice because they're not all good

I spent $500 to play that

Actually Sega, Nintendo and MS killed themselves.

>Dota 2
literal garbage
>Arma 3
decent but no great deal
>Path of Exile
literal garbage
>Europa Universalis IV
literal garbage
>Pillars of Eternity
literal garbage

I'm a PC cuck but hell you have bad taste.

Its miles better that the psshit

>sony says it's their main competitor

Sonycuck logic everyone

Do consolefags not realize that consoles are just shitty PC's with limited options?

A console is nothing more than a shitty PC with exclusives.

How about every game ever, even the ones that are on console, but with actual 60fps 1080p+?

t. sonycuck

shit taste

Go to bed sonyggers.